Papers |
- "Super Restoration of Chiral Symmetry in Massive Four-Fermion Interaction Models",
T. Inagaki, D. Kimura and H. Shimoji,
(arXiv:2306.00470 [hep-ph] )
- "Robustness of predicted CMB fluctuations in Cartan F(R) gravity",
T. Inagaki, H. Sakamoto and M. Taniguchi, JCAP 09 (2023) 014.
(arXiv:2304.14769 [gr-qc] )
- "Scalar Mode Quadrupole Radiation from Astronomical Sources in F(R) Modified Gravity",
T. Inagaki and M. Taniguchi, Phys. Rev. D108 (2023) 024003.
(arXiv:2302.02734 [gr-qc] )
- "Comprehensive Analysis of Equivalence Classes in 5D SU(N) Gauge Theory on $S^1/Z^2$ Orbifold",
K. Takeuchi and T. Inagaki,
(arXiv:2301.12938 [hep-th] )
- "Elliptically oscillating solutions in Abelian–Higgs model and electromagnetic property",
Y. Kitadono and T. Inagaki, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A37 (2022) 13, 2250084.
(arXiv:2207.05391 [hep-ph] )
- "Cartan F(R) Gravity and Equivalent Scalar–Tensor Theory",
T. Inagaki and M. Taniguchi, Symmetry 14 (2022) 9, 1830.
(arXiv:2204.01255 [gr-qc] )
- "Precise Phase Structure in Four-fermion Interaction Model on Torus",
T. Inagaki, Y. Matsuo and H. Shimoji, Prog. Theor. Exper. Phys. 2022 (2022) 013B09.
(arXiv:2108.03583 [hep-ph] )
- "Gravitational Waves in Modified Gauss-Bonnet Gravity",
T. Inagaki and M. Taniguchi, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D29 (2020) 10, 2050072.
(arXiv:1912.11309 [gr-qc] )
- "Exploring the Inflation of $F(R)$ Gravity",
T. Inagaki and H. Sakamoto, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D29 (2020) 02, 2050012.
(arXiv:1909.07638 [gr-qc] )
- "Dark Matter in Logarithmic F(R) Gravity",
T. Inagaki, Y. Matsuo and H. Sakamoto, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D28 (2019) 1950157.
(arXiv:1905.05503 [gr-qc] )
- "Four-Fermion Interaction Model on $\mathcal{M}^{D-1} \otimes S^1$",
T. Inagaki, Y. Matsuo and H. Shimoji, Symmetry 11 (2019) 451.
(arXiv:1903.04244 [hep-th] )
- "An Alternative Attractor in Gauged NJL Inflation",
T. Inagaki, S. D. Odintsov and H. Sakamoto, Europhys. Lett. 118 (2017) 29001.
(arXiv:1706.05489 [hep-th] )
- "Inflation from the Finite Scale Gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model",
T. Inagaki, S. D. Odintsov and H. Sakamoto, Nucl. Phys. B919 (2017) 297-314.
(arXiv:1611.00210 [hep-ph] )
- "Parameter Fitting in Three-Flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model with Various Regularizations",
H. Kohyama, D. Kimura and T. Inagaki, Nucl. Phys. B906 (2016) 524-548.
(arXiv:1601.02411 [hep-ph] )
- "Elliptically Oscillating Classical Solution in Higgs Potential and the Effects on Vacuum Transitions",
Y. Kitadono and T. Inagaki, Phys. Rev. D93 (2016) 093014.
(arXiv:1512.08123 [hep-ph] )
- "Gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio inflation",
T. Inagaki S. D. Odintsov and H. Sakamoto, Astr. Space Sci. 360 (2015) 2, 67.
(arXiv:1509.03738 [hep-th] )
- "Non-minimal two-loop inflation",
T. Inagaki, R. Nakanishi and S. D. Odintsov, Phys. Lett. B745 (2015) 105-111.
(arXiv:1502.06301 [gr-qc] )
- "Regularization dependence on phase diagram in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model",
H. Kohyama, D. Kimura and T. Inagaki, Nucl. Phys. B896 (2015) 682-715.
(arXiv:1501.00449 [hep-ph] )
- "Gauge-covariant solution for the Schwinger-Dyson equation in 3D QED with a Chern-Simons term",
Y. Hoshino, T. Inagaki and Y. Mizutani, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2015 (2015) 023B03.
(arXiv:1409.3629 [hep-ph] )
- "Inflationary Parameters in Renormalization Group Improved $\phi^4$ Theory",
T. Inagaki, R. Nakanishi and S. D. Odintsov, Astr. Space Sci. 354 (2014) 2108.
(arXiv:1408.1270 [gr-qc] )
- "Next to leading order calculation with dimensional regularization in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model",
T. Inagaki, D. Kimura and H. Kohyama, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A29 (2014) 1450048-1-1450048-9.
(arXiv:1401.7399 [hep-ph] )
- "Regularization parameter independent analysis in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model",
T. Inagaki, D. Kimura, H. Kohyama and A. Kvinikhidze, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A28 (2013) 1350164-1-1350164-16.
(arXiv:1302.5667 [hep-ph] )
- "Phase diagram of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with dimensional regularization",
T. Inagaki, D. Kimura, H. Kohyama and A. Kvinikhidze, Phys. Rev. D86 (2012) 116013.
(arXiv:1202.5220 [hep-ph] )
- "Non-Equilibrium Thermo Field Dynamics for Relativistic Complex Scalar and Dirac Fields",
Y. Mizutani and T. Inagaki, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A27 (2012) 1250078-1-1250078-45.
(arXiv:1111.7083 [hep-th] )
- "Nonet meson properties in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with dimensional regularization at finite temperature and chemical potential",
T. Inagaki, D. Kimura, H. Kohyama and A. Kvinikhidze, Phys. Rev. D85 (2012) 076002.
(arXiv:1110.5898 [hep-ph] )
- "Canonical Quantization for a Relativistic Neutral Scalar Field in Non-equilibrium Thermo Field Dynamics",
Y. Mizutani, T. Inagaki, Y. Nakamura and Y. Yamanaka, Prog. Theor. Phys. 126 (2011) 681-701.
(arXiv:1105.5952 [hep-th] )
- "Space-time evolution induced by spinor fields with canonical and non-canonical kinetic terms",
T. Inagaki, Y. Rybalov and X. Meng, Eur. Phys. J. C 71 (2011) 1656.
(arXiv:1102.5036 [hep-ph] )
- "Boltzmann equation for relativistic neutral scalar field in non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics",
Y. Mizutani and T. Inagaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 125 (2011) 933-955.
(arXiv:1011.0281 [hep-th] )
- "Nonet meson properties in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with dimensional versus cutoff regularization",
T. Inagaki, D. Kimura, H. Kohyama and A. Kvinikhidze, Phys. Rev. D83 (2011) 034005.
(arXiv:1010.0309 [hep-ph] )
- "Phase Structure of a Four- and Eight-Fermion Interaction Model at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential in Arbitrary Dimensions",
M. Hayashi, T. Inagaki and W. Sakamoto, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A25 (2010) 4757-4774.
(arXiv:1007.1497 [hep-ph])
- "Curvature and topological effects on dynamical symmetry breaking in a four- and eight-fermion interaction model",
M. Hayashi and T. Inagaki, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A25 (2010) 3353-3374.
(arXiv:1003.3163 [hep-ph])
- "High density quark matter in the NJL model with dimensional vs. cut-off regularization",
T. Fujihara, D. Kimura, T. Inagaki and A.Kvinikhidze, Phys. Rev. D79 (2009) 096008.
(arXiv:0812.2821 [hep-ph])
- "Phase Structure of Multifermion Interaction Models in Weakly Curved Space-time",
M. Hayashi, T. Inagaki and H. Takata, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A24 (2009) 5363-5379.
(arXiv:0812.0900 [hep-ph])
- "$\pi$ and $\sigma$ mesons at finite temperature and density in the NJL model with dimensional regularization ",
T. Inagaki, D. Kimura and A. Kvinikhidze, Phys. Rev. D77 (2008) 116004.
(arXiv:0712.1336 [hep-ph])
- "Influence of QED corrections on the orientation of chiral symmetry breaking in the NJL model ",
T. Fujihara, T. Inagaki, D. Kimura, Prog. Theor. Phys. 117 (2007) 139-160.
- "The one-loop effective action in phi**4 theory coupled non-linearly with curvature power and dynamical origin of cosmological constant ",
T. Inagaki, S. Nojiri and S. D. Odintsov, JCAP 06 (2005) 010.
- "Effective potential for $\lambda\phi^4$ theory at finite temperature in $R\otimes S^{D-1}$ and $R\otimes H^{D-1}$ ",
T. Hattori, M. Hayashi, T.Inagaki and Y.Kitadono, QG issue of TSPU Vestnik 7 (2004) 99-109.
- "Four-fermion interaction model in a constant magnetic field at finite temperature and chemical potential",
T.Inagaki, D.Kimura and T.Murata, Prog. Theor. Phys. 111 (2004) 371-386.
- "Dynamical origin of low-mass fermions in Randall-Sundrum background",
K.Fukazawa, T.Inagaki, Y.Katsuki, T.Muta and K.Ohkura, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20 (2005) 4085.
- "Proper-time formalism in a constant magnetic field at finite temperature and chemical potential",
T.Inagaki, D.Kimura and T.Murata, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20 (2005) 4995.
- "Dark energy problem in a four-fermion interaction model",
T.Inagaki, X.Meng and T.Murata, hep-ph/0306010.
- "Schwinger-Dyson Analysis of Dynamical Symmetry Breaking on a Brane with Bulk Yang-Mills Theory",
H. Abe and T. Inagaki, Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 085001.
- "Chiral Phase Transition of Bulk Abelian Gauge Theories in the Randall-Sundrum Brane World",
H. Abe, K. Fukazawa and T. Inagaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 107 (2002) 1047-1060.
- "Structure of Chiral Phase Transitions at Finite Temperature in Abelian Gauge Theories",
K. Fukazawa, T. Inagaki, S. Mukaigawa and T. Muta, Prog. Theor. Phys. 105 (2001) 979-998.
- "Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in the External Gravitational and Constant Magnetic Fields",
T. Inagaki, S. D. Odintsov and Yu. I. Shil'nov,
Int. J. of Mod. Phys. A14 (1999) 481-503.
- "Non-Perturbative Approach to the Effective Potential of the $\lambda\phi^4$ Theory at Finite Temperature",
T. Inagaki, K. Ogure and J. Sato, Prog. Theor. Phys. 99 (1998) 1069-1084.
- "Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Compact Flat Spaces",
K. Ishikawa, T. Inagaki, K. Fukazawa and K. Yamamoto, Prog. Theor. Phys. 99 (1998) 237-255.
- "Thermal and Curvature Effects to Dynamical Symmetry Breaking",
T. Inagaki and K. Ishikawa, Phys. Rev. D56 (1997) 5097-5107.
- "Supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model in an External Gravitational Field",
I. L. Buchbinder, T. Inagaki and S. D. Odintsov, Mod. Phys. Lett. A12 (1997) 2271-2278.
- "Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Curved Spacetime",
T. Inagaki, T. Muta and S. D. Odintsov, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 127 (1997) 93-193.
- "Exact Solution of the Equation for Spinor Two-Point Functions in Einstein Universe".
T. Inagaki, K. Ishikawa and T. Muta, Prog. Theor. Phys. 96, (1996) 847-852.
- "Curvature-Induced Phase Transition in a Four-Fermion Theory Using the Weak Curvature Expansion",
T. Inagaki, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. A11, (1996) 4561-4576.
- "Curvature-Induced Dynamical Symmetry Restoration in Einstein Universe ($R \otimes S^{D-1}$)",
K. Ishikawa, T. Inagaki and T. Muta, Mod. Phys. Lett. A11, (1996) 939-948.
- "Soluble Model of Four-Fermion Interactions in de Sitter Space",
T. Inagaki, S. Mukaigawa and T. Muta, Phys. Rev. D52, (1995) 4267-4271.
- "Phase Structure of Four-Fermion Theories at Finite Temperature
and Chemical Potential in Arbitrary Dimensions",
T. Inagaki, T. Kouno and T. Muta, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. A10 (1995) 2241-2268.
- "Dynamical CP Violation in Composite Higgs Models",
S. Hashimoto, T. Inagaki and T. Muta,Phys. Rev. D48 (1993) 1301-1309.
- "Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model in Curved Space-Time",
T. Inagaki, T. Muta and S. D. Odintsov, Mod. Phys. Lett. A8 (1993) 2117-2123.
Book Contributions |
- "Four- and eight-fermion interactions in a space-time with non-trivial topology",
T. Inagaki, The Problems of Modern Cosmology, Ed. P. M. Lavrov, Tomsk Pedagogical University Press (2009) 214-221.
(arXiv:0812.2766 [hep-ph])
- " Dynamical Fermion Masses Under the Influence of Kaluza-Klein Fermions in Randall-Sundrum Background",
H. Abe, T. Inagaki and T. Muta, "Fluctuating Paths and Fields", Eds. W. Janke, A. Pelster, H.-J. Schmidt, M. Bachmann, World Scientific, (2001) 185-195.
- "Dynamical Origin of the CP Violation",
S. Hashimoto, T. Inagaki and T. Muta, "Field Theory and Collective Phenomena", Eds. S. D. Lillo, P. Sodano, F. C. Khanna and G. W. Semenoff, World Scientific (1995) 440-455.
Proceedings (国際会議) |
- " Inflationary Expanding Universe by a Composite Scalar Field ",
T. Inagaki, GESJ: PHYSICS 1 (15) (2016) 89-91.
- "Schwinger-Dyson analysis of 1+2 dimensional QED",
T. Inagaki, Proceedings of the International Conference "Quantum Field Theory and Gravity 2014", Eds. I. L. Buchbinder and V. Y. Epp, Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 12 (2014) 100-102.
- "Regularization parameter independent approach in a four fermion interaction model",
T. Inagaki, Proceedings of the International Conference "Quantum Field Theory and Gravity", Eds. I. L. Buchbinder and V. Y. Epp, Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin 13 (2012) 61-65.
- "Topological and curvature effects in a multi-fermion interaction model",
T. Inagaki and M. Hayashi, Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in LHC Era, Eds. H. Fukaya, M. Harada, M. Tanabashi, K. Yamawaki, World Scientific (2011) 184-190.
(arXiv:1003.1173 [hep-ph] )
- "NJL model with dimensional regularization at finite temperature,",
T. Fujihara, T. Inagaki, D. Kimura, H. Kohyama, A. Kvinikhideze, Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in LHC Era, Eds. H. Fukaya, M. Harada, M. Tanabashi, K. Yamawaki, World Scientific (2011) 415-417.
- "Reconsideration of the 2-flavor NJL model with dimensional regularization at finite temperature and density",
T. Fujihara, T. Inagaki, D. Kimura and A. Kvinikhidze, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 174 (2008) 72-75.,
(arXiv:0806.1331 [hep-ph] )
- "Thermal and Curvature Effects for an Evolution of Curved Space in a Four-Fermion Interaction Model"
- "Phase structure of NJL model with finite quark mass and QED correction",
T. Fujihara, T. Inagaki and D. Kimura, The Origin of Mass and Strong Coupling Gauge Theories, Eds. M. Harada, M. Tanabashi, K. Yamawaki, World Scientific (2007) 213-219.
- "Radiative symmetry breaking and dynamical origin of cosmological constant in $\phi^4$ theory with non-linear curvature coupling ",
T. Inagaki, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 6455-6462.
- "Thermal and curvature effects to spontaneous symmetry breaking in $\phi^4$ theory ",
T. Hattori, M. Hayashi, T. Inagaki, Y. Kitadono, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 6441-6444.
- "Color superconductivity and radius of quark star in extended NJL model by using the dimensional regularization ",
T. Fujihara, T. Inagaki, D. Kimura, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.39 (2006) 6371-6375
- "NJL model at finite chemical potential in a constant magnetic field",
T.Inagaki, D.Kimura and T.Murata, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl., Vol. 153 (2004) 321-324.
- "Dynamical symmetry breaking in Randall-Sundrum background",
T.Inagaki, Gravitation & Cosmology, Vol. 9 (2003) 41-44.
- "Dynamical low mass fermion generation in Randall-Sundrum background",
T.Inagaki, Proceedings of the 2002 International Workshop on Strong Coupling Gauge Theories and Effective Field Theories, Eds. M.Harada, Y.Kikukawa, K.Yamawaki, World Scientific (2003) 298-304.
- "Structure of Chiral Phase Transitions at Finite Temperature in Abelian Gauge Theories",
T. Inagaki, Dynamics of Gauge Fields: TMU-Yale Symposium, Eds. A. Chodos, N. Kitazawa, H. Minakata, C. M. Sommerfield, Universal Academy Press (2000) 333 - 334.
- "Thermal and curvature effects to the dynamical Symmetry Breaking",
T. Inagaki, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Quantum Field Theory and Gravity, Eds. I. L. Buchbinder and K. E. Osetrin, TSPU publishing (1998) 195-199.
- "Phase Structure of a Four-Fermion Theory at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential",
T. Inagaki, Thermal Field Theories and Their Applications, Eds. Y. X. Gui, F. C. Khanna and Z. B. Su, World Scientific (1996) 121 - 129.
- "Dynamical CP violation in composite Higgs models: A Review".
T. Inagaki,
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 37A (1994) 197-202.
学位論文 |
- 博士論文, 1995年1月提出
"Phase Structure of Four-Fermion Theories at Finite Temperature, Chemical Potential and Curvature"
- 修士論文, 1992年2月提出
"Dynamical CP Violation in Composite Higgs Models"
- 卒業論文, 1990年2月提出
"QCD calculation of jet cross sections of e+e- annihilation"