

  1. The intersection of two real forms in the complex hyperquadric, Tohoku Math. J. 62 no.3 (2010), 375--382
  2. doi:10.2748/tmj/1287148617
  3. (with M. S. Tanaka) The intersection of two real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 64 no.4 (2012), 1297--1332
  4. doi:10.2969/jmsj/06441297
  5. (with M. S. Tanaka) Antipodal sets of symmetric $R$-spaces, Osaka J. Math. 50 no.1 (2013), 161--169
  6. http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ojm/1364390424
  7. Antipodal sets in oriented real Grassmann manifolds, Internat. J. Math. 24 no.8 (2013), 1350061-1-28
  8. doi:10.1142/S0129167X13500614
  9. (with H. Iriyeh and T. Sakai) Lagrangian Floer homology of a pair of real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type, J. Math. Soc. Japan 65 no.4 (2013), 1135-1151
  10. doi:10.2969/jmsj/06541135
  11. (with O. Ikawa and M. S. Tanaka) The fixed point set of a holomorphic isometry and the intersection of two real forms in the complex Grassmann manifold, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 106, Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.), ICM Satellite Conference on "Real and Complex Submanifolds", (2014), 319-327
  12. doi:10.1007/978-4-431-55215-4_28
  13. (with H. Iriyeh and T. Sakai) Lagrangian intersection theory and Hamiltonian volume minimizing problem, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 106, Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.), ICM Satellite Conference on "Real and Complex Submanifolds", (2014), 391-399
  14. doi:10.1007/978-4-431-55215-4_35
  15. Sequences of maximal antipodal sets of oriented real Grassmann manifolds, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 106, Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.), ICM Satellite Conference on "Real and Complex Submanifolds", (2014), 515-524
  16. doi:10.1007/978-4-431-55215-4_46
  17. (with M. S. Tanaka) The intersection of two real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type II, J. Math. Soc. Japan 67 (2015), 275--291
  18. doi:10.2969/jmsj/06710275
  19. Estimates of antipodal sets in oriented real Grassmann manifolds, "Global Analysis and Differential Geometry on Manifolds," (special issue: the Kobayashi memorial volume), International Journal of Mathematics 26 no.5 (2015), 1541008-1-12
  20. doi:10.1142/S0129167X15410086
  21. (with O. Ikawa and M. S. Tanaka) The fixed point set of a holomorphic isometry, the intersection of two real forms in a Hermitian symmetric space of compact type and symmetric triads, "Global Analysis and Differential Geometry on Manifolds," (special issue: the Kobayashi memorial volume), International Journal of Mathematics 26 no.5 (2015), 1541005-1-32
  22. doi:10.1142/S0129167X15410050
  23. (with M. S. Tanaka) Correction to: ``The intersection of two real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type'', J. Math. Soc. Japan Vol.67, No.3 (2015), 1161-1168
  24. doi:10.2969/jmsj/06731161
  25. Sequences of maximal antipodal sets of oriented real Grassmann manifolds II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 203, Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.), "Hermitian-Grassmannian Submanifolds", (2017), 17-26
  26. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-5556-0_2
  27. (with M. S. Tanaka) Maximal antipodal subgroups of the automorphism groups of compact Lie algebras, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 203, Y.J. Suh et al. (eds.), "Hermitian-Grassmannian Submanifolds", (2017), 39-47
  28. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-5556-0_4
  29. (with M. S. Tanaka) Maximal antipodal subgroups of some compact classical Lie groups, Journal of Lie Theory, 27 (2017), No. 3, 801--829
  30. (with H. Iriyeh and T. Sakai) On the structure of the intersection of real flag manifolds in a complex flag manifold, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 82, (2019), 87-98.
  31. (with M. S. Tanaka) Maximal antipodal sets of compact classical symmetric spaces and their cardinalities I, Differential Geometry and its Applications 73 (2020) 101682
  32. doi:10.1016/j.difgeo.2020.101682
  33. (with M. S. Tanaka) Addendum to: Maximal antipodal sets of compact classical symmetric spaces and their cardinalities I, Differential Geometry and its Applications 80 (2022) 101815
  34. doi:10.1016/j.difgeo.2021.101815
  35. (with M. S. Tanaka) Polars of disconnected compact Lie groups, Contemporary Mathematics 777 (2022), 211-225
  36. doi:10.1090/conm/777/15632
  37. (with M. S. Tanaka and O. Yasukura) Maximal antipodal sets related to G_2, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. vol.150 No.10 (2022), 4533-4542
  38. doi:10.1090/proc/15989
