FreeBSDにIRAF 2.16.1 をインストールする

最終更新 : Aug. 25, 2018; Feb. 17, 2016.


FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASEp9 (amd64) + IRAF 2.16.1 FreeBSD版 (2016/2/17) FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASEp2 (amd64) + IRAF 2.16.1 FreeBSD版 (2018/8/25)


IRAFファイル群ダウンロード 記事 にある、IRAF v2.16.1 バイナリ を取得する。
(2018/8/25追記) 上記リンクは残っているが、ダウンロードしても、合計 ~240 MBのtgzファイルのうち、~180 MBで止まってしまう。 サーバーのファイルが壊れている? (バックアップは秋田谷が所有しています。必要な方はご連絡ください。ソース からのFreeBSD用IRAFコンパイルにも挑戦しましたが、まだ成功に至っていません。)

user iraf用意

% su
# adduser 
Username: iraf
Full name: IRAF administrator

iraf ディレクトリ準備

% su
# mkdir /iraf
# mkdir /iraf/iraf
# chmod iraf:users /iraf/iraf    # irafディレクトリの所有者をirafに。

user irafでログイン


% tcsh


ファイル群の展開 (LinuxのIRAF2.16系と同じ要領で)

% cd /iraf/iraf
% tar xvfz (path)/iraf.fbsd.x86.tar.gz


% su
# tcsh
# setenv iraf /iraf/iraf/
# cd $iraf
#  ./install 
You are running as the root user: 
Install IRAF for all users on this machine? (yes): 
Proceeding with a system-wide install on this machine ...
                       IRAF v2.16.1 Installation

       Welcome to the IRAF installation script.   This script will first
  prompt you for several needed path names.   Once  the  installation is
  complete, you will be allowed to do some minimal system configuration.

  For each prompt: hit  to accept the default value, 'q' to quit,
  or 'help' or '?' to print an explanation of the prompt.

=====================  Query for System Settings  ======================

New iraf root directory (/iraf/iraf): 
Default root image storage directory (/iraf/imdirs): /tmp
Default root cache directory (/iraf/cache): /tmp
Local unix commands directory (/usr/local/bin): 
=====================  Verifying System Settings  ======================

Hostname      = tsugaru               OS version    = FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p9
Architecture  = freebsd               HSI arch      = freebsd             
Old iraf root = /home/fitz/iraf       New iraf root = /iraf/iraf          
Old imdir     = /home/fitz/.iraf/imdir/  New imdir     = /tmp
Old cache     = /home/fitz/.iraf/cache/  New cache     = /tmp

Local bin dir = /usr/local/bin      

Proceed with installation?  (yes): 

=========================  Begin Installation  =========================

Checking for existing commands directory...                    [  OK  ]

                             Editing Paths
Editing the user .login/.cshrc paths ...                       [  OK  ]
Editing iraf/imdir/cache paths into system files ...           [  OK  ]

                       Checking File Permissions
Checking iraf file permissions ...                             [  OK  ]
Checking imdir permissions ...                                 [  OK  ]
Checking cache permissions ...                                 [  OK  ]
Reset /tmp sticky bit setting ...                              [  OK  ]

                         Creating File Links
Checking for /iraf symlink ...                                 [  OK  ]
Checking /usr/include directory ...                            [  OK  ]
Creating  symlink ...                                  [  OK  ]
Creating iraf command links in local bin dir ...               [  OK  ]
Marking system update time hlib$utime ...                      [  OK  ]

                      Installing VOClient Code
Creating 'voclientd' symlink ...                               [  OK  ]
Creating 'voclient.jar' symlink ...                            [  OK  ]

                    Creating Graphics Device Files
Checking /usr/local/lib directory ...                          [  OK  ]
Creating /usr/local/lib/imtoolrc link ...                      [  OK  ]
Creating X11IRAF links ...                                     [  OK  ]

Congratulations!  IRAF has been successfully installed on this system.

    To begin using the system simply log in as any user and from the
directory you wish to use as your iraf login directory type:
          % mkiraf     # create a file
          % cl         # start IRAF

The 'iraf' user is already configured with a file so a simple
'cl' command is sufficient to start the system.
Additional user information can be found at the IRAF.NET web site:


Please contact with any questions or problems.

================  Installation Completed With No Errors  ===============


  % mkiraf
  % cl
     NOAO/IRAF PC-IRAF Revision 2.16.1 EXPORT Mon Oct 14 21:40:13 MST 2013
      This is the EXPORT version of IRAF V2.16 supporting PC systems.

  Welcome to IRAF.  To list the available commands, type ? or ??.  To get
  detailed information about a command, type `help '.  To run  a
  command  or  load  a  package,  type  its name.   Type  `bye' to exit a
  package, or `logout' to get out  of the CL.    Type `news' to find  out
  what is new in the version of the system you are using.  

  Visit if you have questions or to report problems.

      dataio.     language.   obsolete.   softools.   vo.         
      dbms.       lists.      plot.       system.     
      images.     noao.       proto.      utilities.  



秋田谷 洋