# @(#)grdraster.info 1.3 02/08/99 # This file contains information on rasterfiles which are readable with grdraster. # This file must be named $(GMT_GRIDDIR)/grdraster.info where GMT_GRIDDIR is an # environmental variable [$GMTHOME/lib]. This file is read by grdraster at # run time. Any line beginning with a # will be treated as a comment; any other # line must have the following items, all on one line, one line per rasterfile: # # file_number "title string" "z units" -R -I GorP type scale offset NaNflag filename # # There must be white space between each item. "title string" and "z units" must # be enclosed in " ", and they may have white space within them. They are limited # to a maximum of 80 characters. No other quotation marks should be on a line. # The entire line should be writable in 320 characters. # # file_number is an integer used to tell grdraster which raster to read. It must # be unique to each raster. # "title string" is a brief description of the data. # "z units" describes the units of the data after they are scaled and offset. # -R/// describes the range of the raster in the usual GMT -R manner. # -I/ describes the sampling interval in the usual GMT -I manner. # GorP is either G or P, indicating Grid or Pixel registration. # type is one of the following, indicating the kind of data stored in the raster: # b bit data, either 0 or 1, one bit per data value. # u unsigned character data. # c signed character data. # d unsigned two-byte integer data. # i signed two-byte integer data. # scale is a number which should be multiplied on the raster value after read. # offset is a number which should be added to the [scaled] raster value. # NaNflag is a number which is written in the raster to represent NaN. # If all values in the raster represent data, NaNflag is none. # filename is the name the raster file. If filename begins with a "/", then # it will be treated as a complete name. If not, the complete name will # be formed as $(GMT_GRIDDIR)/filename. # # You will need to edit this to reflect which data you have installed on your # system: # 1 "ETOPO5 global topography" "m" -R0/359:55/-90/90 -I5m G i 1 0 none etopo5.i2 2 "US Elevations from USGS" "m" -R100/140/0/40 -I0.5m P i 0.3048 0 -9999 e100n40.dem 3 "Geosat/Seasat gravity from Haxby" "mGal" -R0/360/-90/90 -I5m G i 0.1 0 none haxby5m_faa.i2 4 "Geosat/Seasat geoid from Haxby" "m" -R0/360/-90/90 -I5m G i 0.001 0 none haxby5m_geoid.i2 5 "Sea floor age from Cande" "Ma" -R0/360/-90/90 -I5m P i 0.1 0 -30000 cande5m_ages.i2 6 "Sea floor age from Muller" "Ma" -R0/360/-72/72 -I6m G i 0.01 0 32767 scripps6m_ages.i2 7 "1=land, 0=sea bitmask" "T/F" -R0/360/-90/90 -I5m P b 1 0 none landsea.bits #8"title" "m" -Rw/e/s/n -Iinterval P i 1 0 none rasterfilename 11 "GTOPO30 antarcps topography" "m" -R-180/180/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 antarcpss.dem 12 "GTOPO30 e020n40 topography" "m" -R20/60/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e020n40s.dem 13 "GTOPO30 e020n90 topography" "m" -R20/60/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e020n90s.dem 14 "GTOPO30 e020s10 topography" "m" -R20/60/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e020s10s.dem 15 "GTOPO30 e060n40 topography" "m" -R60/100/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e060n40s.dem 16 "GTOPO30 e060n90 topography" "m" -R60/100/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e060n90s.dem 17 "GTOPO30 e060s10 topography" "m" -R60/100/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e060s10s.dem 18 "GTOPO30 e060s60 topography" "m" -R60/120/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e060s60s.dem 19 "GTOPO30 e100n40 topography" "m" -R100/140/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e100n40s.dem 20 "GTOPO30 e100n90 topography" "m" -R100/140/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e100n90s.dem 21 "GTOPO30 e100s10 topography" "m" -R100/140/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e100s10s.dem 22 "GTOPO30 e120s60 topography" "m" -R120/180/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e120s60s.dem 23 "GTOPO30 e140n40 topography" "m" -R140/180/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e140n40s.dem 24 "GTOPO30 e140n90 topography" "m" -R140/180/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e140n90s.dem 25 "GTOPO30 e140s10 topography" "m" -R140/180/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 e140s10s.dem 26 "GTOPO30 w000s60 topography" "m" -R0/60/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w000s60s.dem 27 "GTOPO30 w020n40 topography" "m" -R-20/20/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w020n40s.dem 28 "GTOPO30 w020n90 topography" "m" -R-20/20/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w020n90s.dem 29 "GTOPO30 w020s10 topography" "m" -R-20/20/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w020s10s.dem 30 "GTOPO30 w060n40 topography" "m" -R-60/-20/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w060n40s.dem 31 "GTOPO30 w060n90 topography" "m" -R-60/-20/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w060n90s.dem 32 "GTOPO30 w060s10 topography" "m" -R-60/-20/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w060s10s.dem 33 "GTOPO30 w060s60 topography" "m" -R-60/0/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w060s60s.dem 34 "GTOPO30 w100n40 topography" "m" -R-100/-60/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w100n40s.dem 35 "GTOPO30 w100n90 topography" "m" -R-100/-60/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w100n90s.dem 36 "GTOPO30 w100s10 topography" "m" -R-100/-60/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w100s10s.dem 37 "GTOPO30 w120s60 topography" "m" -R-120/-60/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w120s60s.dem 38 "GTOPO30 w140n40 topography" "m" -R-140/-100/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w140n40s.dem 39 "GTOPO30 w140n90 topography" "m" -R-140/-100/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w140n90s.dem 40 "GTOPO30 w140s10 topography" "m" -R-140/-100/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w140s10s.dem 41 "GTOPO30 w180n40 topography" "m" -R-180/-140/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w180n40s.dem 42 "GTOPO30 w180n90 topography" "m" -R-180/-140/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w180n90s.dem 43 "GTOPO30 w180s10 topography" "m" -R-180/-140/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w180s10s.dem 44 "GTOPO30 w180s60 topography" "m" -R-180/-120/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 w180s60s.dem #5 "Seasat? geoid from J. Marsh" "m" -R0/359.875/-60/70 -I0.125 G i 0.01 0 32765 marsh.geo #6 "Geosat gravity from Marks" "mGal" -R0/360/-72/-30 -I0.05/0.04 G i 0.01 0 32767 geosat30.bin #3 "Seasat gravity from Haxby" "mGal" -R0:05/360/-71:55/72 -I5m G i 0.1 0 none haxby.bin