- 2025.2. Koda-san obtained the Silver Award on her Master Thesis ( Analysis of Indoor Thermal Comfort in Public Apartments in the Hot-Humid Climate of Indonesia with Change of Material Compositions).
Congratulations, Koda-san!! NEW!!
- 2024.10. Assistant Professor Dr. Nikhil Kumar moved to Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi, and one member graduated from Hiroshima University in October, which please see the updated members.
- 2024.9. DeLCA members have participated in the 14th ISAIA(The International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia) 2024 KYOTO, then received the Academic Session Awards as follows
Congratulations for
Mr. Hanief Ariefman Sani on 「Effects of Closed-Vertical Void on Ventilation Performance in a Double-Loaded Apartment Building in Indonesia: Field Measurement」
Mr. Nikhil Kumar on 「Field Measurement on Natural Ventilation Strategies in a Midrise Apartment Building with Vertical Void in Indonesia to Improve Indoor Thermal Comfort」presented by Mr. Hanief Ariefman Sani
Ms. Riko Koda on 「Evaluation of Indoor Thermal Comfort in Public Apartments using Woods in the Hot-humid Climate of Indonesia」
Ms. Sri Rahma Apriliyanthi on 「Investigation on Occupants’ Adaptive Behavior and AC Ownership in Indonesia」
- 2024.4. Let us introduce that Prof. Kubota was interviewed by CMCC(Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici) in Italy and they kindly published it on their website.
More comfort, less carbon: Climate resilient housing in the Global South - Foresight (climateforesight.eu)
CMCC Foundation
- 2024.4. Three members graduated in March and new two members have joined in BUESA Lab in April, which please see the updated Members.
- 2023.11. Particle Measurement in the Void Space of Tegal Experimental House (written by Hanif-san) was uploaded in Activities.
- 2023.11. We had a welcome BBQ party at the park. We were very excited!
- 2023.10. The DeLCA meeting was held on October 18. Thirty-five people participated online.
- 2023.10. We will have a welcome BBQ party at the park. We are excited!
- 2023.10. The welcome meeting was held on October 6.
- 2023.10. Three new members joined our lab!
- 2023.9. Dr. Nikhil returned safely to Japan.
- 2023.9. Dr.Nikhil stayed in India. (3 weeks)
- 2023.9. Hanief san was awarded the 2023 Fall Student of the Year Award.
Congratulations, Hanief san!!
- 2023.9. Members returned safely from Indonesia.
- 2023.9. Prof. Kubota and four members participated in a conference of the AIJ at Kyoto University.
- 2023.9. One of the members of BUESA is currently participating in an internship in Tokyo.
- 2023.9.
The DeLCA seminar in Semarang 2023 was held on September 5-6.【Hiroshima University 75+75th Anniversary Project Event】
Approximately 130 people attended the event, with more than 230 participating online. Several BUESA members gave presentations on-site.
- 2023.8. The DeLCA seminar in Semarang 2023 will be held on September 5-6.
【Hiroshima University 75+75th Anniversary Project Event】
- 2023.8. Prof. Kubota, Hanief san, Opi san, Andhika san, Diego san, Shima san and Takata san are in Indonesia.
- 2023.8. The DeLCA meeting was held on August 23.(online)
- 2023.7. Members participated in a joint seminar held at Hiroshima University on July 29. Elizabeth san gave a presentation.
- 2023.7. Three members returned safely from India.
- 2023.6. Prof. Kubota, Dr. Nikhil, Kawajiri san are in India.
- 2023.6. The DeLCA meeting was held on June 21.(34 people participated online.)
- 2023.6. We had a BBQ party on June 3 and 13 members attended. We had a wonderful time!!
- 2023.5. Dr. Kubota visited Italy. He was invited to Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari Venezia.
- 2023.5. Lab members attended the IAQVEC conference online and on-site. (May 20-23)
- 2023.4. The regular DeLCA Meeting was held on April 19. (online)
- 2023.4. A welcome meeting was held at DTcolab on April 7.
- 2023.4. 5 members have joined our group!
- 2023.3. Five students graduated from BUESA!
- 2022.10. Two members have joined our group!
- 2022.9. Five students graduated from BUESA!
- 2022.4. This April, 2022 Buesa Lab had eight new members!
- 2022.3. Graduation ceremony was held!
- 2021.11. A member have joined our group!
- 2021.10. Three members have joined our group!
- 2021.4. Four members have joined our group!
- 2021.3. Three students graduated from BUESA!
- 2020.10. Three members have joined our group!
- 2020.9. Five students graduated from BUESA!
- 2020.4. Two members have joined our group!
- 2020.3. Four students graduated from BUESA!
- 2019.10. Six members have joined our group!
- 2019.4. Two members have joined our group!
- 2019.3. Three students graduated from BUESA!
- 2018.10. One member has joined to BUESA!
- 2018.9. Two students graduated from BUESA!
- 2018.4. Six members have joined our group!
- 2018.3. Six students graduated from BUESA!
- 2018.3. Sumida-kun won the Best Thesis Award in IDEC!
- 2017.10. Four members have joined our group!
- 2017.9. Five students graduated from BUESA!
- 2017.4. Five members have joined our group!
- 2017.3. Seven students graduated from BUESA!
- 2016.10. Four members have joined our group!
- 2016.9. Three students graduated from BUESA!
- 2016.9. Azuan received the Session Paper Award at ISAIA 2016!
- 2016.4. Five members have joined our group!
- 2016.3. Six students graduated from BUESA!
- 2016.2. Kusunoki won the Excellent Thesis Award in IDEC!
- 2015.11. Morry received the Best Paper Award at SENVAR-iNTA-AVAN 2015!
- 2015.11. Andhang received the Best Presentation Award at SENVAR-iNTA-AVAN 2015!
- 2015.10. Gulnora has joined our group!
- 2015.9. Four students graduated from BUESA! !
- 2015.8. Tung won the Excellent Thesis Award! Ousa was the third place!
- 2015.4. Eight members have joined our group!
- 2015.3. Four students graduated from BUESA!
- 2015.2. Makken won the Excellent Thesis Award! Susumu was the runner-up! Satoshi was the third place!
- 2014.10. Wai Hin joined our group!
- 2014.9. Five students graduated from BUESA!
- 2014.8. Andhang won the Best Thesis Award! Meita was the runner-up! Nam was the third place!
- 2014.7. Meita received the Best Poster Presentation Award in GRE 2014!
- 2014.4. Five freshmen have joined BUESA!
- 2014.3. Four Bachelor students have graduated from BUESA!
- 2014.3. Kusunoki-kun received the Best Thesis Award!
- 2013.10. Three freshmen have joined BUESA!
- 2013.9. Dr. Doris and Smey-san have graduated from IDEC with big successes!
- 2013.4. Four new members joined us!
- 2013.3. Makken (Matsunaga-kun) received the best thesis award in the final presentation in the Faculty of Engineering, HU!
- 2012.11. Ms. Doris Toe received the Best Paper Award in PLEA 2012!
- 2012.10.01 Three new members joined us!
- 2011.06.16 We opened a new website.