01:00pm-01:05pm Opening Remarks, Room 407
01:05pm-01:35pm Keynote: Research and Ph.D career (I), Room 407
Speaker:Bing Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Session chair (Ivan Brugere)
01:35pm-03:20pm Student Presentations 1, Room 407
Student presentations (Full: 15+3, Abstract: 10+2):
Session chair (Fiete Lüer, Carl Yang)

Robert Phan, Thoai Man Luu, and Girija Chetty (Full)
Masahiro Sato, Shin Kawai, and Hajime Nobuhara (Full)
Hongliang Du, Zhiyi Jiang, and Jianliang Gao (Full)

Wenbin Zhang,Xuejiao Tang, and Jianwu Wang (Abstract)
Fiete Lüer, Dominik Mautz, and Christian Böhm (Abstract)
Carl Yang, Mengxiong Liu, Shibi He, Jian Peng, and Jiawei Han (Abstract)
Constanza Contreras-Piña, Charles Thraves, and Sebastian Rios (Abstract)
03:20pm-03:40pm Coffee break
03:40pm-04:10pm Keynote: Research and Ph.D career (II), Room 407
Speaker: Neil Shah, Snap Inc.
Session chair (Yi Yu)
04:10pm-04:40pm Panel, Room 407
Bing Liu
Neil Shah
Ivan Brugere
Rajiv Ratn Shah
Yi Yu
04:40pm-05:48pm Student presentations 2, Room 407
Student presentations (Full: 15+3, Abstract: 10+2):
Session chair (Donghuo Zeng, Kunal Rajput)

Bo Zhao, Atsuhiro Takasu, Ramin Yahyapour, and Xiaoming Fu (Full)

Wenbin Gan, Yuan Sun, Shiwei Ye, Ye Fan, and Yi Sun (Abstract)
Donghuo Zeng, Keizo Oyama (Abstract)
Kunal Rajput, Girija Chetty, and Rachel Davey (Abstract)
Lena G. M. Bauer, Philipp Grohs, Afra Wohlschläger, and Claudia Plant (Abstract)
05:48pm-06:00pm Closing Remarks.