Key phrases for IM1, IM2, and IM3



IM1: Presenting Background Information

IM1-Step1: Reference to established knowledge in the field

To Map

IM1-Step1a Definition

is a

is a complex EtoJ

is a fundamental EtoJ

is a * process EtoJ

ex. is a complex process EtoJ

is an

ex. is an important step EtoJ

is the

is the most EtoJ

is the second EtoJ

ex. is the second most common EtoJ

is the * cause of EtoJ

most common EtoJ

cause of EtoJ

is * leading cause of EtoJ

cause of * in EtoJ

cancer is EtoJ

ex. lung cancer is the leading cause of EtoJ


IM1-Step1b Characteristics

a hallmark of EtoJ

ex. is a hallmark of

characterized by EtoJ

ex. disorder characterized by EtoJ

associated with EtoJ

referred to as EtoJ

ex. referred to as “__”

such as EtoJ

disorders such as EtoJ

is now EtoJ

thought to EtoJ

ex. is thought to be

prevent infection EtoJ

can prevent infection EtoJ

lead to EtoJ

can lead to

, leading to EtoJ


IM1-Step1c Importance

is essential for EtoJ

is critical EtoJ

role in EtoJ

a * role in EtoJ

play an important role in EtoJ

to play EtoJ


IM1-Step1d Previous studies

has/have been

been identified EtoJ

studies have EtoJ

ex. studies have shown that EtoJ



IM1-Step2: Reference to a gap in established knowledge

To Map

IM1-Step2a Problems/Needs

remain poorly understood EtoJ

it is essential EtoJ

ex. it is essential to

there is EtoJ

ex. there is an urgent need EtoJ

understanding of EtoJ

ex. require a better understanding of EtoJ


IM1-Step2b Possibilities

evidence suggests EtoJ





IM2: Reviewing Related Research

IM2-Step1: Reference to important previous research

To Map

IM2-Step1a Previous studies

has/have been EtoJ

has/have been shown EtoJ

has/have been shown to EtoJ

has been suggested EtoJ

has been suggested to

been demonstrated EtoJ

been found EtoJ

been found in

ex. been found to

have been identified in EtoJ

has/have been proposed to EtoJ

been developed EtoJ

has been used to EtoJ

ex. has been used to identify EtoJ

has/have been * to

has/have been shown to EtoJ

has been suggested to EtoJ

have been * to be

ex. have been shown to be

been * to regulate EtoJ

ex. has been proposed to regulate EtoJ

have also been EtoJ

it has been EtoJ

ex. it has been shown that EtoJ

mechanisms have been EtoJ

ex. mechanisms have been proposed EtoJ

was shown to EtoJ


studies have EtoJ

studies have * that

studies have shown that EtoJ

ex. studies have demonstrated that EtoJ

ex. studies have revealed that EtoJ

studies have suggested EtoJ

ex. recent studies have suggested that

recent studies have EtoJ

recent studies have * that

ex. recent studies have shown that EtoJ

several studies have EtoJ

several studies have * that

studies suggest that EtoJ

more recent EtoJ

ex. more recent study EtoJ


recently, we EtoJ

ex. Recently, we showed that EtoJ

more recently EtoJ


IM2-Step1b Characteristics

been associated with EtoJ

been implicated in EtoJ

involved in EtoJ

has emerged EtoJ

that regulates EtoJ

is/are thought to EtoJ

thought to be

act as EtoJ

can be EtoJ

ex. can be used EtoJ

such as EtoJ

known as EtoJ

, resulting in EtoJ


IM2-Step1c Importance

shown to be important for EtoJ

an important role in EtoJ

ex. play an important role in EtoJ



IM2-Step2: Reference to a gap in previous research

To Map

IM2-Step2a Problems

little is known about EtoJ

it is unclear EtoJ

unclear whether EtoJ

ex. it is unclear whether

it * unclear whether EtoJ

remains unclear EtoJ

remains unknown EtoJ

not known EtoJ

is not known

it is not * whether EtoJ

poorly understood EtoJ

ex. remain poorly understood EtoJ

well understood EtoJ

ex. are not well understood

not yet EtoJ

ex. is not yet clear EtoJ

however, it is EtoJ

ex. however, it is unclear whether EtoJ

however, the mechanism EtoJ

ex. however, the mechanism remains EtoJ

has not been

ex. has not been investigated EtoJ





IM3: Presenting New Research

IM3-Step1: Reference to novel findings or strategies in the present study

To Map

IM3-Step1a Present study

Here we EtoJ

Here we report EtoJ

Here we report that

Here we show EtoJ

Here we show that

Here we describe EtoJ

Here we present EtoJ

Here we provide evidence that EtoJ

Here we found EtoJ

Here we found that

Here we use EtoJ

Here we * the role of EtoJ

Here we investigate the role of EtoJ

Here we * that

In this study, we EtoJ

In this study, we * that

ex. In this study, we show that

In the present study, we EtoJ

In the current study, we EtoJ

In this work, we EtoJ


IM3-Step1b Findings

we show EtoJ

we show that

we also show that EtoJ

we report EtoJ

we report that

we report the * of

ex. Here we report the identification of EtoJ

we demonstrate EtoJ

we demonstrate that

we describe EtoJ

we establish EtoJ

we present EtoJ

we provide EtoJ

we provide evidence that EtoJ

we find EtoJ

we find that

we found EtoJ

we found that

we identify EtoJ


IM3-Step1c Strategies

we investigate EtoJ

we investigated EtoJ

we exploited EtoJ

we use EtoJ

we combined EtoJ

we focus on EtoJ

we hypothesized EtoJ

we hypothesized that

we address EtoJ

ex. Here, we address this question EtoJ

we * a combination of EtoJ

ex. Here we used a combination of EtoJ


IM3-Step1d Purposes

we aimed to EtoJ

we sought to EtoJ

we set out to EtoJ

to address EtoJ

to identify EtoJ

screen to identify EtoJ

to investigate EtoJ

to * these issues EtoJ

ex. To address these issues EtoJ




IM3-Step2: Reference to implications of the present study

To Map

IM3-Step2a Implication/Interpretation

our * indicate EtoJ

our * indicate that

our * demonstrate EtoJ

our results demonstrate EtoJ

our * reveal EtoJ

our results reveal EtoJ

our * identify EtoJ

our results * that EtoJ

our study EtoJ

ex. our study provides EtoJ

together, our EtoJ

ex. together, our data EtoJ

these * provide EtoJ

ex. together, these results provide EtoJ

results provide EtoJ





To Map