Paper on aviation dosimetry for frequent flyers has been published (June 2020)


An original paper entitled “Investigation of using a long-life electronic personal dosimeter for monitoring aviation doses of frequent flyers” by Yasuda et al. has been published on the Radiation Measurements journal (published by Elsevier Ltd.). They reported that it is possible to monitor the annual dose of a frequent flyer using a long-life electronic dosimeter.

Paper on the PVA-GTA-I dosimeter has been published (June 2020)


An original paper entitled “Effect of the glucono-δ-lactone concentration on the sensitivity and stability of PVA-GTA-I radiochromic gel dosimeter” by Jolan et al. has been published on the Radiation Measurements journal (published by Elsevier Ltd.). They clarified that the sensitivity of the PVA-GTA-I gel increased with concentration of glucono-δ-lactone (GDL).

Paper on aviation dose monitoring for frequent flyers has been published


Original paper entitled “Investigation of using a long-life electronic personal dosimeter for monitoring aviation doses of frequent flyers” written by Prof. Yasuda et al. has been published on Radiation Measurements. Applicability of a small electronic dosimeter having a long-life battery was investigated to long-term aviation dose monitoring of frequent flyers.

Paper on fingernail dosimetry was published


A paper entitled “Investigation of the applicability of the ESR nail dosimetry for assessment of accidental exposure in medical facilities” written by Chryzel et al has been published on the Radiation Measurements journal. Dose responses and fading characteristics of the ESR signals from the fingernails were investigated.

Chryzel received Best Oral Presentation Award at AOCMP


Ms. Chryzel A. Gonzales in the Department received Best Oral Presentation Award at the 18th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP18) which was held Bangsar South City, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 11 to 14 November 2018 in conjunction with the 16th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP16).

Paper on the Japanese aviation doses was published


A paper entitled “Annual per-capita doses of the Japanese from cosmic radiation exposure in commercial flights”  written by Prof. Yasuda was published in the Radiation Protection Dosimetry journal. This paper reported that the annual-average per-capita dose of the Japanese people was 8.3 µSv for the period of 2009 to 2014 and 90 % of those came from international flights.

Paper on RBE of A-bomb neutrons was published


A paper entitled “Relative biological effectiveness of neutrons derived from the excess relative risk model with the atomic bomb survivors data managed by Hiroshima University (広島大学が保管する原爆被爆者のデータから導出した過剰相対リスクに基づく生物学的効果比)” written by Dr. Sato, Prof. Yasuda, et al was published in the Radiation Protection Dosimetry journal. This paper suggested that the value of neutrons’ relative biological effectiveness (RBE) derived from the A-bomb survivors’ data would be larger than that estimated previously.