[Report] Presented at the Planetary Health Summit 2024

The 2024 Planetary Health Summit/6th Planetary Health Alliance Annual Meeting (PHAM 2024) was held at Sunway University in Malaysia. This was the first time to be held the meeting in Asia. Over 1,000 participants from 63 countries gathered for four days of discussions on how we can collaborate, confront, and take action on global challenges. We made two presentations at this summit. I will report about this summit soon.


Conference Name: 2024 Planetary Health Summit and 6th Annual Meeting – From Evidence to Action: Confronting Reality (April 16-19, 2024, Malaysia)

Place: Sunway, Malaysia

Presenter: Saori Kashima

Title1: (Oral presentation, Healthy City Initiative Session)
“Examples from Japan: Plans and actions for healthy cities nurturing green and blue zones”

Title2: (Poster Session)
“Community-oriented practice for Planetary Healthy Aging: A project to develop the comprehensive indicator”

Conference URL:https://www.pham2024.com/
