Summary of key phrases for Results

Key phrases are n-grams that were used at significantly higher rates in the specific move corpus than in the whole corpus data. Click a key phrase to check its usage in the Life Science Dictionary Corpus. Click “EtoJ” to jump to Life Science Dictionary.


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l  RM1: Describing Research Results                                Next

Ø  RM1-Step1: Describing methods                                               Next

²  Procedure                                 ex. were randomly assigned to

Ø  RM1-Step2: Indicating specific observations                         Next

²  Presentation of results              ex. Table 1 shows

²  Findings                                    ex. we found

²  Possibility                                 ex. were more likely to

Ø  RM1-Step3: Indicating comparison or changes                     Next

²  Comparison                             ex. was significantly

²  Changes                                   ex. increase in

²  Similarity                                   ex. were similar

²  No difference                            ex. did not differ


l  RM2: Describing Adverse Events                                    Next

Ø  RM2-Step1: Describing adverse events                                      Next

²  Adverse events                         ex. the most common adverse events

²  No adverse events                    ex. no serious adverse events

Ø  RM2-Step2: Indicating discontinuation                                    Next

²  Discontinuation                         ex. discontinuation of the study drug



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