Recent Publications

  1. "Flow version of statistical neurodynamics for oscillator neural networks",
    S. Uchiyama, Physica A, in press. (DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2011.12.026)

  2. "Chaotic phase synchronization and its breakdown - mapping model and critical dynamics",
    H. Fujisaka, N. Tsukamoto, and S. Uchiyama,
    International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, pp.3909-3917 (2007).

  3. "Chaotic phase synchronization in coupled three maps systems",
    H. Fujisaka, G. Kinoshita, S. Uchiyama, and T. Kono,
    Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 10, pp.51-58 (2007).

  4. "Wandering behavior of the chaotic itinerancy in an oscillator neural network model",
    S. Uchiyama and H. Fujisaka,
    Progress of Theoretical Physics 161, pp.381-384 (2006).

  5. "Phase diffusion in chaotic oscillators system",
    T. Kono, G. Kinoshita, H. Fujisaka, S. Uchiyama, and T. Yamada,
    Progress of Theoretical Physics 161, pp.240-243 (2006).

  6. "Mapping model of chaotic phase synchronization",
    H. Fujisaka, S. Uchiyama, and T. Horita,
    Progress of Theoretical Physics 114, pp.289-299 (2005).

  7. "Chaotic itinerancy in the oscillator neural network without Lyapunov functions",
    S. Uchiyama and H. Fujisaka,
    Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 14, pp.699-706 (2004).

  8. "Oscillatory Retrieval Solutions in the Oscillator Neural Network without Lyapunov Functions",
    S. Uchiyama and H. Fujisaka,
    Physical Review E 65, 061912 (2002).
    (appeared also in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research--July 1, 2002)

  9. "Analysis of Oscillator Neural Network without Lyapunov Function",
    S. Uchiyama and H. Fujisaka,
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32 pp.4623-4640 (1999).