GMT on Mac OSX 10.3 using FINK (for precompiled binary package)

This method works on 10.3.1 as of Nov. 20, 2003.

As of November 2002, "install_gmt" script supplied by GMT homepage
cannot complete GMT install on Mac OSX 10.2. Please use fink instead of
the script. Installation has been successful in Mac OSX 10.3.1 as of
Nov. 2003. Many Thanks to Dr. Kengo Miyahara, Kyoto, Japan.

1. Install Mac OSX 10.3 and update to 10.3.1.

2. Install Developer Tools are not necessary.

3. Set new root password using, if you have not set it yet.
[localhost/-] yourname% sudo passwd root
Password: (administrator's password)
New Password: (new password for the root. This may be the same as the administrator's.)

4. Install fink
Visit Fink - Home,
Open download page and install following the procedures in Quick Start section.
After installation, check the top page for later updates and install them if needed.
After saving init.csh, you need to open new shell in

5. Install gmt with this command in Terminal:
[localhost/-] yourname% sudo apt-get update
Password: your password
[localhost/-] yourname% sudo apt-get install gmt
Password: your password

6. GMT files are all in the /sw/ directory.
Download full resolution coastline data and move to /sw/share/

7. Restart to start GMT. Enjoy!