a line-drawing program:
Input format
input a parallelepiped: cube lx ly lz input a m-column: colu m r hz input a m-pyramid: pyra m r hz translation: tran n tx ty tz rotation: rota n axis ang scaling: scal n sx sy sz set a window: wind xwl ywl xwh ywh set a viewport: view xvl yvl xvh yvh set a viewpoint: eyep xv yv zv set a view reference point: refp xf yf zf perspective projection: proj display: disp (fn) quit: quit
n: object number(numbering in order of input sequences n = 1, 2, ... ) tx, ty, tz: translation toward x, y, z-axes axis: axis of rotation(x, y, z) ang: angle of rotation [degree] sx, sy, sz: scaling factors of x, y, z-axes xv, yv, zv: coordinates of a viewpoint xf, yf, zf: coordinates of a view reference point fn: output file name(line segment data)
Sample data
input data file in text format
Example of drawing
output file of line segment data
Conversion of line segment data into an EPS file
shell script (UNIX) : seg2eps
header file: seg2eps.head
footer file: seg2eps.tail
How to display a PS file to screen
JAVA documents
(By courtesy of Prof. Nishita at University of Tokyo)
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