Key phrases for DM1, DM2, and DM3



DM1: Highlighting Overall Research Outcome

DM1-Step1: Restating background and strategies of the present study

To Map

DM1-Step1a Background

is important EtoJ


DM1-Step1b Strategies

we have used EtoJ

allowed us to EtoJ

ex. allowed us to examine EtoJ


DM1-Step2: Describing novel findings in the present study

To Map

DM1-Step2a Present study

Here we EtoJ

Here we demonstrate EtoJ

Here we have

ex. Here we have demonstrated

In this study, we EtoJ

In this study, we show that EtoJ

In this study, we have

ex. In this study, we have shown EtoJ

the present study EtoJ

ex. In the present study, we

of this study EtoJ

ex. The aim of this study was to EtoJ


DM1-Step2b Findings

we * that

we show that EtoJ

we report that EtoJ

we demonstrate that EtoJ

we demonstrated that

we demonstrate EtoJ

we also demonstrate EtoJ

we provide EtoJ

ex. we provide evidence EtoJ

we have shown EtoJ

we have shown that

our results EtoJ

ex. our results show that EtoJ

our findings EtoJ

ex. our findings show that EtoJ

our data EtoJ

ex. our data indicate that EtoJ

provide evidence EtoJ

evidence that EtoJ

ex. we provide evidence that EtoJ



DM1-Step3: Indicating significance of the outcomes

To Map

DM1-Step3a Significance

for the first time EtoJ

ex. we demonstrate for the first time EtoJ

we * a novel EtoJ

ex. we developed a novel EtoJ





DM2: Explaining Specific Research Outcomes

DM2-Step1: Describing specific background

To Map

DM2-Step1a Previous studies

has been shown to EtoJ

it has been reported EtoJ

it has been * that

ex. it has been reported that

has been * in

ex. has been implicated in EtoJ

studies have * that EtoJ

previous studies EtoJ

ex. previous studies have shown that EtoJ

other studies EtoJ

studies showing EtoJ

a recent study * that EtoJ

ex. a recent study showed that EtoJ

a previous study EtoJ

ex. in a previous study

mechanism for EtoJ

ex. has been proposed as a mechanism for EtoJ

such as EtoJ



DM2-Step2: Restating specific outcomes

DM2-Step2a Findings

we showed that EtoJ

we show that EtoJ

we note that EtoJ

In addition, EtoJ

in addition to

the present study EtoJ

ex. In the present study, we



DM2-Step3: Interpreting specific outcomes

To Map

DM2-Step3a Possibility

may be EtoJ

may also be EtoJ

may be due to EtoJ

may be * in

ex. may be involved in EtoJ

may be * by

ex. may be explained by EtoJ

might be EtoJ

could be EtoJ

appear to be EtoJ

may provide EtoJ

may contribute to EtoJ

may explain EtoJ

explain why EtoJ

this may EtoJ

ex. this may explain why EtoJ

it may EtoJ

ex. it may be possible to EtoJ

, which may EtoJ

may not EtoJ

it appears EtoJ

ex. it appears that

it is possible that EtoJ

it is also possible that EtoJ

it is likely that EtoJ

one possible EtoJ

possible explanation EtoJ

ex. one possible explanation is that

possibility is that EtoJ

ex. One possibility is that

ex. Another possibility is that

we cannot exclude EtoJ

ex. we cannot exclude the possibility EtoJ


DM2-Step3b Interpretation

suggest that EtoJ

our * suggest that

our data suggest that EtoJ

our results suggest that EtoJ

show that EtoJ

our * show that

ex. our results show that EtoJ

our study * that EtoJ

ex. our study indicates that EtoJ

our studies EtoJ

ex. our studies suggest that EtoJ

evidence for EtoJ

ex. we present evidence for EtoJ

we speculate that EtoJ

we propose that EtoJ

is/are consistent with EtoJ

our * are consistent with

ex. our data are consistent with EtoJ

consistent with * studies EtoJ

ex. consistent with previous studies EtoJ

Consistent with EtoJ

not surprising EtoJ

ex. it is not surprising that

contribute to EtoJ

a * role in EtoJ

ex. has a critical role in EtoJ

this mechanism EtoJ

mechanism is

ex. this mechanism is conserved EtoJ

is important EtoJ

ex. it is important to note that EtoJ

given that EtoJ

rather than EtoJ

however, our EtoJ

although we EtoJ

although our

although it



DM2-Step4: Suggesting future research

To Map

DM2-Step4a Future research

will be EtoJ

it will be

ex. it will be important to EtoJ

future * will be EtoJ

ex. future studies will be EtoJ

would be EtoJ

it would

ex. it would be interesting to EtoJ

should be EtoJ

ex. it should be noted that EtoJ

be required to EtoJ

ex. will be required to EtoJ

be important EtoJ

ex. it will be important to determine EtoJ

interesting to EtoJ

ex. it will be interesting to

future studies EtoJ

further studies EtoJ

studies will EtoJ

ex. future studies will be required to

studies are needed to EtoJ

ex. further studies are needed to

remains to be EtoJ

remains to be determined EtoJ

of our study EtoJ

ex. potential limitation of our study EtoJ





DM3: Stating Research Conclusions

DM3-Step1: Describing summary

To Map

DM3-Step1a Summary

In conclusion, EtoJ

In conclusion, our study EtoJ

In conclusion, we

In conclusion, we have

In summary, EtoJ

In summary, our findings EtoJ

In summary, our data EtoJ

In summary, our * demonstrate that EtoJ

ex. In summary, our data demonstrate that EtoJ

In summary, our * provide EtoJ

ex. In summary, our * provide new insights into EtoJ

In summary, we

In summary, we * that

ex. In summary, we show that EtoJ

In summary, we have

In *, we have identified EtoJ

ex. In conclusion, we have identified EtoJ

Taken together, our EtoJ

ex. Taken together, our results support EtoJ

Overall, our EtoJ

ex. Overall, our results indicate that EtoJ

we have demonstrated EtoJ

ex. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that EtoJ

such as EtoJ


DM3-Step1b Interpretation

suggest that EtoJ

our * suggest that

our findings suggest that EtoJ

we suggest that

the present * suggest EtoJ

ex. the present results suggest that EtoJ

demonstrate that EtoJ

our * demonstrate that EtoJ

ex. our results demonstrate that EtoJ

ex. we demonstrate that

our * indicate that EtoJ

ex. our data indicate that EtoJ

our * support EtoJ

ex. our results support the view that EtoJ

our findings * that EtoJ

ex. our findings indicate that EtoJ

our data * that EtoJ

ex. our data suggest that EtoJ

our work * that EtoJ

ex. our work suggests that EtoJ

our studies EtoJ

ex. our studies suggest that EtoJ

study provides EtoJ

ex. study provides strong evidence EtoJ

we propose that EtoJ

we anticipate that EtoJ

may be EtoJ

could be EtoJ

can be EtoJ

be used EtoJ

ex. can be used

be developed EtoJ

is likely to EtoJ

ex. is likely to be beneficial EtoJ

than previously EtoJ

ex. than previously anticipated EtoJ

potential to EtoJ

ex. has the potential to

considering that EtoJ



DM3-Step2: Noting implication

To Map

DM3-Step2a Future research

will be EtoJ

it will be * to

it will be important to EtoJ

will be * for

will be important for EtoJ

future * will be EtoJ

ex. future studies will be EtoJ

should be EtoJ

be important EtoJ

future studies EtoJ

are needed to EtoJ

ex. further studies are needed to EtoJ

to be

needs to be EtoJ

ex. needs to be addressed EtoJ

remains to be EtoJ

remains to be investigated EtoJ

to understand EtoJ

ex. it will be important to understand EtoJ


DM3-Step2b Potential implication

provide insight into EtoJ

ex. our data provide insight into EtoJ

provide * insights into EtoJ

new insights EtoJ

our * provide EtoJ

findings provide EtoJ

ex. our findings provide new insights into EtoJ

study provides EtoJ

may provide EtoJ

will provide EtoJ

ex. will provide insight into EtoJ

will likely EtoJ

ex. will likely enhance EtoJ

be beneficial for EtoJ

ex. may be beneficial for EtoJ

it * possible that EtoJ

ex. it is possible that

has * potential to EtoJ

ex. has the potential to

implications for EtoJ

ex. have important implications for EtoJ

understanding of EtoJ

our understanding of

ex. a better understanding of EtoJ

of the mechanisms EtoJ

ex. understanding of the mechanisms EtoJ

therapeutic target EtoJ

ex. a promising therapeutic target EtoJ

therapeutic strategies EtoJ

ex. develop therapeutic strategies to EtoJ

therapeutic approaches EtoJ

approaches for EtoJ

ex. new therapeutic approaches for EtoJ

for the treatment of EtoJ

ex. approach for the treatment of EtoJ






To Map