
We are seeking prospective graduate students and funded postdocs with an interest in terrestrial ecosystems (forest, farmland, grassland, urban), biodiversity (birds, mammals, insects, trees), and global change (climate change, land use change, habitat degradation/fragmentation, landscape modification, etc.). 
Both fieldwork and non-fieldwork approaches are welcome: see potential topics.
International Student Life in Hiroshima 

Prospective Students

Admission and General Information
(Hiroshima University)

MSc Opportunities

We are pleased to nominate motivated students for a national graduate-level scholarship in Japan to pursue a Master’s degree.
Important Notes
There are two types of application:
  1. Embassy Recommendation You should not contact professors directly. You need to pass the initial screening with the embassy first. Afterward, the university can connect you with your desired supervisor.
    Please carefully review the university-provided instructions.
  2. University Recommendation You can reach out to your preferred supervisors via email. In our lab, we kindly request the following documents:
    i) Transcripts – you should have an outstanding GPA
    ii) CV – include any relevant skills and experiences
    iii) Research Proposal (or a Statement of Research Interest and Motivation)
    iv) Proof of Language Proficiency – IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, or JLPT (if available)
    v) Publications (if any, not necessarily required)
  • We welcome students with a strong background in Ecology or any one of the related fields (Forestry, Biology, Environmental Science, Geography, AgricultureInformatics, Statistics, or Computer Science). Experience in fieldwork, GIS, data analysis, or programming is also valued.
  • Students who intend to pursue a PhD after masters are particularly prioritized.

PhD Opportunities

Hiroshima University provides plenty of opportunities to financially support PhD students.  
  1. Research Scholarship for Doctoral Students fully covers tuition fees of 540,000 JPY per year for three years, guaranteed for every “non-funded” student (check out details in the link).
  2. Hiroshima University Postgraduate Advancement Project includes further extensive opportunities:
  • Next-Generation Fellowship (NEW SPRING) offers 190,000 JPY per month for living expenses + 400,000 JPY per year for an independent research grant, for three years.
  • Research Fellowship offers 150,000 JPY per month for living expenses + 300,000 JPY per year for an independent research grant, for three years.
  • STEM Female Research Fellowship offers 19,000 JPY per month for living expenses + 400,000 JPY per year for an independent research grant, for three years.
  • Pursuing a PhD in our lab is possible by suggesting one of the senior faculty members (associate or full professors) as your formal supervisor, with Masumi Hisano as a co-supervisor (for Master’s degrees, he is qualified to serve as the primary supervisor).
  • Applicants with a strong background in Ecology or any one of the related fields (Forestry, Biology, Environmental Science, Geography, AgricultureInformatics, Statistics, Computer Science) or experiences (Fieldwork, GIS, Data Analysis, Programing) are welcome.

Postdoc Opportunities

We do not currently have specific funding to hire postdocs. However, we are pleased to nominate outstanding candidates for a national postdoctoral scholarship in Japan.

Visiting Scholar Opportunities


Feel free to contact us for any consultation!

CV and publication records are greatly appreciated for the initial contact ☺
Email: mhisano[at]


Potential Example Topics

The following research topics are ongoing and currently being pursued.
We also welcome any self-motivated topics beyond these areas, through collaboration with our colleagues and external institutes.

Forest Ecosystems

  • Impacts of climate change on forest ecosystem functioning and plant diversity
  • The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in forest ecosystems
  • Plant functional traits and climatic environmental factors


  • Patterns in avian communities in relation to agricultural land and urban greenspaces
  • Functioning of artificial wetlands (created agricultural wetlands) and corridors (hedgerows, greenbelts, small woodlands)
  • Basic ecology and habitat use of birds
  • Behavioural ecology and colonial nesting of kestrels
  • Ecosystem services provided by birds

Mammals (carnivores)

  • Any topics using camera traps
  • Any topics using field sign surveys and faecal sampling, e.g., dietary analysis
  • Developing novel methods to estimate population density of small mammals


  • Impacts of climate change and land use changes on diversity of butterflies and ground-dwelling beetles
  • Plant-insect interactions (e.g., pollination) in relation to landscape ecology
