Earth and Thermodynamics Laboratory
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University.
Dr. of Sci. Hokkaido University.
Research associate, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) 1992-1995.
Senior researcher, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 1997-2004.
・ Role of thermodynamics in the Earth climate system and other non-equilibrium systems.
・ General interests in pattern formation in dissipative systems.
・ Thermodynamic approach to a theory of turbulence.
・ Quantitative GAIA hypothesis.
・ Journal Special Issue: Thermodynamics of Dissipative Structures and Related Emergent Phenomena (link).
・ Workshop on Maximum Entropy Production: Earth, Life and Physical Approaches, Kyoto, Japan (link).
・ Google Scholar (link).
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Kinosita, Segregated ice growth on a microporous filter, J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 132, 113-124, 1989.
Introduced in American Scientist (Vol. 101, No. 5, 2013) by J. R. Carter.
・ Ozawa, H., and A. Ohmura, Thermodynamics of a global-mean state of the atmosphere--A state of maximum entropy increase, J. Climate 10, 441-445, 1997.
・ Ozawa, H., Thermodynamics of frost heaving: A thermodynamic proposition for dynamic phenomena, Physical Review E 56, 2811-2816, 1997.
Introduced in Physics News Update and Physics News Graphics by P. F. Schewe at AIP.
introduced in New Scientist (No. 2099, 13 Sept. 1997, p. 20) by B. Crystall and in Parity (Vol. 12, No. 11, 1997, p. 36).
・ Ozawa, H., K. Goto-Azuma, K. Iwanami, and R. M. Koerner, Cirriform rotor cloud observed on a Canadian Arctic ice cap, Monthly Weather Review 126, 1741-1745, 1998.
・ Shimokawa, S., and H. Ozawa, The entropy production rate in the ocean general circulation system, in Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling (Ed. A. Staniforth) WMO (Geneva) 8.41-42, 1998.
・ Minobe, S., Y. Kanamoto, N. Okada, H. Ozawa, and M. Ikeda, Plume structures in deep convection of rotating fluid, Nagare Multimedia 2000, Nagare 19, 2000.
・ Shimokawa, S., and H. Ozawa, On the thermodynamics of the oceanic general circulation: Entropy increase rate of an open dissipative system and its surroundings, Tellus A 53, 266-277, 2001.
・ Ozawa, H., S. Shimokawa, and H. Sakuma, Thermodynamics of fluid turbulence: A unified approach to the maximum transport properties, Physical Review E 64, 026303, 2001.
・ Shimokawa, S., and H. Ozawa, On the thermodynamics of the oceanic general circulation: Irreversible transition to a state with higher rate of entropy production, Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc. 128, 2115-2128, 2002.
Introduced in Science 299, 837-838, 2003 and Nature 436, 905-907, 2005.
・ Ozawa, H., A. Ohmura, R. D. Lorenz, and T. Pujol, The second law of thermodynamics and the global climate system: A review of the maximum entropy production principle, Reviews of Geophysics 41, 1018, 2003 (doi: 10.1029/2002RG000113).
・ Shimokawa, S., and H. Ozawa, Thermodynamics of the ocean circulation: A global perspective on the ocean system and living systems, in "Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and the Production of Entropy: Life, Earth, and Beyond" (A. Kleidon and R. D. Lorenz, Eds.) Chap. 10, 121-134, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005.
・ Shimokawa, S., and H. Ozawa, Thermodynamics of irreversible transitions in the oceanic general circulation, Geophysical Research Letters 34, L12606, 2007 (doi: 10.1029/2007GL030208).
Introduced in AGU Journal Highlights (Editor’s Highlight).
・ Nohguchi, Y., and H. Ozawa, On the vortex formation at the moving front of lightweight granular particles, Physica D 238, 20-26, 2009.
・ Shimokawa, S., and H. Ozawa, Thermodynamics of the oceanic general circulation - Is the abyssal circulation a heat engine or a mechanical pump?, in "Thermodynamics - Interaction Studies - Solids, Liquids and Gases" (J. C. Moreno-Piraján, Ed.) Chap. 6, 147-162, InTech, Rijika, 2011.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, The time evolution of entropy production in nonlinear dynamic systems, in "Beyond the Second Law: Entropy Production and Non-Equilibrium Systems” (R. C. Dewar, C. H. Lineweaver, R. K. Niven, and K. Regenauer-Lieb, Eds.) Chap. 6, 113-128, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
・ Fukumura, Y., and H. Ozawa, Entropy production in planetary atmospheres and its applications, in "Beyond the Second Law: Entropy Production and Non-Equilibrium Systems” (R. C. Dewar, C. H. Lineweaver, R. K. Niven, and K. Regenauer-Lieb, Eds.) Chap. 11, 225-239, Springer, Berlin, 2014.
・ Shimokawa, S., T. Kayahara, and H. Ozawa, Maximum potential intensity of typhoon as information for possible natural disaster, Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management 6, 69-81, 2014.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, Thermodynamics of a tropical cyclone: generation and dissipation of mechanical energy in a self-driven convection system, Tellus A 67, 24216, 2015 (doi: 10.3402/tellusa.v67.24216).
・ Niven, R. K., and H. Ozawa, Entropy production extremum principles, in "Handbook of Applied Hydrology" (V. P. Singh, Ed.), Chap. 32, 1-7, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2017.
・ Tewari, K., S. K. Mishra, A. Dewan and H. Ozawa, Effects of the Antarctic elevation on the atmospheric circulation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 143, 1487-1499, 2021.
・ Tewari, K., S. K. Mishra, A. Dewan, G. Dogra and H. Ozawa, Influence of the height of Antarctic ice sheet on its climate, Polar Science 28, 100642, 2021.
・ Tewari, K., S. K. Mishra, P. Salunke, H. Ozawa and A. Dewan, Potential effects of the projected Antarctic sea-ice loss on the climate system, Climate Dynamics 60, 589-601, 2023.
・ Ozawa, H., S. Murayama-Ogino and A. Kleidon, Thermodynamics of morphogenesis: Beading and branching pattern formation in diffusion-driven salt finger plumes, Entropy (2025, in press).
・ Ozawa, H., Thermodynamics of frost heaving: Non-Newtonian dynamics found in a nonequilibrium system and its implication for general dynamic phenomena, in Book of Abstracts, XXth IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Paris, UNESCO, POa02/37, 1998.
・ Ozawa, H. and A. Ohmura, On self-regulation of the atmosphere at a state of maximum entropy increase, in Abstracts, Nonlinear Variability in Geophysics and Astrophysics 4, EGS Richardson conference, Roscoff, France, 41, 1998.
・ Ozawa, H., S. Shimokawa, H. Sakuma, and A. Ohmura, Entropy and climate: the nature of entropy change in the global climate system, EOS transactions 80, F31, 1999.
・ Ozawa, H., S. Shimokawa, S. Minobe, and H. Sakuma, Entropy and climate II: A unified approach to the long-term stability of the global climate and fluid turbulence, EOS transactions 82, S211, 2001.
・ Ozawa, H. and A. Ohmura, The second law of thermodynamics and the global climate: A review (invited), EOS transactions 82, S12, 2001.
・ Ozawa, H., S. Shimokawa, and H. Sakuma, A unified theory of turbulence: Maximum entropy increase due to turbulent dissipation in fluid systems from laboratory-scale turbulence to global-scale circulations, Geophysical Research Abstracts 4, 00799, 2002.
・ Ozawa, H., Maximum entropy production in the climate system: Validation with numerical models and its implication, Daisyworld and Beyond Workshop, Edinburgh, 2002.
・ Ozawa, H., Applications of the maximum entropy production principle to the climate system and granular flows, Maximum Entropy Production Workshop, INRA Bordeaux, 2003.
・ Ozawa, H., The nature of entropy change in the global climate system: A review of the maximum entropy production principle, Geophysical Research Abstracts 5, 04742, 2003.
・ Ozawa, H., S. Shimokawa, S. Minobe, and H. Sakuma, A general tendency of turbulent fluid systems toward a state of maximum entropy production revealed by numerical experiments, Geophysical Research Abstracts 5, 04752, 2003.
・ Ozawa, H., S. Shimokawa, and H. Terasaka, Dynamic regulation of the global climate system and fluid turbulence at states of maximum entropy production, AOGS 1st Annual Meeting, Singapore, 2004.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, Entropy reduction and regular pattern formation in a nonlinear non-equilibrium system: An energetic approach, EOS transactions 86, NG23A-0092, 2005.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, Maximum entropy production and regular pattern formation in nonlinear non-equilibrium phenomena, 4th International Meeting on Maximum Entropy Production in Physics and Biology, Split, Croatia, 2006.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, Maximum extraction and dissipation of available energy: Homogeneous turbulence, ocean circulation and tropical cyclones, Computational Modelling of the Earth/Life System: A Workshop on Daisyworld and the Principle of Maximum Entropy Production, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, Kolmogorov’s power law of turbulence deduced from a state of maximum entropy production, Workshop on Maximum Entropy Production: Earth, Life and Physical Approaches, Kyoto, Japan, 2008.
・ Ozawa, H., Maximum entropy production and regular pattern formation in systems far from equilibrium, Workshop on Maximum Entropy Production in the Earth System, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany, 2009.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, Generation and dissipation of mechanical work in a self-driven convection system, Workshop on Maximum Entropy Production in the Earth System, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany, 2009.
・ Niven, R., and H. Ozawa, Conditional derivation of the maximum entropy production principle and its application to planetary climate systems, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, 14060, 2011.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, Entropy production in non-equilibrium systems: A min/max paradox in regime selection of nonlinear phenomena, Workshop on Maximum Entropy Production, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 2011.
・ Ozawa, H., and S. Shimokawa, General characteristics of entropy production in nonlinear dynamic systems, in Proceedings of the 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference (M. Pilotelli and G.P. Beretta, Eds.) 121-126, 2013.
・ Renner, M., A. Kleidon, C. Dhara and H. Ozawa, Using spatial variations of surface radiation to constrain the global temperature sensitivity to surface radiative change, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20, 7879, 2018.
Global Fluid Dynamics and Natural Pattern Formation (Part 1, 2).
Atmospheric Science (Part 1, 2, 3).
For foreign students/researchers.
For domestic students/researchers.
Hisashi Ozawa, Dr./Associate Professor
Earth and Thermodynamics Laboratory
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Hiroshima University
Kagamiyama 1-7-1
Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8521, Japan
Phone: +81 82 422 7111
Fax: +81 82 424 0758
E-mail: hozawa AT
(Last updated 18 January, 2025)