Recent updates

During the winter break, two papers I co-authored were published. The first discusses measurement prospects for photon polarization at the LHC in PbPb collisions. The second paper examines unitary triangles of the Lepton mixing matrix and the prospects of determining them using neutrino flavor physics. Additionally, I presented some work-in-progress at a conference in Nagasaki that focused on the FoCAL experiment at the LHC.

About me

I am a Postdoctoral researcher part of Hiroshima University, Particle and Hadron Theory Group. You can read our group about here. My research is focused on two different areas,

  1. heavy-ion collisions
  2. neutrino phenomenology

In heavy-ion collisions, the goal of my research is to understand the phases of hadronic matter and strong electromagnetic fields. I work with Professor Chiho Nonaka on models of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase of hadronic matter and solve them numerically.

My research in neutrino phenomenology has been focused on the theory of how flavor is defined in quantum field theories for massive neutrinos.

Some non-physics things I am interested in are,

Computer Volunteer Activities Others
Linux (Arch Linux mainly) International Exchange Music Theory
Julia Peace Activities Tea

You can also read more about me in the following interviews,

Picture of two cats resting on a bench in the sun. The picture was taken in Onomichi, Japan

Contact information

Education History

Sept. 2022 – Oct. 2019 | D.Sc. Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science

May 2019 – Sept. 2016 | M.Sc. University of Massachusetts of Dartmouth, Graduate School of Engineering

May 2015 – Sept. 2011 | B.Sc. Roger Williams University, School of Engineering

Work History

Now – May 2023 | Postdoctoral Researcher at Hiroshima University

Feb. 2021 – Oct. 2019 | Qualified Teaching Assistant (QTA) at Hiroshima University

Feb. 2021 – Oct. 2019 | Graduate Research Assistant (RA) at Hiroshima University

Sept. 2019 – Sept. 2015 | Electrical Engineer at Lockheed Martin Sippican RMS

May 2015 – Sept. 2013 | Student Academic Tutor and Fellow at Roger Williams University


I was a Japanese Government MEXT Scholar between April 2022 and September 2022. Also, I was awarded the Graduate Research Award from the UMass Dartmouth physics department in 2019 and the Professor Richard M. Heavers Memorial Award from the RWU physics department in 2014.