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2021年12月6日 12:50〜 環境植物共生学 ガイダンス
December 6, 2021 12:50 - Environmental Plant Sciences and Symbiotic Microbiology (2021),  Guidance
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My name is Naoki Nakagawa, and my major is plant physiology.
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In plant physiology, plant hormones play important roles in a variety of processes.
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As on-demand lectures for the third and fifth sessions of this lecture, I will give an explanation and introduce research papers on the relationship between symbiosis and plant hormones.

I will first give a brief explanation of what plant hormones are.

Next, I will briefly explain what has been studied and known about each of the plant hormones.

Next, I will explain in detail about the hormone strigolactone, which is closely related to symbiosis.

In the second half, I will introduce the research papers.

I will present the following papers. One paper on strigolactone, a hormone deeply involved in symbiosis, another paper on the effect of another hormone, gibberellin, on symbiosis, and a paper on the role of hormones in the inhibition of symbiosis by feeding phosphorus to plants.

As a report, I will give you some simple tests. You will be asked to answer them and submit them.

The on-demand lecture videos and tests will be prepared so that you can access them from Bb9.

That's all.