A. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 84 (2002)

1. Robertson, D. G., "A Patristic Theory of Proper Names", 1-19.

2. Street, T., "An Outline of Avicenna's Syllogistic", 129-160.

3. Wee, C., "Has Aristotle's Mind Been Changed?", 212-222.

4. Buchheim, T., "Was heißt Immanenz der Formen" bei Aristoteles?", 223-231.

5. Rother, W., "Nur Wesentliches, aber auch nach Möglichkeit alles Wesentliche in concisester Form": Zum alten und neuen Grundriß der Geschichte der Philosophie", 232-241.

6. Vasiliou, I., "Disputing Socratic Principles: Character and Argument in the "Polus Episode" of the Gorgias", 245-272.

7. Frankel, S., "Spinoza's Dual Teachings of Scripture: His Solution to the Quarrel between Reason and Revelation", 273-296.

8. Wardy, R., "Aristotle in China. Language, Categories and Translation. (Michael Friedrich)", 345-352.


B. Classical Quarterly 52 (2002)

9. Warren, J. I., "Democritus, the Epicureans, death, and dying", 193-206.

10. Crystal, I., "The scope of thought in Parmenides", 207-219.

11. Vasiliou, I., "Socrates'reverse irony", 220-230.

12. Phillips, J., "Plato's psychogonia in later Platonism", 231-247.

13. Svavarsson, S. H., "Pyrrho's dogmatic nature", 248-256.

14. Lautner, P., "The distinction between fantasiva and doxav in Proclus' in Timaeum", 257-269.

15. Reinhardt, T., "The speech of nature in Lucretius'De Rerum Natura 3.931-71", 291-304.

16. West, M. L., "Seventeen distorted mirrors in Plato", 380-381.

17. Allen, A., "Words amiss at Plato, Phaedo 118a1-4", 381-383.

18. Ferrari, G. R. F., "Plato, Republic 9.585c-d", 383-388.

19. Vancamp, B., "New light on an old crux: Plato, Philebus 66a8", 388-390.

20. Chang, K.-C., "Plato's form of the Beautiful in the Symposium Versus Aristotle's Unmoved Mover in the Metaphysics (L)", 431-446.

21. Steele, L. D., "Mesopotamian Elements in the Proem of Parmenides? Correspondences Between the Sun-Gods Helios and Shamash", 583-588.

22. Rubinelli, S., "The Invention of the Young Cicero", 612-615.


C. College English 65 (2002)

23. Hawhee, D., "Bodily Pedagogies: Rhetoric, Athletics, and the Sophists' Three Rs", 142-162.


D. Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana 22 (2002)

24. Guerrini, L., "Discussioni e postille: Tommaso Campanella e la sua opera. Su una recente silloge", 126-139.


E. Hermes 130 (2002)

25. Buchheit, V., "Laktanz und seine testimonia veritatis", 306-315.

26. Tornau, Chr., "Augustinus und das >>hidden curriculum<<", 316-337.

27. Drozdek, A., "Infinity in Chrysippus", 404-415.


F. Interpretation : a journal of political philosophy 30 (2002)

28. Treantafelles, J. S., "On the Teachability of Virtue: Political Philosophy's Paradox", 21-48.

29. Howland, J., "Love of Wisdom and Will to Order in Plato's Timaeus: On Peter Kalkavage's Translation", 93-105.

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30. Buzzetti, E., "The Rhetoric of Xenophon and the Treatment of Justice in the Memorabilia", 3-33.

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31. Adams, H., "Aristotle on "the Vulgar ": An Ethical and Social Examination", 133-152.

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32. Taylor, Q. P., "Public Deliberation and Popular Government in Aristotle's Politics", 241-260.

33. Collins, S. D., "The Problem of Law in Aristotle's Politics: A Response to Quentin Taylor", 261-264.


G. Islamic Quarterly 44 (2000)

34. Mohamed, I., "Concept of Predestination in Islam and Christianity: Special Reference to Averroes and Aquinas", 393-413.

35. Kennedy-Day, K., "Al-Kindi: A New Dibajah?", 429-433.


H. Journal of Philosophy 99 (2002)

36. Keeley, B. L., "Making Sense of the Senses: Individuating Modalities in Humans and Other Animals", 5-28.


I. Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (2002)

37. Halevi, L., "The Theologian's Doubts: Natural Philosophy and the Skeptical Games of Ghazali", 19-39.

38. Boyle, M. O'Rourke, "Pure of Heart: From Ancient Rites to Renaissance Plato", 41-62.

39. Osborne, T., "Faith, Philosophy, and the Nominalist Background to Luther's Defense of the Real Presence", 63-82.

40. Goodrum, M. R., "Atomism, Atheism, and the Spontaneous Generation of Human Beings: The Debate over a Natural Origin of the First Humans in Seventeenth-Century Britain", 207-224.

41. Harrison, P., "Original Sin and the Problem of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe", 239-259.

42. Elukin, J., "Maimonides and the Rise and Fall of the Sabians: Explaining Mosaic Laws and the Limits of Scholarship", 619-637.


J. Les études philosophiques (2002)

43. Boulnois, O., "Pour une histoire philosophique de la scolastique du XVIIe siècle", 1-2.

44. Forlivesi, M., "La distinction entre concept formel et concept objectif: Suárez, Pasqualigo, Mastri", 3-30.

45.Blum, P. R., "La métaphysique comme théologie naturelle: Bartolomeo Mastri", 31-47.

46. Büttgen, P., "L'attente universelle et les voix du prêche - Sur trois interprétations récentes de saint Paul en philosophie", 83-101.

47. Knebel, S. K., "Entre logique mentaliste et métaphysique conceptualiste: la distinctio rationis ratiocinantis", 145-168.

48. Schmutz, J., "Du péché de l'ange à la liberté d'indifférence. Les sources angélologiques de l'anthropologie moderne", 169-198.

49. Boulnois, O., "Le refoulement de la liberté d'indifférence et les polémiques anti-scotistes de la métaphysique moderne", 199-237.

50. Stevens, A., "Comment Merleau-Ponty renouvelle-t-il l'ontologie de la perception héritée d'Aristote?", 317-331.


K. Philosophisches Jahrbuch 109 (2002)

51. Schneider, J. H. J., "Zeit und Zeitlichkeit. Zur Modernität des Augustinischen Zeitverständnisses", 17-43.

52. Hedwig, K., "Über das Jetzt" (nunc) bei Thomas von Aquin", 114-129.


L. Philosophy 77 (2002)

53. Leftow, B., "Anselm's Neglected Argument", 331-347.

54. Buckle, S., "Aristotle's Republic or, Why Aristotle's Ethics Is Not Virtue Ethics", 565-595.


M. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (2002)

55. Hoffman, P., "Descartes's Theory of Distinction", 57-78.

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56. Whiting, J., "Eudaimonia, External Results, and Choosing Virtuous Actions for Themselves", 270-290.


N. Phronesis 47 (2002)

57. Dimas, P., "Happiness in the Euthydemus", 1-27.

58. Burnyeat, M. F., "DE ANIMA II 5", 28-90.

59. Deslauriers, M., "How to Distinguish Aristotle's Virtues", 101-126.

60. Ierodiakonou, K., "Aristotle's Use of Examples in the Prior Analytics", 127-152.

61. O'Keefe, T., "The Reductionist and Compatibilist Argument of Epicurus' On Nature, Book 25", 153-186.

62. Menn, S., "Plato and the Method of Analysis", 193-223.

63. Woolf, R., "Consistency and Akrasia in Plato's Protagoras", 224-252.

64. Schofield, M., "Leucippus, Democritus and the ouj ma'llon Principle: An Examination of Theophrastus Phys. Op. Fr. 8", 253-263.

65. Heinaman, R., "Plato's Division of Goods in the Republic", 309-335.

66. Grgiç, F., "Aristotle on the Akratic's Knowledge", 336-358.

67. Bobzien, S., "The Development of Modus Ponens in Antiquity: From Aristotle to the 2nd Century AD", 359-394.

68. O'Keefe, T., "The Cyrenaics on Pleasure, Happiness, and Future-Concern", 395-416.


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69. Downey, J. P., "Descartes's Real Argument", 1-9.

70. Leighton, S., "Aristotle's Account of Anger: Narcissism and Illusions of Self-Sufficiency", 23-45.


P. Review of Metaphysics 56 (2002)

71. Rescher, N., "Principia Philosophiae: On the Nature of Philosophical Principles", 3-17.

72. Abizadeh, A., "The Passions of the Wise: Phronêsis, Rhetoric, and Aristotle's Passionate Practical Deliberation", 267-296.

73. Maloney, T. S., "Roger Bacon on the Division of Statements into Single/Multiple and Simple/Composed", 297-321.

74. Meier, H., "Why Political Philosophy?", 385-407.

75. Deely, J., "The Absence of Analogy", 521-550.

76. Kochin, M. S., "Individual Narrative and Political Character", 691-709.

77. Lorberbaum, Y., "On Contradictions, Rationality, Dialectics, and Esotericism in Maimonides's Guide of the Perplexed", 711-750.

78. Reichberg, G. M., "Beyond Privation: Moral Evil in Aquinas's De malo", 751-784.

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81. Barnes, G. P., "The Paradoxes of Hylomorphism", 501-523.

82. Uffenheimer-Lippens, E, "Rationalized Passion and Passionate Rationality: Thomas Aquinas on the Relation between Reason and the Passions", 525-558.


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83. de Libera, A., "Des accidents aux tropes. Pierre Abélard", 509-530.


R. Revue philosophique de la France et de l'etranger (2002)

84. Viano, C., "<<Énésidème selon Héraclite>>: la substance corporelle du temps", 141-158.

85. Walter, M., "Être et temps dans le Parménide de Platon", 159-175.

86. Natali, C., "Temps et action dans la philosophie d'Aristote", 177-194.

87. Morel, P.-M., "Les ambiguïtés de la conception épicurienne du temps", 195-211.

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89.Sieben, H.-J., "Israels Wüstenwanderung (Num 33) in der Auslegung des Hieronymus und des Origenes. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Spiritualität und der origenistischen Streitigkeiten", 1-22.

90. Sala, G. B., "Das Böse und Gott als Erstursache nach dem hl. Thomas von Aquin", 23-53.

91. Lössl, J., "Der Glaubensbegriff des Klemens von Alexandrien im Kontext der hellenistischen Philosophie", 321-337.

92. Schäfer, Ch., "Die ontologische Realdistinktion im Liber de Causis. Zum philosophiegeschichtlichen Ursprung eines metaphysischen Hauptgedankens bei Thomas von Aquin und den Thomisten", 518-531.


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93. Bieler, M., "Gott und sein Ebenbild", 1003-1024.


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94. O'Callaghan, J. P., "Aquinas's Rejection of Mind, contra Kenny", 15-59.

95. Jones, J. D., "Aquinas on Human Well-Being and the Necessities of Life", 61-99.

96. Cahalan, J. C., "Natural Obligation: How Rationally Known Truth Determines Ethical Good and Evil", 101-132.

97. West, J. L. A., "Aquinas on the Metaphysics of Esse in Christ", 231-250.

98. Grygiel, W. P., "The Metaphysics of Chaos: A Thomistic View of Entropy and Evolution", 251-266.

99. Guevin, B. M., "When a Lie is not a Lie: the Importance of Ethical Context", 267-274.

100. Reichberg, G. M., "Is There a "Presumption against War" in Aquinas's Ethics?", 337-367.

101. Mansini, G., "Episcopal Munera and the Character of Episcopal Orders", 369-394.

102. Leyering, M., "Beyond the Jamesian Impasse in Trinitarian Theology", 395-420.

103. McCluskey, C., "Intellective Appetite and the Freedom of Human Action", 421-456.

104. Upton, T. V., "The Law of Non-Contradiction and Aristotle's Epistemological Realism", 457-471.

105. McMahon, K. A., "Karl Rahner and the Theology of Human Origins", 499-517.

106. Goyette, J., "Substantial Form and the Recovery of an Aristotelian Natural Science", 519-533.

107. Augros, R. M., "Nature Acts for an End", 535-575.

108. White, A. L., "Instinct and Custom", 577-605.

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110. Halfwassen, J., "Sein als uneingeschränkte Fülle. Zur Vorgeschichte des ontologischen Gottesbeweises im antiken Platonismus", 497-516.

111. Hüttemann, A., "Chaos und Naturgesetz -- Cartesische Probleme", 517-544.

112. Halbach, V., "War Descartes erkenntnistheoretischer Voluntarist?", 545-562.