Paleoseismology of Bay Area faults


The San Andreas fault system around the San Francisco Bay

D.P. Schwartz, D. Pantosti, S. Hecker, K. Okumura, K.E. Budding, and T.J. Powers [1992] Late Holocene behavior and seismogec potential of the Rodgers Creek fault zone, Sonoma County, California. in Borchardt, Glenn, and others eds., Proceedings of the Second Conference on Earthauake Hazards in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area, California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication, 113, 393-398.


Triangle-G trenching site on the Rodgers Creek fault looking to the north.

Schwartz, D.P., Okumura, K., Pantosti, D., and Powers, T.J. (1991)Paleoseismologic constraints on earthquake recurrence, San Andreas fault, Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 23-5, 98.


Trench on the San Andreas fault at Grizzly flat. "Hi Suzanne, are you working at night in the trench?"

Okumura, K., Schwartz, D. P., Pantosti, D., Hecker, S., Powers, T.J., and Cinti, F. (1991)Evidence of repeated earthquakes and recurrence time along the Rodgers Creek fault, Sonoma County, CA.EOS, Transactions, AGU, 72, 446-447.

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26 October 1996