What's new
2023/04/20: A paper authored by Ryusei Mae, a master's course student (at the time of writing), is now published online in Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics.
2023/01/23: A paper authored by Yuki yamamoto, a doctoral course student, is now published online in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
- 2024/01/08-2024/01/11: Yachen Zhang and Yuki Yamamoto, doctoral course students, presented their papers at IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2024), which was held in Ha Long, Vietnam, from January 08 to 11, 2024.
2023/12/11: I gave a presentation at EUROMECH Colloquium 641: Non-smooth Dynamical Systems, which was held in Dublin from December 11 to 13, 2023.
2023/07/10: A preprint (unreviewed manuscript) of Mr. Ryusei Mae, a master's course student, is now online at Jxiv.
2023/07/10: A preprint (unreviewed manuscript) of Mr. Yuki Yamamoto, a doctoral course student, is now online at Jxiv.
- 2023/04/05: A paper authored by Mr. Ryo Nishimoto, a master's course student, is accepted for the publicatioin in IEEE Access.
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