Google Scholar ResearchGate



Including Hisano's earlier work conducted in Dr. Han Chen's research group
  1. Ding X, Reich PB, Hisano M, Chen HYH. 2024. Long-term stability of productivity increases with tree diversity in Canadian forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (49), e2405108121.
  2. Xu W, Hisano M. 2024. Spatial variation in boreal forest responses to global environmental change in western Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 335, 110140 (Open Access).
  3. Hisano M, Ghazoul J, Chen X, Chen HYH. 2024. Functional diversity enhances dryland forest productivity under long-term climate change. Science Advances 10, eadn4152: 1-12 (Open Access).
    - EurekAlert
    - 生態学者
    - Press release (Kyoto University)
  4. Chen X, Taylor A, Reich PB, Hisano M, Chen HYH, Chang XS. 2023. Tree diversity increases decadal forest soil carbon and nitrogen accrual. Nature 618, 94–101.
    - Michigan News
    - 生態学者
  5. LaRue E, Knott J, Domke G, Chen HYH, Qinfeng G, Hisano M, Oswalt C, Oswalt S, Kong N, Potter KM, Fei S 2023. Structural diversity as a reliable and novel predictor for ecosystem productivity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21, 33-39 (Open Access).
  6. Evans MJ, Barton P, Niwa S, Soga M, Seibold S, Tsuchiya K, Hisano M 2022. Climate-driven divergent long-term trends of forest beetles in Japan. Ecology Letters 25, 2009-2021.
  7. Chen X, Hisano M, Taylor A, Chen HYH. 2022. The effects of functional diversity and identity (acquisitive versus conservative strategies) on soil carbon stocks are dependent on environmental context. Forest Ecology and Management 503, 119820.
  8. Hisano M, Ryo M, Chen X, Chen HYH 2021. Rapid functional shifts across high latitude forests over the last 65 years. Global Change Biology 27, 3846-3858.
  9. Hisano M, Chen HYH 2020. Spatial variations in climate modifies effects of functional diversity on biomass dynamics in natural forests across Canada. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29, 682– 695.
  10. Hisano M, Chen HYH, Searle EB, Reich PB 2019. Species-rich boreal forests grew more and suffered less mortality than species-poor forests under the environmental change of the past half-century. Ecology Letters 22 (6), 999-1008.
  11. Hisano M, Searle EB, Chen HYH 2018. Biodiversity as a solution to mitigate climate change impacts on the functioning of forest ecosystems. Biological Reviews 93 (1), 439-456.
    Led by research groups at the University of Tokyo
  12. Mori AS, Suzuki KF, Soga M, Ota T, Hisano M, Arata Y, Tochigi K, Kawamura K, Ehara M, Hotta W, Nakama K, Aikawa T, Shibata R, Nakao F, Kuramoto Y, Hirose M, Sano K, Spake R, Mizoue N 2025. Assessing the priorities of stakeholders regarding forest ecosystem services in Japan. Journal of Applied Ecology (Open Access).
    - 日本経済新聞
    - Press release (university of Tokyo)
    - Press release (Kyushu University)
  13. Gish M, Hisano M, Soga M 2024. Does aversion to insects affect insecticide use? An elusive answer calls for improved methods in biophobia research People and Nature 6 (3), 1001-1014 (Open Access).
  14. Tsunoda H, Hisano M, Enomoto T, Saito MU 2025. Anthropogenic disturbance mediates trophic niche overlap between sympatric generalist predators. Integrative Zoology (accepted).
  15. Hisano M, Nakabayashi M, Ohte N, Evans MJ 2025. Urban records of the Japanese marten (Martes melampus) in a small woodland patch in central Japan. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 74 (24126), 1-9 (Open Access).
  16. 久野真純・本村健・大手信人 2024. 京都府南部の小面積孤立林 (京都大学・宇治キャンパス構内) におけるハイタカ Accipiter nisus の記録. 森林研究 83, 1-4.
    Hisano M, Motomura K, Ohte N 2024. A record of the sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus in an isolated small forest patch of urban landscape in central Japan. Forest Research 83, 1-4 (in Japanese; Open Access).
  17. 久野真純 2023. 京都府南部の市街地内 (京都大学・宇治キャンパス) で確認されたフクロウ Strix uralensis の記録. 森林研究 82, 29-32.
    Hisano M 2023 Urban sighting of the Ural owl Strix uralensis on the Uji Campus of Kyoto University, Kyoto, western Japan. Forest Research 82, 29-32 (in Japanese; Open Access).
  18. Deguchi S, Ueda Y, Hisano M 2022. Temperature and snow depth explain the breeding distribution pattern of Yellow Bunting Emberiza sulphurata. Ornithological Science 21, 133-143.
  19. Hisano M, Evans MJ, Soga M, Tsunoda H 2022. Red foxes in Japan show adaptability in prey resource according to geography and season: a meta-analysis. Ecological Research 37, 197-214 (Open Access).
  20. 久野真純・出口翔大 2021. 河北潟干拓地とその周辺における鳥類多様性の農地タイプ間での比較. 河北潟総合研究 24: 1-7.
    Hisano M, Deguchi S 2021. Comparing avian diversity among different types of farmlands in an area of Kahokugata Lake, central Japan. Kahokugata Lake Science 24, 1-7 (in Japanese; Open Access).
  21. Hisano M, Newman C 2020. Adaptations to prey base in the hypercarnivorous leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 32, 324-335.
  22. Hisano M 2020. Toward a better understanding of the Japanese Marten Martes melampus diet. Small Carnivore Conservation 58, e58009 (Open Access).
  23. Hisano M 2019. Insectivory characteristics of the Japanese marten (Martes melampus): a qualitative review. Zoology and Ecology 29, 69-75 (Open Access).
  24. Hisano M, C Newman, S Deguchi, Y Kaneko 2019 Thermal forest zone explains regional variations in the diet composition of the Japanese marten (Martes melampus). Mammalian Biology 95, 173-180.
  25. Tsunoda M, Y Kaneko, T Sako, R Koizumi, K Iwasaki, I Mitsuhashi, M Saito, M Hisano, C Newman, DW Macdonald, CD Buesching 2019. Human disturbance affects latrine‐use patterns of raccoon dogs. The Journal of Wildlife Management 83 (3), 728-736.
    - Inside Science
    - Journey (Page 18; Alumni Magazine of Lakehead University)
  26. Hisano M 2018. Frugivory of the Stone Marten (Martes foina Erxl.) in Bulgaria–a review from an urban perspective. ZooNotes 119, 1-4 (an open access journal of Plovdiv University).
  27. Hisano M, S Deguchi 2018. Reviewing frugivory characteristics of the Japanese marten (Martes melampus). Zoology and Ecology 28 (1), 10-20.
  28. Iwama M, K Yamazaki, M Matsuyama, Y Hoshino, M Hisano, C Newman, Y Kaneko 2017. Masked palm civet Paguma larvata summer diet differs between sexes in a suburban area of central Japan. Mammal Study 42 (3), 185-190.
  29. Hisano M, L Hoshino, S Kamada, R Masuda, C Newman, Y Kaneko 2017. A comparison of visual and genetic techniques for identifying Japanese marten scats-enabling diet examination in relation to seasonal food availability in a sub-alpine area of Japan. Zoological Science 34 (2), 137-146.
  30. Hisano M, EG Raichev, S Peeva, H Tsunoda, C Newman, R Masuda, DM Georgiev, Y Kaneko 2016. Comparing the summer diet of stone martens (Martes foina) in urban and natural habitats in Central Bulgaria. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 28 (3), 295-311.
  31. Hisano M, EG Raichev, S Peeva, D Georgiev, H Tsunoda, R Masuda, Y Kaneko 2014. Notes on autumn-winter stomach contents of the stone marten (Martes foina) in the Balkan Mountains, Central Bulgaria. ZooNotes 56, 1-6 (an open access journal of Plovdiv University).
  32. Hisano M, EG Raichev, H Tsunoda, R Masuda, Y Kaneko 2013. Winter diet of the stone marten (Martes foina) in central Bulgaria. Mammal Study 38 (4), 293-298.


書籍 (分担執筆)
知られざる食肉目動物の多様な世界~東欧と日本~』 増田隆一・金子弥生 編著 中西出版
"Diversity of Carnivora in East Europe and Japan": Masuda R & Kaneko Y (Eds.)  295 pages.
  1. 久野真純 (2022) 4章:テンの食性と多様性, pp. 88-98.
    Hisano M 2022 Chapter 4: Variation in Food Habit of Martens. In: Diversity of Carnivora in East Europe and Japan (R. Masuda and Y. Kaneko, Eds.), pp. 88-98. Nakanishi Publishing, Sapporo.
  2. 久野真純 (2022) 13章:ブルガリアにおける研究留学, pp. 238-249.
    Hisano M 2022 Chapter 13: Academic Stay in Bulgaria. In: Diversity of Carnivora in East Europe and Japan (R. Masuda and Y. Kaneko, Eds.), pp. 238-249. Nakanishi Publishing, Sapporo.
  3. 天池庸介, 久野真純 (2022) ちょっと知りたいコラム03:どうやって糞を発見し,なんの動物の糞かを判断するの?, pp. 122-125.
    Amaike Y, Hisano M 2022 Column 03: How do we find and identify feces. In: Diversity of Carnivora in East Europe and Japan (R. Masuda and Y. Kaneko, Eds.), pp. 122-125. Nakanishi Publishing, Sapporo.
  4. 久野真純 (2022) ちょっと知りたいコラム04:食性分析の方法, pp. 126-129.
    Hisano M 2022 Column 04: Methods of Dietary Analysis. In: Diversity of Carnivora in East Europe and Japan (R. Masuda and Y. Kaneko, Eds.), pp. 126-129. Nakanishi Publishing, Sapporo.
  5. 久野真純 (2022) ちょっと知りたいコラム11:ブルガリアの学生とのかかわり, pp. 264-267.
    Hisano M 2022 Column 11: Personal Interactions with Students in Bulgaria. In: Diversity of Carnivora in East Europe and Japan (R. Masuda and Y. Kaneko, Eds.), pp. 264-267. Nakanishi Publishing, Sapporo.
  6. 執筆者全員 (2022) ちょっと知りたいコラム12:なぜ研究者になろうと思ったのか?何が楽しいのか?, pp. 273.
    All the authors 2022 Column 12: Why Did We Want to Be Researchers, and What are the Fun Things? In: Diversity of Carnivora in East Europe and Japan (R. Masuda and Y. Kaneko, Eds.), pp. 273. Nakanishi Publishing, Sapporo.