Details of our researches

Mechanisms of Molecular Self-assembly, Manipulation of a single molecules for molecular devices.
Characterization using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Organic molecule has a large potential for future electronic devices.
Self-assembly behaviors and electronic properties are analyzed by STM and AFM to use them for the devices.

Synthesis and characterization of Graphene and nanostructures

Fabrication of graphene nanostructures including graphene nanomesh that has a bandgap by bottom-up process is a key for application to electronic devices because of their precise control of the structure.
We are developing the method of the bottom-up process for graphene nanostructures, which are analyzed by STM and XPS.

Molecuar detection using a single nanopore

Excitation of fluorescent molecule by near-field around a nanopore can be applied to a single molecular detection devices. We are developping the techniques for realize such devices.
Control of Self-spreading of lipid bilayers by patterned self-assembled monolayer.

Surfaces coated by a self-assembled monolayer influence self-spreading behaviors of lipid bilayers, which can be applied to control of molecular transfer on the surface.@
Control of motor protein by surface nanostructures

Functions of motor protein are controlled by nanostructures on a surface. It can be applied to the molecuar transfer in micro TAS.
We are developping a new control techniques by using nanostructures and plasmons.

under construction

under construction.