The 130th Study Session of the “Development and Cultural Change” Forum
題目(Theme):Newcomer Alternative Farmers in Japan and Italy: Examining Scaling-Up Processes for Territorial Sustainability Transitions
発表者(Speaker):Simona Zollet
PhD Candidate (D182272)
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Hiroshima University, Japan
言語 (Language): 英語 (English)
日時 (Date and Time): 2020年11月24日 (Nov 24, 2020)
火曜日(Tuesday)10:30 ~11:30
会場 (Place): (Online via Teams)
Contact Simona Zollet (s.zollet@hotmail.it) for the URL, meeting ID, and Password
*This presentation is part of the preliminary defence for PhD dissertation of the Speaker.
Coordinator: Prof. K. L. Maharjan
Email: mkeshav@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
The 129th Study Session of the “Development and Cultural Change” Forum
題目(Theme):A Study on Agricultural Credit Policy in Afghanistan
発表者(Speaker):Masaood Moahid
PhD Candidate (D183880)
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Hiroshima University, Japan
言語 (Language): 英語 (English)
日時 (Date and Time): 2020年11月20日 (Nov 20, 2020)
金曜日(Friday)13:00 ~14:00
会場 (Place): (Online via Teams)
Contact Masaood Moahid (masaoodnufa@gmail.com) for the URL, meeting ID, and Password
*This presentation is part of the preliminary defense for PhD dissertation of the Speaker.
Coordinator:Prof. K. L. Maharjan
Email: mkeshav@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
共催:第128回「開発と文化」研究会・日本学術振興会 二国間交流事業 インドとの共同研究 2020年度第4回研究会
現代インド地域研究 広島大学拠点(HINDAS)では、下記の通り第4回研究集会を開催します。
2020 HINDAS 4th Regular Seminar
The 128th Study Session of the “Development and Cultural Change” Forum
JSPS (Japan)-ICSSR (India) Joint Research Project, 2020 4th Workshop
Date: 13:30〜17:00,Saturday, October 24th, 2020
Venue: Online
<Theme> Interim Presentation of Joint Research Project between JSPS, Japan and ICSSR, India
Research Theme: Moving Towards Climate Resilient Agriculture: Understanding the Factors Influencing Adoption in India and Japan (Research Brief)
Maharjan, Keshav Lall (Hiroshima University):Understanding the Factors Related to Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture in Japan: A Case Study of Sado, Niigata Prefecture(Abstract)
Jena, Pradyot Ranjan(National Institute of Technology Karnataka), Nayak, Bibhu Prasad and Maharjan, Keshav Lall :Do socio-economic household-level variables affect the adaptation decision of rural farmers? Evidence from Inland Districts of Odisha (Abstract)
Nayak, Bibhu Prasad (Tata Institute of Social Sciences), Jena, Pradyot Ranjan and Maharjan, Keshav Lall :Does access to Meteorological Information affect the Perception of Climate Change among the Rural Famers: A study from a drought-prone district of Odisha(Abstract)
日本学術振興会 二国間交流事業 インドとの共同研究 2020年度第3回研究会
The 127th Study Session of the “Development and Cultural Change” Forum
JSPS (Japan)-ICSSR (India) Joint Research Project, 2020 3rd Workshop
July 19 (10:30=16:30), 2020 online
2020年7月19日10:030~16:30 オンライン
司会(ホスト)Host:マハラジャン、ケシャブラル 広島大学人間社会科学研究科 教授 Maharjan, K.L., Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
発表者 Presenter:
1. 河合 明宣 放送大学 特任教授 Kawai, Akinobu, Professor by special appointment, The Open University of Japan
Title: 佐渡におけるトキの野生復帰事業が佐渡農業に与える展望
The framework of the reintroduction project of Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon and its perspective on Sado agriculture
2. 永田 明 国連大学客員研究員 Nagata, Akira, Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of the Advanced Study of Sustainability, United Nations University
Title: 世界農業遺産「トキと共生する佐渡の里山」と佐渡の農業
GIAHS “Sado’s Satoyama in Harmony with Japanese Crested Ibis” and Sado Agriculture
3. マハラジャン、ケシャブラル 広島大学 Maharjan, K.L., Hiroshima University
Title: 佐渡市におけるアンケート調査から見える地域農業の現状ー中間的まとめ
Agriculture in Sado, Nigata Prefecture- Preliminary report of the Questionnaire Survey
Q&A 質疑応答
日本学術振興会 二国間交流事業 インドとの共同研究 2020年度第2回研究会
The 126th Study Session of the “Development and Cultural Change” Forum
JSPS (Japan)-ICSSR (India) Joint Research Project, 2020 2nd Workshop
June 7 (15:00~19:00) and June 21 (10:30=13:30), 2020 online
2020年6月7日15:00~19:00 及び2020年6月21日10:030~13:30 オンライン
司会(ホスト)Host:マハラジャン、ケシャブラル 広島大学人間社会科学研究科 教授 Maharjan, K.L. Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
発表者 Presenter:
1. 河合 明宣 放送大学 特任教授 Kawai, Akinobu, Professor by special appointment, The Open University of Japan
Title: 環境保全(農業の多面的機能)Environment Conservation: Focusing on Multifunctionality of Agriculture
2. 永田 明 国連大学客員研究員 Nagata, Akira, Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of the Advanced Study of Sustainability, United Nations University
Title: 日本における気候変動対応型農業の推進 Climate Smart Agriculture in Japan
3. 掛川 優子 やりたなごの会会長、カワゲラの会代表 Kakekawa, Yuko, Chair person, Yaritanago Kai
Title: 環境水路(農業用水)に戻り始めた生物たちーヤリタナゴ保護の現場からー
Returing of Biodiversity in environment friendly irrigtion canals: A case of conservation of Tanakia lanceolata, indigeneous carp variety designated as the natural treasure by the local government
4. マハラジャン、ケシャブラル 広島大学 Maharjan, K.L., Hiroshima University
Title: 藤岡市におけるアンケート調査から見える地域農業の現状ー中間的まとめ
Agriculture in Fujioka region, Gunma Prefecture- Preliminary report of the Questionnaire Survey
Q&A 質疑応答
日本学術振興会 二国間交流事業 インドとの共同研究 2020年度第1回研究会
JSPS (Japan)-ICSSR (India) Joint Research Project, 2020 1st Workshop
May 21 (15:00~18:00), 2020, online
2020年5月21日15:00~18:00 オンライン
司会(ホスト)Host:マハラジャン、ケシャブラル 教授 広島大学 Maharjan, K.L. Prof., Hiroshima University
参加者:永田明、掛川優子 (河合明宣終了後報告・説明)
質疑応答 Q&A
第125回「開発と文化」研究会 The 125th Study Session of the “Development and Cultural Change” Forum
以下の通り「開発と文化」の研究会を開催いたします。 多くの方々の参加をお待ちしております。 Your participation in the study session will be highly appreciated. |
言語 (Language): 英語 (English)
日時 (Date and Time): 2019年11月19日 (November 19, 2019) 火曜日(Tuesday) 12:00~12:45 (Open Session) 12:45~13:15 (Question/Answers and Discussion) 13:15~13:30 (Closed Session and Decision) 会場 (Place): IDEC Class Room 508, 5th Floor |
題目(Theme):Factors affecting climate change adaptation in agriculture in the Central and Western Nepal
発表者(Speaker): Maharjan, Shree Kumar [PhD Candidate (D171286)] Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University |
The “Development & Cultural Change Forum” is a place to exchange ideas on the issues of Development & Cultural Change. Anybody interested in the issue is welcome to join this session. |
*This presentation is part of the preliminary defense for PhD dissertation of the Speakers.
Coordinator:マハラジャン・ケシャブ・ラル教授(Prof. K. L. Maharjan) 内線(Ext.)6947, Email: mkeshav@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
2019 HINDAS 4th Regular Seminar 
The 124th Study Session of the “Development and Cultural Change Forum”Date: 13:30-16:50, Sunday, November 10th, 2019
Venue: Large Conference room, 1F, Faculty of Letters, Hiroshima University
<Theme> 「学術振興会(JSPS)二国間交流事業共同研究:気候弾力性のある農業に関する研究
13:30〜14:30 Maharjan, Keshav Lall(Hiroshima University, Japan): “Understanding of Climate Resilient Agriculture and objective of this research: Towards a comparative analysis of Japan and India”(Abstract)
14:30〜14:40 休憩
14:40〜15:40 Nagata Akira(The Open University of Japan):「日本における気候変動対応型農業の推進」“Climate Resilient Agriculture in Japan”
15:40〜15:50 休憩
15:50〜16:50 Shree Kumar Maharjan(TAOYAKA Program, Hiroshima University) Maharjan, Keshav Lall(Hiroshima University): “Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA): A review and analysis of policies/plans and practices in South Asia”
Map to Venue

1oth INDAS-South Asia International Conference “Inclusive Development in South Asia”
National Institutes for the Humanities in Japan, Integrated Area Studies on South Asia
Date: 15-16 December 2018
Email: indas.office@asfas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
web: http://www.indas.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp