POM-POM2/CELLULOSE SYNTHASE INTERACTING1 Is Essential for the Functional Association of Cellulose Synthase and Microtubules in Arabidopsis. Bringmann M, Li E, Sampathkumar A, Kocabek T, Hauser MT, Persson S. Plant Cell. 2012 Jan 31. PMID: 22294619
Mutation of a chitinase-like gene causes ectopic deposition of lignin aberrant cell shapes and overproduction of ethylene. Plant Cell. 2002 Jan;14(1):165-79. 2002, Zhong et al. Zhong R Kays SJ Schroeder BP Ye ZH.
Chitinase-like1/pom-pom1 and its homolog CTL2 are glucan-interacting proteins important for cellulose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Sánchez-Rodríguez C, Bauer S, Hématy K, Saxe F, Ibáñez AB, Vodermaier V, Konlechner C, Sampathkumar A, Rüggeberg M, Aichinger E, Neumetzler L, Burgert I, Somerville C, Hauser MT, Persson S. Plant Cell. 2012 Feb;24(2):589-607. Epub 2012 Feb 10. PMID: 22327741
STRING http://string-db.org/newstring_cgi/show_input_page.pl?UserId=ZPG9w8k1XZep&sessionId=FqSB2s1wjbc6 というデータベースでは、遺伝子間の関連に関するデータを見ることができる。 POM-POM1 は RSW1 (CESA1) と関連があることが示されている。
セルロース合成変異体リスト | 2008 ![]() | |||||||||
名前 | スクリーニング法 | 根端の肥大 | 遺伝子 | 糖濃度 | TAIRの論文リスト | コメント1 | コメント2 | 3 | 4 | |
CORE mutants | 糖濃度が高いと根端が肥大する | 肥大する | cobra = GPI anchor、 lion's tail = korrigan、 quill = procuste (Schindelman et al. 2001) | 糖が高濃度で根端が肥大 | Benfey PN、 Linstead PJ、 Roberts K、 Schiefelbein JW、 Hauser MT、 Aeschbacher RA. Root development in Arabidopsis: four mutants with dramatically altered root morphogenesis. Development. 1993 Sep;119(1):57-70. | Hauser MT、 Morikami A、 Benfey PN. Conditional root expansion mutants of Arabidopsis. Development. 1995 Apr;121(4):1237-52. | ||||
cob1 | 根端が肥大する | 肥大する | GPI-anchored cell surface protein | 高濃度の糖、塩ストレスで根端が肥大しセルロースが減る | http://arabidopsis.org/servlets/Search?type=publication&search_action=search&locus_tair_object_id=2173532&locus_name=AT5G60920 | 特に重要: Roudier F Fernandez AG Fujita M Himmelspach R Borner GH Schindelman G Song S Baskin TI Dupree P Wasteneys GO Benfey PN COBRA、 an Arabidopsis Extracellular Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Anchored Protein Specifically Controls Highly Anisotropic Expansion through Its Involvement in Cellulose Microfibril Orientation. PLANT CELL 2005 | この変異体も塩ストレスに感受性が高いことが示されている http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18436742?dopt=Abstract | 私が育成してみたら一応普通に生えるが少し勢いがない感じがした。さやが小さく、種子の取れる量が野生型よりも少なかった。 | ||
rsw1 | 31℃で根端が肥大する | 肥大する | CESA1 | http://arabidopsis.org/servlets/Search?type=publication&search_action=search&locus_tair_object_id=2127776&locus_name=AT4G32410 | rsw1-1 は温度感受性の変異 31℃ で根端が肥大する 常温では、高塩濃度の培地で生育が阻害されやすいことが報告されている (Kang JS et al. PNAS 105(15):5933-38のFig5 18℃で育成している 低温でもストレス条件下では変異形質が出ることがわかる) 30℃ではVSP遺伝子が恒常的に発現している(Ellis C 2002 cev1の論文に出てくる 22℃で5日育成 その後30℃で7日育成してRNAを抽出しノーザン) 変異は 549A → V のアミノ酸置換 結晶化しないセルロースの割合が増える | rsw1-2 は強い変異 embryo の形に異常が生じる 条件付けはない しかし芽生えまでは生育する {alpha}-Glucosidase I is required for cellulose biosynthesis and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis C. Stewart Gillmor Journal of Cell Biology (2002) 156(6):1003-1013 変異は 631G → S のアミノ酸置換 | rsw1-20 (780D -> N) rsw1-45 (779E -> K) もある Plant Physiol. (2002) 130(4):1883-93. Genetic complexity of cellulose synthase a gene function in Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Beeckman T et al. それらは22℃でも根が肥大するが、芽生えとして生育できているのでいくらか活性は残っているらしい 彼らの培地は 1/2 MS salt + 1.5% sucrose | タグラインで完全に機能を失う変異もある それらは gametophytic lethal 50% pollen grains from the heterozygous plants are signifivantly deformed. | ||
rsw2 | 30℃で根端が肥大する | 肥大する | an allele of korrigan membrane-bound glucanase | 2002 | Lane DR Lane DR Wiedemeier A Peng L Hofte H Vernhettes S Desprez T Hocart CH Birch RJ Baskin TI Burn JE Arioli T Betzner AS Williamson RE. Temperature-sensitive alleles of RSW2 link the KORRIGAN endo-1;4-beta-glucanase to cellulose synthesis and cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. | 塩ストレスに弱い CGL1 という蛋白質によって糖鎖を付加される cgl1 + rsw2 でフェノタイプが強くなる Role of complex N-glycans in plant stress tolerance. von Schaewen A Frank J Koiwa H. Plant Signal Behav. 2008 Oct;3(10):871-873. リンク | ||||
rsw3 | 30℃で根端が肥大する | 肥大する | ER alpha-glucosidase II | 2002 | Burn JE Burn JE Hurley UA Birch RJ Arioli T Cork A Williamson RE. The cellulose-deficient Arabidopsis mutant rsw3 is defective in a gene encoding a putative glucosidase II an enzyme processing N-glycans during ER quality control. Plant J. 2002 Dec;32(6):949-60. | |||||
acw1 | 30℃で根端が肥大する | 肥大する | membrane-bound glucanase | 2001 | Sato S Sato S Kato T Kakegawa K Ishii T Liu YG Awano T Takabe K Nishiyama Y Kuga S Sato S Nakamura Y Tabata S Shibata D. ' Role of the putative membrane-bound endo-1 4-beta-glucanase KORRIGAN in cell elongation and cellulose synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. 'Plant Cell Physiol. 2001 Mar;42(3):251-63. | |||||
kobito1 = abi8 = elongation defective 1 | 矮性 | plasma membrane protein kobito1 = ABI8 (Brocard-Gifford I 2004) abi8はglucose resistant | 2002 | Pagant S Pagant S Bichet A Sugimoto K Lerouxel O Desprez T McCann M Lerouge P Vernhettes S Hofte H. | ' KOBITO1 encodes a novel plasma membrane protein necessary for normal synthesis of cellulose during cell expansion in Arabidopsis. 'Plant Cell. 2002 Sep;14(9):2001-13. | |||||
cyt1 | Cytokinesis defective | mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase (GDP-mannose synthesis) | 1998-2001 | Nickle TC (1998) Lukowitz W (2001) Lukowitz W Nickle TC Meinke DW Last RL Conklin PL Somerville CR. ' Arabidopsis cyt1 mutants are deficient in a mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase and point to a requirement of N-linked glycosylation for cellulose biosynthesis. 'Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Feb 27;98(5):2262-7. | ||||||
knopf | embryo defective | ER alpha-glucosidase I | 2002 | Gillmor CS Gillmor CS Poindexter P Lorieau J Palcic MM Somerville C. ' Alpha-glucosidase I is required for cellulose biosynthesis and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. 'J Cell Biol. 2002 Mar 18;156(6):1003-13. | ||||||
ixr1 | isoxaben resistant | CESA3 = cev1 = eli1 | 2001 | Scheible WR Scheible WR Eshed R Richmond T Delmer D Somerville C. Modifications of cellulose synthase confer resistance to isoxaben and thiazolidinone herbicides in Arabidopsis Ixr1 mutants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Aug 28;98(18):10079-84. | ||||||
ixr2 | isoxaben resistant | CESA6 = procuste1 | 2002 | Desprez T Desprez T Vernhettes S Fagard M Refregier G Desnos T Aletti E Py N Pelletier S Hofte H. Resistance against herbicide isoxaben and cellulose deficiency caused by distinct mutations in same cellulose synthase isoform CESA6. Plant Physiol. 2002 Feb;128(2):482-90. | ||||||
procuste1 | decreased cell elongation specifically in roots and dark-grown hypocotyls | CESA6 = ixr2 | 2000 | Fagard M Fagard M Desnos T Desprez T Goubet F Refregier G Mouille G McCann M Rayon C Vernhettes S Hofte H. PROCUSTE1 encodes a cellulose synthase required for normal cell elongation specifically in roots and dark-grown hypocotyls of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2000 Dec;12(12):2409-2424. | ||||||
fackel (fk) | embryogenesis defects (body organization) | Sterol synthesis (sterol C-14 reductase) | 2000-2004 | Schrick K (2000 2004) Schrick K Fujioka S Takatsuto S Stierhof YD Stransky H Yoshida S Jurgens G. A link between sterol biosynthesis the cell wall and cellulose in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2004 Apr;38(2):227-43. Erratum in: Plant J. 2004 May;38(3): 562. | Schrick K Mayer U Horrichs A Kuhnt C Bellini C Dangl J Schmidt J Jurgens G. FACKEL is a sterol C-14 reductase required for organized cell division and expansion in Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Genes Dev. 2000 Jun 15;14(12):1471-84. | |||||
irx | fragile stem collapsing of xylem cells | IRX1 IRX2 IRX3 | 1997 | Turner SR Turner SR Somerville CR. Collapsed xylem phenotype of Arabidopsis identifies mutants deficient in cellulose deposition in the secondary cell wall. Plant Cell. 1997 May;9(5):689-701. | ||||||
irregular xylem1 | fragile stem collapsing of xylem cells | CesA8 | 1997 2003 | Taylor NG Taylor NG Howells RM Huttly AK Vickers K Turner SR. Interactions among three distinct CesA proteins essential for cellulose synthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Feb 4;100(3):1450-5. | ||||||
irregular xylem 2 | fragile stem collapsing of xylem cells | an allele of korrigan membrane-bound glucanase | 2004 | Szyjanowicz PM Szyjanowicz PM McKinnon I Taylor NG Gardiner J Jarvis MC Turner SR. The irregular xylem 2 mutant is an allele of korrigan that affects the secondary cell wall of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 2004 Mar;37(5):730-40. | ||||||
irregular xylem3 | fragile stem collapsing of xylem cells | CesA7 | 1999 | Taylor NG Taylor NG Scheible WR Cutler S Somerville CR Turner SR. The irregular xylem3 locus of Arabidopsis encodes a cellulose synthase required for secondary cell wall synthesis. Plant Cell. 1999 May;11(5):769-80. | ||||||
irregular xylem6 (irx6) | fragile stem collapsing of xylem cells | COBL4 | http://www.arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?name=AT5G15630&type=locus | |||||||
txr1 | Resistant to thaxtomin A | a small protein having homology with yeast Pam16p (Constituent of the mitochondrial import motor associated with the presequence translocase) | 2003 | Scheible WR Scheible WR Fry B Kochevenko A Schindelasch D Zimmerli L Somerville S Loria R Somerville CR. An Arabidopsis mutant resistant to thaxtomin A a cellulose synthesis inhibitor from Streptomyces species. Plant Cell. 2003 Aug;15(8):1781-94. | ||||||
korrigan | 糖濃度が高いと根端が肥大する | 肥大する | membrane-bound glucanase | 糖濃度が高いと根端が肥大する | 1998 2000 | Nicol F Zuo J Nicol F His I Jauneau A Vernhettes S Canut H Hofte H. A plasma membrane-bound putative endo-1 4-beta-D-glucanase is required for normal wall assembly and cell elongation in Arabidopsis. EMBO J. 1998 Oct 1;17(19):5563-76. | Plant Cell Vol. 12 1137-1152 July 2000 KORRIGAN an Arabidopsis Endo-1 4-β-Glucanase Localizes to the Cell Plate by Polarized Targeting and Is Essential for Cytokinesis Jianru Zuo Qi-Wen Niu Naoko Nishizawa Yan Wu Benedikt Kost and Nam-Hai Chua | |||
cev1 | constitutively active jasmonate and ethylene signal pathways | 根全体が少し太い:根毛が多い | CESA3 = eli1 | 2001-2002 | Ellis C Ellis C Karafyllidis I Wasternack C Turner JG. The Arabidopsis mutant cev1 links cell wall signaling to jasmonate and ethylene responses. Plant Cell. 2002 Jul;14(7):1557-66. Erratum in: Plant Cell 2002 Aug;14(8):1981. | Ellis C Turner JG. The Arabidopsis mutant cev1 has constitutively active jasmonate and ethylene signal pathways and enhanced resistance to pathogens. Plant Cell. 2001 May;13(5):1025-33. | ||||
eli1 | リグニンを過剰に合成する | 肥大する(Cano-Delgado の論文の写真) | CESA3 = cev1 | 2003 | Cano-Delgado A Cano-Delgado A Penfield S Smith C Catley M Bevan M. Reduced cellulose synthesis invokes lignification and defense responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 2003 May;34(3):351-62. | |||||
fragile fiber 5 (fra5) | 茎が折れやすい | CesA7 = irx3 | 2003 | Zhong R Zhong R Morrison WH 3rd Freshour GD Hahn MG Ye ZH. Expression of a mutant form of cellulose synthase AtCesA7 causes dominant negative effect on cellulose biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. 2003 Jun;132(2):786-95. | ||||||
BRITTLE CULM1(イネの変異体) | 茎が折れやすい | COBRA-like GPI-anchored cell surface protein | 2003 | Li Y et al. Li Y Qian Q Zhou Y Yan M Sun L Zhang M Fu Z Wang Y Han B Pang X Chen M Li J. BRITTLE CULM1 which encodes a COBRA-like protein affects the mechanical properties of rice plants. Plant Cell. 2003 Sep;15(9):2020-31. |