Key phrases for RM1, RM2, and RM3



RM1: Introducing Experiments

RM1-Step1: Presenting background

To Map

RM1-Step1a Background

is known to EtoJ

ex. is known to activate EtoJ

is required for EtoJ

ex. domain is required for EtoJ



RM1-Step2: Providing a rationale for the experiment

To Map

RM1-Step2a Reasons

given that EtoJ

having established EtoJ

ex. Having established that

we then EtoJ

we then examined EtoJ

we then investigated EtoJ

we then tested EtoJ

we then asked EtoJ

we then * whether EtoJ

ex. we then asked whether EtoJ

we therefore EtoJ

we therefore examined EtoJ

we therefore used EtoJ

we therefore * whether EtoJ

ex. we therefore tested whether EtoJ

therefore, we EtoJ

led us to EtoJ

led us to hypothesize that EtoJ


RM1-Step2b Hypotheses

we hypothesized that EtoJ

we predicted that EtoJ

we speculated that EtoJ

we reasoned that EtoJ

we asked EtoJ

we asked whether EtoJ

ex. we asked if EtoJ

we considered EtoJ

we * the possibility that EtoJ

ex. we considered the possibility that



RM1-Step3: Presenting purposes

To Map

RM1-Step3a Purposes

to test EtoJ

to test whether EtoJ

to test if EtoJ

to test the * of

ex. to test the role of EtoJ

to test the * that

ex. to test the hypothesis that EtoJ

to test this, we

to test this *, we

to test this hypothesis, we EtoJ

to further test EtoJ

to determine EtoJ

to determine whether EtoJ

to determine if EtoJ

to determine which EtoJ

to determine the * of

ex. to determine the effect of EtoJ

to investigate EtoJ

to investigate whether EtoJ

to investigate the * of

to further investigate EtoJ

to examine EtoJ

to examine whether EtoJ

to examine the * of

to further examine EtoJ

to explore EtoJ

to explore this

ex. to explore the * of

to further explore EtoJ

to elucidate EtoJ

to study EtoJ

to study the * of

to characterize EtoJ

to further characterize EtoJ

to define EtoJ

to address EtoJ

to address whether EtoJ

to address this, we

to establish EtoJ

to assess EtoJ

to assess whether EtoJ

to assess the * of

to evaluate EtoJ

to evaluate the * of

to validate EtoJ

to verify EtoJ

to confirm EtoJ

to confirm that

to confirm the * of

to further confirm EtoJ

to identify EtoJ

to measure EtoJ

to quantify EtoJ

to distinguish EtoJ

to distinguish between EtoJ

to compare EtoJ

to do EtoJ

ex. to do so, we EtoJ

ex. to do this, we

to extend EtoJ

to gain EtoJ

to gain insight into EtoJ

to better understand EtoJ

to directly EtoJ

ex. To directly assess EtoJ

in order to EtoJ

ex. in order to determine EtoJ

to this end, we EtoJ

to * the role of EtoJ

to further * the role of EtoJ

ex. to investigate the role of * in EtoJ

to * the effect of EtoJ

ex. to study the effect of * on EtoJ

to * this possibility, we EtoJ

ex. to explore this possibility, we EtoJ


we sought to EtoJ

we sought to determine EtoJ

ex. we sought to identify EtoJ

ex. we sought to examine EtoJ

we aimed to EtoJ

we wanted to EtoJ

we wished to EtoJ

attempted to EtoJ

ex. we attempted to

set out to EtoJ

ex. we set out to



RM1-Step4: Presenting methodological strategies

To Map

RM1-Step4a Strategies

we used EtoJ

we utilized EtoJ

we employed EtoJ

we performed EtoJ

we carried out EtoJ

we conducted EtoJ

we examined EtoJ

we examined whether EtoJ

we examined the * of

we examined the effect of EtoJ

we investigated EtoJ

we examined EtoJ

we investigated whether EtoJ

we investigated the * of

we explored EtoJ

we studied EtoJ

we tested EtoJ

we tested whether EtoJ

ex. we tested if EtoJ

we tested the * of

we analyzed EtoJ

we analyzed the * of

we assessed EtoJ

we assessed whether EtoJ

we assessed the * of

we evaluated EtoJ

we evaluated the * of

we assayed EtoJ

we monitored EtoJ

we compared EtoJ

we compared the * of

we generated EtoJ

we constructed EtoJ

we crossed EtoJ

we developed EtoJ

we treated EtoJ

we measured EtoJ

we measured the * of

we calculated EtoJ

we cloned EtoJ

we quantified EtoJ

we quantified the * of

we focused on EtoJ

we determined EtoJ

we determined whether EtoJ

we determined the * of

we selected EtoJ

we chose EtoJ

we injected EtoJ

we infected EtoJ

we administered EtoJ

we transfected EtoJ

we transduced EtoJ

we introduced EtoJ

we established EtoJ

we exposed EtoJ

we expressed EtoJ

we overexpressed EtoJ

we knocked down EtoJ

we immunoprecipitated EtoJ

we induced EtoJ

we isolated EtoJ

we purified EtoJ

we repeated EtoJ

we stained EtoJ

we * the effect of EtoJ

we examined the effect of EtoJ

we * the ability of EtoJ

ex. we assessed the ability of EtoJ


RM1-Step4b Listing procedures

we next EtoJ

we next asked EtoJ

we next asked whether EtoJ

ex. we next asked if EtoJ

we next investigated EtoJ

we next investigated whether EtoJ

we next tested EtoJ

we next tested whether EtoJ

we next determined EtoJ

we next determined whether EtoJ

we next examined EtoJ

we next used EtoJ

we next assessed EtoJ

we next analyzed EtoJ

Next, we EtoJ

Next, we investigated EtoJ

Next, we examined EtoJ

Next, we tested EtoJ

Next, we asked EtoJ

we also EtoJ

we also tested EtoJ

we also examined EtoJ

we also performed EtoJ

we also used EtoJ

we first EtoJ

we first examined EtoJ

we first tested EtoJ

First, we EtoJ

ex. First, we used EtoJ

Finally, we EtoJ

ex. Finally, we examined EtoJ

we further EtoJ

ex. we further confirmed EtoJ





RM2: Announcing Results

RM2-Step1: Highlighting the important results

To Map

RM2-Step1a Findings

we found EtoJ

we found that

interestingly, we EtoJ

ex. Interestingly, we found EtoJ

we observed EtoJ

we observed that

ex. we observed a significant EtoJ

we detected EtoJ

we identified EtoJ

we noted EtoJ

we noted that

we confirmed EtoJ

we confirmed that

analysis confirmed EtoJ

analysis revealed EtoJ

analysis revealed that EtoJ

this analysis revealed EtoJ

analysis showed EtoJ

analysis showed that EtoJ

cells showed

mice showed

showed a significant EtoJ

showed a similar EtoJ

appeared to be EtoJ

cells exhibited EtoJ

mice exhibited

cells expressed EtoJ

ex. cells expressed high levels of EtoJ

ex. cells expressed low levels of

cells had EtoJ

mice had

of * had

ex. knockdown of * had EtoJ


was/were found EtoJ

was/were found in

was/were observed EtoJ

was/were observed in

was observed for

ex. effect was observed EtoJ

was/were detected EtoJ

was/were detected in

was/were seen EtoJ

ex. was/were seen in

was confirmed EtoJ

was confirmed by

were present EtoJ

ex. were present in

detectable in EtoJ

ex. were detectable in

undetectable in EtoJ

ex. was undetectable in

treated with EtoJ

mice treated with

cells treated with


as expected EtoJ

as shown EtoJ

as shown by

as shown in

as shown in Fig. *

as shown in Figure *

as assessed by EtoJ

as measured by EtoJ



RM2-Step2: Describing quantitative data

To Map

RM2-Step2a Changes

was increased EtoJ

ex. was increased in

ex. was increased by

ex. was significantly increased EtoJ

were enriched EtoJ

were enriched in

ex. were enriched for

were significantly enriched EtoJ

ex. were highly enriched EtoJ

were upregulated EtoJ

were upregulated in

elevated in EtoJ

ex. was elevated in

significantly elevated EtoJ

ex. was significantly elevated in

was/were reduced EtoJ

was/were reduced in

ex. was/were reduced by

was/were significantly reduced EtoJ

ex. was/were significantly reduced in

was decreased EtoJ

ex. was decreased in

ex. was decreased by

ex. was significantly decreased EtoJ

was inhibited EtoJ

expressed at EtoJ

ex. was expressed at * levels EtoJ

expressed in EtoJ

highly expressed EtoJ

ex. were highly expressed in

differentially expressed EtoJ

ex. were differentially expressed


resulted in EtoJ

ex. resulted in a significant decrease in

led to EtoJ

caused a EtoJ

increased the * of EtoJ

ex. increased the number of

decreased the * of EtoJ

reduced the * of EtoJ

inhibited the * of EtoJ


an increase EtoJ

an increase in

an increase in the * of

a significant increase in EtoJ

           a statistically significant increase in EtoJ

*-fold increase in EtoJ

ex. an increase of

a decrease EtoJ

a decrease in

a significant decrease in EtoJ

a reduction EtoJ

a reduction in

a significant reduction in EtoJ

ex. a reduction of

levels of EtoJ

the levels of

higher levels of EtoJ

lower levels of EtoJ

expression levels of EtoJ

cells expressed * levels of EtoJ

the frequency of EtoJ

ex. an increase in the frequency of EtoJ

treatment with EtoJ

ex. after treatment with

addition of EtoJ

ex. by the addition of

but only EtoJ

ex. but only *% of



RM2-Step2b No changes

To Map

not affected by EtoJ

ex. was not affected by

was unaffected EtoJ

ex. was unaffected by

not detected in EtoJ

ex. was not detected in

was not observed EtoJ

did not change EtoJ

did not alter EtoJ

did not affect EtoJ

ex. knockdown did not affect EtoJ

did not show EtoJ

did not * any EtoJ

ex. did not show any increase EtoJ

we did not

we did not detect EtoJ

we did not observe EtoJ

ex. we did not find EtoJ

not significantly EtoJ

was not significantly

ex. did not significantly

not significantly different EtoJ

but not in EtoJ

but did not EtoJ

ex. but did not affect EtoJ

but had EtoJ

ex. but had no effect on EtoJ

but no EtoJ

failed to EtoJ

ex. failed to induce EtoJ


showed no EtoJ

ex. showed no change in EtoJ

we found no EtoJ

ex. we found no evidence EtoJ

had no effect on EtoJ

had little EtoJ

ex. had little effect on EtoJ

no difference in EtoJ

there was no * difference in

ex. no significant difference in EtoJ

ex. there was no difference in

no change in EtoJ

ex. showed no change in EtoJ

there was no

there was no significant EtoJ

no evidence EtoJ

ex. we found no evidence EtoJ

, with no

ex. , with no difference EtoJ



RM2-Step3: Comparing results

To Map

RM2-Step3a Comparison

compared to EtoJ

as compared to

when compared to

compared to * controls EtoJ

compared to control EtoJ

compared to WT EtoJ

compared to wild-type EtoJ

compared with EtoJ

as compared with

when compared with

compared with * controls EtoJ

compared with control EtoJ

compared with WT EtoJ

compared with those

than in control EtoJ

in control cells EtoJ

control mice EtoJ


RM2-Step3b Comparative degree

was higher EtoJ

was * higher in

was significantly higher EtoJ

higher levels of EtoJ

*-fold higher EtoJ

was lower EtoJ

was * lower

significantly lower EtoJ

lower in

lower levels of EtoJ

was * greater EtoJ

significantly greater EtoJ

ex. was significantly greater than

greater * of

was * than EtoJ

than that of

than those

higher than EtoJ

ex. higher than that of

lower than EtoJ

ex. lower than that of

than in

than in control

than in those

than did

was/were more EtoJ

were significantly more EtoJ

more than EtoJ

were less EtoJ

significantly less EtoJ

ex. were significantly less

was most EtoJ


RM2-Step3c Similarity

was similar to EtoJ

similar to that

similar in

similar results were EtoJ

similar results were observed EtoJ

showed similar EtoJ

were comparable EtoJ

comparable to


RM2-Step3d Correlation

correlation between EtoJ

correlated with EtoJ

was/were associated with EtoJ

were strongly EtoJ

ex. were strongly correlated with EtoJ

ex. were strongly associated with EtoJ



RM2-Step4: Showing additional or adversative results

To Map

RM2-Step4a Addition

in addition EtoJ

in addition,

in addition to

we also EtoJ

we also observed EtoJ

we also found EtoJ

we also detected EtoJ

also showed EtoJ

also resulted in EtoJ

also increased EtoJ

also reduced EtoJ

was also observed EtoJ


RM2-Step4b Contrast

however, we EtoJ





RM3: Commenting on Results

RM3-Step1: Interpreting results

To Map

RM3-Step1a Interpretation signals

suggest that EtoJ

these results suggest that EtoJ

these data suggest that EtoJ

these findings suggest that EtoJ

these observations suggest that EtoJ

strongly suggest that EtoJ

ex. these results strongly suggest that EtoJ

suggests that EtoJ

this suggests that

ex. this result suggests that EtoJ

, which suggests that

suggested that EtoJ

these results suggested that EtoJ

these data suggested that EtoJ

, which suggested that

indicate that EtoJ

these results indicate that EtoJ

these data indicate that EtoJ

these findings indicate that EtoJ

our data indicate that EtoJ

indicates that EtoJ

this indicates that

this result indicates that EtoJ

indicated that EtoJ

these results indicated that EtoJ

these data indicated that EtoJ

, which indicated that

show that EtoJ

these results show that EtoJ

these data show that EtoJ

showed that EtoJ

these data showed that EtoJ

demonstrate that EtoJ

these results demonstrate that EtoJ

these data demonstrate that EtoJ

ex. these findings demonstrate that EtoJ

ex. our results demonstrate that EtoJ

reveal that EtoJ

these data reveal that EtoJ

ex. these results reveal that EtoJ

confirm that EtoJ

these data confirm that EtoJ

ex. these results confirm that EtoJ

establish that EtoJ

ex. these findings establish that EtoJ

evidence that EtoJ

these * provide evidence that EtoJ


, suggesting that EtoJ

, suggesting the * of EtoJ

, suggesting a potential EtoJ

ex. , suggesting a potential role EtoJ

, further suggesting EtoJ

, indicating that EtoJ

, confirming that EtoJ


RM3-Step1b Interpretations of the findings

is required EtoJ

is required for

is required to

act in EtoJ

ex. act in a * fashion EtoJ

role for EtoJ

a * role for

a role for * in

ex. support a role for * in EtoJ

critical role EtoJ

is sufficient EtoJ

critical for EtoJ

dependent on EtoJ

independent of EtoJ

rather than EtoJ

does not affect EtoJ

not required EtoJ

not necessary for EtoJ

is not due to EtoJ

is not sufficient EtoJ

is not simply EtoJ

ex. is not simply due to EtoJ

not directly EtoJ

was/were associated with EtoJ



RM3-Step2: Consistency with previous studies or hypotheses

To Map

RM3-Step2a Consistency

consistent with EtoJ

are consistent with

these results are consistent with EtoJ

these data are consistent with EtoJ

these findings are consistent with EtoJ

is consistent with

this result is consistent with EtoJ

this observation is consistent with EtoJ

this is consistent with

, which is consistent with

consistent with the * that

consistent with the idea that EtoJ

ex. consistent with the notion that EtoJ

ex. consistent with the observation that EtoJ

Consistent with

in agreement with EtoJ

ex. is in agreement with

support the hypothesis that EtoJ

support the notion that EtoJ

ex. support the idea that EtoJ

support the conclusion that EtoJ

these results support EtoJ

these results support the notion that EtoJ

these data support EtoJ

these data support the hypothesis that EtoJ

these data supported EtoJ

these findings support EtoJ

a model in which EtoJ

ex. are consistent with a model in which EtoJ



RM3-Step3: Summarizing results

To Map

RM3-Step3a Summarizing

together, these * indicate that EtoJ

together, these results indicate that EtoJ

taken together, these results indicate that EtoJ

together, these data indicate that EtoJ

taken together, these data indicate that EtoJ

together, these * suggest that EtoJ

together, these results suggest that EtoJ

taken together, these results suggest that EtoJ

together, these data suggest that EtoJ

taken together, these data suggest that EtoJ

together, these * show that EtoJ

together, these results show that EtoJ

taken together, these results show that EtoJ

together, these data show that EtoJ

taken together, these data show that EtoJ

together, these * demonstrate that EtoJ

together, these results demonstrate that EtoJ

together, these data demonstrate that EtoJ

together, these data suggested that EtoJ

together, these data indicated that EtoJ

together, these * demonstrated that EtoJ

together, these * reveal that EtoJ

together, these data support EtoJ

ex. together, these data support a model EtoJ

together, these data are consistent with EtoJ

together, these findings EtoJ

taken together, these findings EtoJ

ex. together, these findings indicate that EtoJ

together, our data indicate that EtoJ

together, our results * that EtoJ

altogether, these results * that EtoJ

Collectively, these * suggest that EtoJ

Collectively, these results suggest that EtoJ

Collectively, these data suggest that EtoJ

Collectively, these * indicate that EtoJ

Collectively, these * demonstrate that EtoJ

Collectively, these findings * that EtoJ

these results collectively EtoJ

Collectively, our EtoJ

ex. Collectively, our data support EtoJ

Overall, these data EtoJ

ex. Overall, these data indicate that EtoJ

In summary, EtoJ

ex. In summary, our data show that EtoJ


RM3-Step3b Conclusion

we conclude that EtoJ

Thus, we conclude that EtoJ

we therefore conclude that EtoJ

these results thus EtoJ

these data thus EtoJ

ex. these results thus suggest that EtoJ

, thus indicating that EtoJ

, thus suggesting EtoJ





To Map