Chen-Gackstatter surface family

First constructed by C. C. Chen and F. Gackstatter for $j=1,2$ and $k=1$. Then generalized by N. do Espírito Santo, H. Karcher, E. Thayer, K. Sato, M. Weber and M. Wolf, and so on.

Drag to Rotate, Scroll the Mouse Wheel to Scale, Ctrl+Drag to Translate.
$j=2$, $k=1$, $a_2\approx 1.71268$, $c\approx 0.757998$.

Drag to Rotate, Scroll the Mouse Wheel to Scale, Ctrl+Drag to Translate.
$j=3$, $k=3$, $a_2\approx 2.33030$, $a_3\approx 3.11944$, $c\approx 2.09840$.

Weierstrass Data

\[ \overline{M}=\left\{(z,w)\in(\mathbb{C}\cup\{\infty\})^2\;;\;w^{k+1}=\frac{z\prod_{1\le m\le j/2}(z^2-a_{2m}^2)}{\prod_{1\le n\le (j+1)/2}(z^2-a_{2n-1}^2)}\right\}, \] where $j$, $k$, $m$, $n$ are positive integers and $a_1,\dots,a_j$ are real such that $1=a_1\lt a_2\lt \cdots\lt a_j$. \[ M=\begin{cases} \overline{M}\setminus\{(\infty ,\infty)\} & \text{(for $j$ even)}, \\ \overline{M}\setminus\{(\infty ,0)\} & \text{(for $j$ odd)}, \end{cases} \] \[ g=cw^k,\qquad \eta = \frac{dz}{w^k}, \] where $c$ is a positive real constant. For given $j$ and $k$, we can choose $a_2,\ldots ,a_j$, and $c$ so that $f$ is single valued on $M$.


This surface is topologically a compact surface of genus $jk$ with one point removed. The animation below shows the deformation between the surface with $j=k=1$ and the standard torus with a disk removed.

$j=k=1$, $c\approx 1.20787$.