The intersection of two real forms in the complex hyperquadric,
Tohoku Math. J. 62 no.3 (2010), 375--382
(with M. S. Tanaka)
The intersection of two real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces
of compact type,
J. Math. Soc. Japan, 64 no.4 (2012), 1297--1332
(with M. S. Tanaka)
Antipodal sets of symmetric $R$-spaces,
Osaka J. Math. 50 no.1 (2013), 161--169
Antipodal sets in oriented real Grassmann manifolds,
Internat. J. Math. 24 no.8 (2013), 1350061-1-28
(with H. Iriyeh and T. Sakai)
Lagrangian Floer homology of a pair of real forms
in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type,
J. Math. Soc. Japan 65 no.4 (2013), 1135-1151
(with O. Ikawa and M. S. Tanaka)
The fixed point set of a holomorphic isometry and the intersection
of two real forms in the complex Grassmann manifold,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 106,
Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.),
ICM Satellite Conference on "Real and Complex Submanifolds",
(2014), 319-327
(with H. Iriyeh and T. Sakai)
Lagrangian intersection theory and Hamiltonian volume minimizing problem,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 106,
Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.),
ICM Satellite Conference on "Real and Complex Submanifolds",
(2014), 391-399
Sequences of maximal antipodal sets of oriented real Grassmann manifolds,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 106,
Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.),
ICM Satellite Conference on "Real and Complex Submanifolds",
(2014), 515-524
(with M. S. Tanaka)
The intersection of two real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces
of compact type II,
J. Math. Soc. Japan 67 (2015), 275--291
Estimates of antipodal sets in oriented real Grassmann manifolds,
"Global Analysis and Differential Geometry on Manifolds,"
(special issue: the Kobayashi memorial volume),
International Journal of Mathematics 26 no.5 (2015), 1541008-1-12
(with O. Ikawa and M. S. Tanaka)
The fixed point set of a holomorphic isometry,
the intersection of two real forms in
a Hermitian symmetric space of compact type
and symmetric triads,
"Global Analysis and Differential Geometry on Manifolds,"
(special issue: the Kobayashi memorial volume),
International Journal of Mathematics 26 no.5 (2015), 1541005-1-32
(with M. S. Tanaka)
Correction to:
``The intersection of two real forms
in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type'',
J. Math. Soc. Japan Vol.67, No.3 (2015), 1161-1168
Sequences of maximal antipodal sets of oriented real Grassmann manifolds II,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 203,
Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.), "Hermitian-Grassmannian Submanifolds",
(2017), 17-26
(with M. S. Tanaka)
Maximal antipodal subgroups of the automorphism groups of
compact Lie algebras,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 203,
Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.), "Hermitian-Grassmannian Submanifolds",
(2017), 39-47
(with M. S. Tanaka)
Maximal antipodal subgroups of some compact classical Lie groups,
Journal of Lie Theory, 27 (2017), No. 3, 801--829
(with H. Iriyeh and T. Sakai)
On the structure of the intersection of real flag manifolds
in a complex flag manifold,
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics
82, (2019), 87-98.
(with M. S. Tanaka)
Maximal antipodal sets of compact classical symmetric spaces
and their cardinalities I,
Differential Geometry and its Applications 73 (2020) 101682
(with M. S. Tanaka)
Addendum to: Maximal antipodal sets of compact classical symmetric
spaces and their cardinalities I,
Differential Geometry and its Applications 80 (2022) 101815
(with M. S. Tanaka)
Polars of disconnected compact Lie groups,
Contemporary Mathematics 777 (2022), 211-225
(with M. S. Tanaka and O. Yasukura)
Maximal antipodal sets related to G_2,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. vol.150 No.10 (2022), 4533-4542