HUSA Participants' Voice
- 2017-2018
- 2015-2016
- 2013-2014
- 2012-2013
- 2011-2012
- 2009-2010
- 2007-2008
- 2006-2007
- 2005-2006
- 2004-2005
- 2003-2004
- Coming Back to Hiroshima University as a Graduate Student
- Future Career
- Academic Advisor's Voice
Aleksi Kivelä, Jyvaskyla University (Finland), Majoring in Physics
My experience in Japan as a part of Hiroshima University's HUSA-program, has been a great experience. Through the program I have had the opportunity to immerse myself to Japanese culture and traditions. Not only have the courses strengthened my understanding of Japanese everyday life and given me the self-confidence of engaging in conversations in Japanese with the local people. I could also continue my kendo training in the university's kendo circle, and the circle has now become a part of my life here in Hiroshima University. This is surely an experience I'll never forget!
Milly Marsha Viandrina, Parahyangan Catholic University (Indonesia), International Relations
Starting from being Scholarship Awardee from Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) to study Japanese politics, education, history, language and culture at Hiroshima University which has been broadening my views on social-cultural characteristic of Indonesia and Japan.
I began my first excting and eye-opening experience in the peaceful city of Hiroshima as Teaching Assistant for Prof. Atsuhi Otta to teach Bahasa Indonesia for Professors, Graduate Research students and Undergraduate Japanese students to translate word by word from Japanese to Bahasa Indonesia, teaching how to read, write and communicate properly.
I tried to make friends with Japanese students outside my class by become part of English Conversation Partner voluntarily to help first year Japanese student communicate in english fluently as the preparation for HU - START exchange program to Australia. I actively join International student community in campus, called Hiroshima University International Student Association (HUISA) and cultural student activity such as: Japanese Tea Ceremony (Sadou), Art, and Public Speaking Club in order to communicate, have mutual understanding, exchange cultures, and interact directly with Japanese student.
As a part of International student under HUSA Program and JASSO Scholarship awardee, students are required to do volunteer activity
project in local community. Our project was “Introduction to multicultural differences through interactive ways.”
The aim of this project is to represent Indonesia, Germany, France and Australia cultures by teaching the different types of greetings, non-verbal communication and multicultural differences at local elementary school, called: Mitsujo Elementary School in Saijo. Students were enthussiast and excited to play Indonesian games called: Semut-orang-gajah and Lompat tali.
Following my interest on diplomacy and global-issues to discuss about current international phenomena, I was delegates of Lebanon on International Conference, such as: Japan University English Model United Nation (JUEMUN) 2016 at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies and delegates of Australia for International Network of Universities (INU) held by Hiroshima University. I also represent Indonesia for Hiroshima-ASEAN Festival 2016 to show the variation of fascinating Indonesian cultures. I am especially grateful for all the process, hard work, and achievements during my study at Hiroshima University. By sharing valuable experience on this article to enhance, motivate, and inspire students in UNPAR and Hiroshima University.
Justin Sguros, Florida State University (USA)
"Being accepted into the HUSA program has given me the opportunity of a life time. Experiencing life as a student in Japan has increased my Japanese proficiency and taught me Japanese values and customs that I otherwise would not understand. It has also allowed me to continue my study of Japanese martial arts. Sumo has strengthened aspects of my physique and mentality that karate did not. It has also given me insight into what it means to be a member of a 'bukatsu' in Japan. Many hours must be dedicated to training with your teammates. Thank you Hiroshima University for giving me this wonderful opportunity."
Remco Tas, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
"After being accepted for the HUSA program at Hiroshima University there were a lot of things I needed to do, not at the least to really start learning Japanese to be able to at least know the basics before I got on the flight to Japan. Although I read tons of information about Hiroshima University and Japan, booklets can only tell you so much and it had been a while since a student from my University (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) went to Hiroshima. After arriving at Hiroshima University any worries I may have had were easily dismissed after the two-day introduction program. I was unsure whether my Japanese would be good enough to follow the courses I wished to follow but the Japanese language program is neatly divided into 5 levels so that even a beginner like me could take the appropriate level. Other courses I was interested in (for example courses on Japanese culture and business) are also available in English. I just came home from two weeks of traveling through Japan and seeing all these different places and cities in Japan made me realize that Hiroshima University was a great decision, you can find kind and helpful people all over Japan but Hiroshima surely stands above the rest!"
Lauren DeCosta, Florida State University (USA)
From Studying to Working
"My Being able to study abroad in Japan has been a dream of mine ever since I began my academic career at FSU, though, to be honest,
Hiroshima University had not been my first choice. The alternative option that FSU offers would have included a yearlong homestay,
which was something which I had thought that I wanted to do. That being said, I’m glad that I did end up at Hiroshima University.
HUSA staff work hard to offer support for the HUSA students, which made my experience nothing other than a positive one, and which
offered a variety of different experiences for the students (such as guided trips to festivals, or the Kurahashi/Etajima tour which
gave HUSA students the chance to interact with Japanese junior high school students, as well as conversation with local people).
Though life in the dorms didn’t offer the experience of life with a Japanese family, it did offer me the opportunity to experience
life more like the Japanese university students had. It gave me more freedom to explore Japan, even if only the immediate
surrounding area. I was able to freely attend any event on campus, or around Saijo which I had wanted to, without having to worry
about a host family, which gave me more chances to interact with other people in a variety of situations."
Attending Hiroshima University has opened up many things for me. It has given me an opportunity to learn more about Japan and the
Japanese culture, while also broadening my horizons by learning about the other exchange students’ home countries and their cultures
as well. I was able to meet people from all over the world, from places I had never thought I would ever know anyone from, and I was
able to learn more about the variety of views different people may hold. HUSA gave me an opportunity to make new friends, both
Japanese and fellow exchange students, and through these friends and my experiences of life with them I could grow more as a person.
It was through these friends that I was even able to experience a little bit of what it’s like to work part-time in Japan, having
worked once a week for a few months at an English conversation school, which has helped to banish any doubt I may have had about
returning to Japan to work as some sort of English teacher after I graduate. Had I been anywhere other than Hiroshima University
these experience might not have been available to me."
"Even the courses offered provided the HUSA students with more opportunities. Every course I took taught me both language and
culture, and acted as proof of how the two are interwoven. Not only that, but they all taught me more than just what the course
intended. Through the Japanese Peace and Culture class which I took I was able to learn more about the way Japanese people think,
and how this is reflected in the culture. This same class also gave me the chance to listen to speeches by a variety of guest
speakers, including a survivor of the atomic bomb, and a man who works for one of the local newspaper companies."
"There are so many things that I have taken away from my time at Hiroshima University which I cannot even think of words to express.
It was simultaneously the most terrifying, and the most rewarding experience of my life up to this point. I wish I had the eloquence
to produce something more appropriate to share my experiences as a HUSA student, but unfortunately all I can say is that these
experiences will remain with me as I continue on to the next step of my life, and the experiences and the people have helped to
build me into a person more capable and confident as I approach my graduation from university and begin a career."
Nadia Putri Laksmi, Univeresity of Indonesia (indonesia)
From Studying to Working
By participating in HUSA, i learned so many things about life which very useful and precious. Not only learning language, it help me
to improve my cross cultural understanding. In the program, there are about 40 students from 13 countries. Sharing opinion and idea
with them inside the class, outside the class, or while we were having a tour together showed me that there are a lot of differences
between us on culture and our thinking way and reaction to an issue. However, that become a learning point for me on how to handle
the differences and making a good relations with other HUSA students and have same understanding about an issue as a goal of our
communication. In the end, i become more open minded person, ready, and brave enough to face global working environment.
Currently i am working for UNIQLO Indonesia Representative Office in Jakarta. Above learning point I got from HUSA supports me while
i am in selection process for this job since those are some value that company such as UNIQLO is looking from young generation.
HUSA’s Event & Classes
HUSA program has a lot of interesting events. Around November, i participated on Shobara homestay from HUSA program. Through this
program, i have a new family, Japanese family who are very kind and introduced me to many Japanese culture, for instance how
Japanese people's role in their family, Japanese's culture on spending new year eve and new year, and infinite family relations. We
offered many courses/classes in every semester from Politics, Economic, Gender Issue, to Japanese Culture and Art. Class visit to
Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Museum gives life lesson about peace and that we need to survive then living better life even after having bad
experience, from Hiroshima, where the city and the people experienced atomic bomb.
Japan’s Life
It was もののあわれ that answered my wonders about Japanese people’s habit and their reaction to special moments. My friend, Honda
san, give his opinion about もののあわれ:
“もののあわれ is an aspect of life, example how people appreciate the changing of the season. It means precious time because
everything will be gone, so we should appreciate all of things. Example is Hanami, Once Sakura is blooming for a week, that time
becomes very important and beautiful, and we spend with important and lovely persons too, since we can not turn back time”
Living in Japan remind me about appreciate every single things in life, I become more thakful to everything that i have and easily i
can get when i am in Indonesia, for instance sun and flower. Living and working habit in Japan also contribute a lot to my regular
living way’s improvement, like time management and cleanliness.
Learning with Traveling
I am very grateful that i can spent my winter break and spring break with travel around Japan. This is a must since actually public
transportation in Japan is very simple and helpfull. I went to Osaka, Kyoto, Nagasaki, Kure, and some other places. For me,
travelling is one of the best choice for learning culture and practicing language because when i travel, i always meet new people,
force to speak in Japanese to local Japanese, explore historical spots in Japan, seeing how Japanese people are praying in Shinto
Shrine or Buddhism Temple or how Nagasaki is very beautiful with its European scents inside the city.

Jenae Bailey, James Madison University (USA)
"My year participating in the HUSA Program was probably the very best experience of my life. I believe my experiences studying
abroad in Japan were greatly enhanced by the uniqueness of Hiroshima University. Hiroshima University’s location allowed me to
experience several aspects of Japanese life. I had easy access to both rural and urban areas. I could experience college life on
campus while attending classes, meeting other students, and attending school festivals and bus trips. I also felt more independent
and mature having to get accustomed to an entire new way of life, living, and interacting with people according to Japanese norms.
Hiroshima University’s international community also allowed me the chance to learn about a lot of other countries as well. There
were great opportunities to meet other students from around the world who were eager to share their respected cultures with
"I greatly enjoyed the HUSA Program because I felt like I was able to customize my experience more. HUSA participants have the
option of attending different courses based on their Japanese ability. Around Hiroshima University’s campus, there are job,
internship, and volunteer opportunities. There are plenty of restaurants with western foods, as well as Japanese foods. There is
even more variety and opportunities to offer within Hiroshima City. I had a lot of fun experiences with Japanese pop culture, like
music concerts, movie theaters, and fashion. I also equally enjoyed Japanese traditional culture, like festivals, ceremonies, and
cultural performances. Because of these aspects, and many more, I believe I was able to customize my personal experience studying
abroad in Japan to suit my own goals."
"After completing my experience as a participant in the HUSA Program, I am very eager to return to Japan one day. As I am finishing
school at my home university, I am studying Japanese as an actual language, instead of just for fun, like I was prior to
participating in the program. I originally thought of Japan and learning Japanese as just an interest. But now, I want to continue
my education and career along this path. After having the opportunity to really utilize the language and experience Japan for
myself, I want to return to Japan and gain even more experiences to help enhance my life."

Petani Bin Mohd Noor, University of Malaya (Malaysia)
"The HUSA Program aided me to become au courant, undoubtedly. It shaped me to see things differently from various perspectives. I
believe I had gained a lot in terms of knowledge and exposure. The opportunity to take 15 subjects in total for two semesters
definitely had broaden my horizon and increased my Japanese language ability as well as the knowledge pertaining to Japanese society
and culture."
"Upon joining HUSA, I was affluent to witness the Crab Festival held at Yoshiura in Kure. At the festival, I could see how local
people joining hand in hand in making the festival a memorable one. Apart from that, I was fortunate for getting the chance to go to
places around Onomichi, Okuno Island, Takehara and Kosanji during the Autumn International Bus Tour conducted by Hiroshima
University International Exchange Group.Besides, I also joined a “kaiwa” partner activity and was assigned to two Japanese students
as my companions. We met every Monday for almost a semester during lunch hours and talked to each other in Japanese and English. At
Hiroshima University certainly, you will never get bored!"
"In addition, a small-scale research that I did in “Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology” had brought me to as far as United Arab
Emirates for a conference. My heartfelt gratitude and sincerest appreciation go to Associate Professor Dr. Tsunematsu Naomi who
recommended me to my scholarship foundation for a conference subsidy worth 100,000 yen. I was blessed for having a great team of
lecturers and university staff who were always there to assist whenever I needed some guidance or information. Hence, without the
support from each and every single individual at Hiroshima University, I do not think that I would be able to attain so much within
a year while undergoing the HUSA program."

Yang Qian, 首都師範大学(中国)

Parranto, Zachary (University of Minnesota, USA) - アメリカ・ミネソタ大学
My experience with the HUSA program
"When I signed up for the HUSA program at the University of Minnesota, I only had a vague awareness of what I was getting myself
into. I knew I wanted to study abroad, but I didn’t know where except that I wanted to go somewhere different than Spain or
Australia (which is what most of my friends did). At the time I was taking Japanese language courses at the U and thought the
language was really cool. In a rare twist of spontaneity I went to an informational meeting for the HUSA program in Japan. I
listened to a few people present their experiences and memories from the program and I determined this was the program for me."
"Arriving in Japan, I first noticed how the program was very organized and as nervous as I was to be in a foreign country where I
didn’t speak fluently, I was guided to everyplace I needed to be until school started. An orientation was set up with all the HUSA
program members who came from all over the world, and we quickly became familiar with the campus and the environment of Saijo."
School Life
"Coming from the U of M, I thought to myself that I am prepared for anything, but school life in Japan is very different from that
in the US. We signed up for our classes after a language placement test, and picked other general classes to take at the same time.
The list of courses available was what astounded me. Several of the classes were offered in 100% English, while some were 50-50 and
others – for the more advanced students – were offered in completely Japanese. This ability to feel comfortable in class, and get
good grades while learning a ton was what impressed me most regarding the structure of the program. The amount that these professors
and teachers will go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and assured is amazing, far more than any teacher I have had in
the states."
Social Life
"Oh where to begin? The social life that I experienced in the HUSA program is irreplaceable to me, and to this day I still wish it
would have never had to come to an end. The fact that I met people from all over the world, that I met Japanese people that I still
talk to today, that the journeys and experiences we all shared make up a core part of who I am, really go to show the importance of
this program. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I had the opportunity to participate in local festivals, go see beautiful historic
landmarks, and it must be said, attend many a party with people from all over the world. "
"The school year is structured a little differently in Japan as compared to the year in the US. This allows for a massive amount of
traveling and sightseeing. I from to the northern most island of Hokkaido to the southernmost island of Kyushu and made friends all
along the way. In Hokkaido, there is a wonderful snow festival, and being from Minnesota I had to go. We went snowboarding and
skiing there as well. In Kyushu I traveled with a Japanese person that I had become great friends with, and a few other HUSA
students that became very close as well. It was like a tropical paradise down there, not to mention the delicious ramen they have! I
feel extremely lucky to have traveled all over Japan and learned as much about the culture as I did."
"Overall this program completely changed who I am, and how I view the world. I learned so much from other countries and from Japan,
that I know save up my money to travel and visit friends I have made in Japan. I have been to Korea, and England visiting friends,
and plan to go so many more places that I wonder if I’ll ever have the time. I encourage participation in this program with all my
heart, and definitely stay for the entire school year, not just half a year. This program will make you see the world from a
different perspective and broaden your understanding of people across the globe. Go, go, go if you can!"
-Zach Parranto HUSA 2011-2012

Zejun Yang, Wenzhou University (China)
"It was a great opportunity that I could join HUSA program. During that year, I learned a lot from both academic and social life. I
made many friends from all around the world, which brought me a broader horizon and more well-rounded thinking. After finishing the
HUSA program, I applied a graduate school in UK under the help of Dr. Naomi Tsunematsu. Now I am already graduated successfully and
going to apply a job in London."
"One year program results in a great improvement in my later life. There were many interesting and useful courses for people from
different backgrounds. For example, during the Gender Issue course from Dr. Naomi Tsunematsu, I learned how to write an English
academic paper, which was quite helpful for my later study. Meanwhile, social life in Hiroshima University was unforgettable. There
were many eye-opening events and celebrations. In spare time, we had organised a language study group to improve our target foreign
languages. Finally, people in that group became very good friends. I also had a part-time job in the Hiroshima airport even though
my Japanese was not so good at that time. That was a good experience indeed."
"In the end, I would like to thank all the staff supporting the HUSA program."

王穎, 温州大学(中国)
日本短期交換留学生活は本当に人生にインパクトを与えて自分の世界も広めました。HUSAプログラムあっての私なんですから、感謝の気持ちがいっぱいでした。広島大学の先生の方々、HUSAの皆さん、チューターさん、会話パートナー、ホームステイの家族、インターン先の酒造会社などお世話になった皆様に ここで、心より深く御礼を申し上げます。広島大学でこれまで学んだこと、感じたこと、考えたこと、それぞれがいい思い出になり、一生忘れられないと思います。帰国したら、必ず日本の方々の思いやりと魅力的な日本文化を家族、友達、学校の先生たちに紹介したいと思います。最後にHUSAプログラムのますますのご発展をを祈念いたします。
Olle Spoelstra, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
"Studying at Hiroshima University and living in Japan for a year has been an extraordinary experience. Not only have I been able to
learn to express myself in a completely new language, I have also experienced living in a foreign culture for a full year. Thanks to
the HUSA programme I have been able to discover this culture in a variety of ways."
"Thinking back, I see myself talking to one of the locals about the differences between Saijo and Tokyo. Although the differences
are enormous, they are both part of that same unique culture. The same can be said about my experiences during my year in Japan. In
the morning I was cycling between the rice fields with my friends at the university’s cycling circle, in the afternoon I shared the
classroom with HUSA students from all over the world learning about the origins of Shintoism and in the evening I was drinking sake
with Japanese students I had never met before. In autumn I joined one of the homestays and experienced some of the aspects of the
traditional Japanese lifestyle. In winter I spent a part of my holiday in a Buddhist temple in the mountains. In spring I used
HUSA’s opportunity to visit a pre-school where a 5 year old taught me how to fold a paper crane. In summer I joined the locals
carrying a portable shrine through the streets of Saijo."
"I don’t know in what other way I could have gotten to know Japan this way. All these memories and many more have made my year in
Japan a unique part of my life that I am still thinking of every day."

Jeffrey Pannell, University of Nevada, Reno (USA)
"In a way, sometimes it seems like life is made of time. We get to choose how we approach each minute, hour and day, and how we want
to fit that time into who we are and where we want to be. The opportunity to study in Hiroshima and make that year part of my life
is something invaluable that I will treasure forever. The people were incredibly supportive, and would go out of their way to help
students in my group achieve their goals."
"Before coming to Hiroshima, I expressed interest in volunteering. After getting here, not only did I get the opportunity to
volunteer with a circle in the university, I was provided opportunities to interact with and volunteer in the community as a whole.
One of my favorite memories was from when several other exchange students and I were invited to a local pre-school by one of the
staff at the international office. We taught the children songs in English and also the idea of a high-five, which they took to with
a flourish and high-fived us en masse."
"At the end of the year we were asked to report on our time in the program: what we thought of it, how it helped us with our
educational goals, how it helped us in our goals for a future life. I cannot think of a better way to spend the year, making this
program a part of my life was one of the best things I have ever done, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything."

Rikki Campbell, studying Contemporary Asia at University of New England (Australia)
"The decision to join HUSA in 2007-2008 has been one of the best choices in my life. My major back home in Australia is Contemporary Asia, and my minor is Japanese. Initially, I decided to come to Japan primarily on the basis of improving my language abilities. But since arriving here, I know there is so much more to it than that. The HUSA program offers a unique experience that I don't think you could come across anywhere else. It draws together people from different countries and cultures all over the world, and in the classroom we HUSA students are the epitome of intercultural communication.
The HUSA program offers students a unique learning atmosphere, both inside the classroom and beyond. I find myself amazed by so many new and wonderful experiences everyday, whether it be on campus socialising with Japanese students, dining with my international friends together in the dorms, or traveling to nearby attractions such as the beautiful Miyajima or Historical A-Bomb Dome. HUSA also offers various activities to further students' knowledge of Japanese cultural life, such as traveling to local festivals, and home stays. I have been lucky enough to participate in two home stays, and found these extremely rewarding for so many different reasons. Japanese people will welcome you into their homes as if you were their own child, regardless of your Japanese proficiency. If you decide to join the HUSA program, I assure you, you will have the best time of your life. It is an experience not to be missed."
Zhao Qi, studying Japanese at Wuhan University (China)
Denise Cheska Crisostomo Enriquez, studying Business Economics at University of the Philippines, Diliman (The Philippines)
The HUSA program is a rare opportunity for students looking for a once in a lifetime experience in a different country. The program gives young individuals the chance to not only study in a foreign environment but also interact and form strong ties with other students of different nationalities as well. The experience transcends mere academic formation; moreover, it molds each student socially and culturally. Besides offering regular classes, the HUSA program also provides an avenue for participants to learn more about people of different nationalities from different walks of life, giving each student a glimpse of the cultures of innumerable countries thereby broadening their cultural perception into a holistic worldview.
Of the activities in the HUSA program, I believe the Home Stay program is the best. My host family was very warm and welcoming. Though I was a complete stranger they welcomed me into their home as if I was their own daughter. The HUSA program is, all in all, a year well spent. Though I will be away from my family, the program treated me well. Each experience I have had the privilege of undergoing in the program has inspired me in such overwhelming ways that I am sure I will be leaving this program a changed and better person.
Stephen Wikeley, studying Graphic Arts and Design at Leeds Metropolitan University, (UK)
An opportunity of a life time- the Husa exchange has not only provided me with the chance to experience Japanese culture but it has brought together a variety of interesting people from all over the world. Socially and academically the program has created a community of international exchange. This has given me insights into many different people's lives and experiences that cannot be obtained from staying in my home country.
On one hand the exchange has taught me about the Japanese culture, tradition and history from the class room, on the other hand, the exchange has given me fantastic opportunities of first hand experience at festivals and recently a home stay set-up with a local high school. It is great to be located in the countryside,yet still close to the busy and historic streets of Hiroshima. I really enjoy the social and relaxed atmosphere set around the area. The main thing I have experienced with Japanese people is that they are so welcoming and friendly. I am certain that the rest of the year will provide as many life changing experiences that the first eight weeks have.
Maribeth Santiago, Studying Linguistics at University of the Philippines (the Philippines)
earn not just about the Japanese culture but other cultures as well. HUSA provides venues for students to experience the Japanese culture not just through classes but also festivals and homestays where one gets exposed to Japanese traditions, beliefs, lifestyle, etc. During classes, karaoke nights, birthday dinners or simply the mere daily interactions with not only HUSA students but other International students from other programs as well, one picks up bits and pieces about others' culture. It is funny how stereotypes are either confirmed or negated.
Among the activities we have attended, it is the homestay that is the most unforgettable for me. My host father is such a wise and inspiring man, and I have really cute and clever host nieces. My host mother is so caring that even though we can't understand each other, I feel very comfortable with her. But more than everything I experienced, the most important thing I gained from this program is being with people I now consider my friends. I never thought I'd get to be with people from all over the world and be friends with them even though we know we'll only be with each other for a limited period of time. But as we learned from our Japanese Culture class, mono no aware - knowing this won't last for long, we should just enjoy the moments we share together.
Maxim N. Shabalin, Studying Political Science at Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia)
The HUSA Program is a unique opportunity for academic and cultural exchange. Participants from all over the world create an environment supportive of intercultural communication and understanding. I've already spent here almost three months and I greatly enjoy being here. My participation in the program allows me to acquire a deeper insight into the Japanese way of life, which is personally rewarding as well as essential for my research on the Japanese political system. Another strong point of the program, in my opinion, is the Hiroshima's "Spirit of Peace". In this city one may really gain a new humanistic perspective on life and history. Although everything has its positive and negative sides (like the location of the campus somewhat outside Hiroshima City or tiny dorm rooms), effort on everyone's part makes our stay in Japan an unforgettable experience.
Siti Badriyah, studying Public Health at University of Indonesia.
To be a HUSA member this year is one of the best experiences in my life. For a long time I really wanted to come and study in Japan. When I met my friend who joined the HUSA program last year, I knew that my university has a partnership with Hiroshima University. Then the HUSA program gave me chance to join and also scholarship for a year. I was very happy to take it. When I first met Japanese people, they are very kind, friendly and helpful. I never expected that I would easily adopt their culture and way of life. Japan is really wonderful and beautiful county. Although I have been here for two months, I experienced many cultural events and activities. When I did my home stay, I studied traditional dance "Nihonbuyo" from my host mother. She is a very good Japanese dance teacher. I was so interested in this dance because it is so beautiful and unique.
In HUSA program, I can make friendship not only with Japanese but also with people from many countries. Although having a different culture, I can learn from and understand them. It is very interesting. Beside that, I can also improve my English and Japanese. I would like to say thanks to HUSA staff, JASSO, the teachers and also everybody who helped me. To all people all over the world, I hope you will join the HUSA program in the near future. Hiroshima University is a good place to study and experience Japanese culture and society.
Fengzhi Tang, Studying Chemical engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technolog (China)
I am a student from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, People's Republic of China. When I applied for HUSA program, I felt very lucky to have a chance to study abroad. At the same time, as a junior undergraduate student, I was concerned whether I could adapt to a completely new environment successfully. But after I arrived here----Hiroshima University, all my worries seemed totally unnecessary. Not only the teachers but also the local Japanese students here are very friendly and kind-hearted, and you will get help without any hesitation.
HUSA provides a various courses to choose freely, from Japanese language to Japanese culture and society, and even you can join classes with local Japanese students or can do individual research. But HUSA is not only a wonderful opportunity to you academically. HUSA helps you to enjoy your life here, through homestay, conversation partner, tutor, sake festival, autumn festival….
Thanks to HUSA, I experienced many things for the first time in my life, studying abroad, hot spring, traditional Japanese food, homestay, beautiful island Miyajima…. I can experience not only Japanese culture but also other cultures as well through other HUSA students. It really is a precious chance to widen my eyesight. HUSA is beyond country, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, major. If you like to communicate with people here, you will definitely get along well with them very well. HUSA let me learn too many things that I can never learn in my home university.
Micah Villmow, Studying Engineering at Florida State University (USA)
I first heard about HUSA from a Japanese student who came to my school via the program. I was very interested in the program then and when I was given the chance to participate, I gladly took it. Since then, I have changed both inward and outward because of the experiences I have had while participating in the HUSA program. To me, the biggest benefit of the HUSA program is not just the Japanese side, but also meeting people from all over the world, talking over dinner the tales of our experience in Japan, and learning about each others cultures. The HUSA events that are planned give you a broader perspective of the Japanese life and events that occur. The Japanese classes have taught me plenty about Japanese and their lifestyles, and the interaction with Japanese people have taught me the things they can't teach in class. Coming to Japan and experiencing their unique culture is something that anyone interested should do, and through HUSA is a great way to do it.
Pawel Gaj, Studying Biology at Agricultural University (Poland)
Although Plant Biotechnology is my major field of interest, I have always been interested in Japan, its culture and people so when my academic advisor at my home university told me about HUSA program I realized that this could be a great chance to visit this beautiful country.
Since for me studying at Hiroshima University is the first time I left my own country I was not really sure if I can handle all challenges that come with it. Now it is about two months since I came here and right from the start I found a lot of people who was eager to help me. Furthermore, now I find the language barrier which I was mostly afraid of not that big.
Besides studying Japanese I wanted to gain some new experience also in my field and here I found courses taught in English that are related to my major field. During these two months I have also had opportunity to participate in a bunch of additional activities arranged by the HUSA staff such as Traditional Japanese Festivals, home-stays, high school exchanges and sight-seeing trips which helped me to make friends with both HUSA and Japanese students and have deepen my image of Japan. If you plan to study abroad and you still hesitate which university to choose be sure that Hiroshima University Study Abroad Program is a good choice.
Coming Back to Hiroshima University as a Graduate Student
Jeon, HyeonJeong, Enrolled in the Master's Program of Development Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University (2008)
[Participated in HUSA Program 2003-2004, from Korea]
"A life time opportunity, it is the HUSA program for me. The HUSA program was not the only choice for me as an exchange program, however it was the best selection for a person like me who hardly speak Japanese and know about the country. The Japanese classes provided by the HUSA program had helped me to speak Japanese almost fluently with their wonderful system of backward-forward linkage classes. Japanese cultural classes had taught me a lot about Japanese society and the people's lifestyle. Along with the classes, club activities - it was music instruments club in my case, various outdoor programs and part-time working experiences were the source of connecting me to the real Japanese society and the people. The biggest advantage given to me was that I could make another chance to study in Japan. I am currently in my masters program at the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University and I could get the chance through the HUSA program. There are much more I should say but simply saying, you should not miss it!"

Internship in Ghana, Africa

University Festival
Future Career
Nadia Putri Laksmi (HUSA 2013 – 2014, Parahyangan Catholic University, INDONESIA)
Hi, I am Nadia Putri Laksmi, HUSA student class of 2013 – 2014 from Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR), INDONESIA. It was a pleasure to have a chance to share how my career goes after finish my exchange in HUSA and my study in UNPAR as Bachelor of Political Science. Year 2018 marks my 3.5 years of working experience in multinational companies. Comparing to other seniors, this still a very short experience. However I learn so many things from those short periods.
In middle of 2015 I joined my first company, UNIQLO, as production team in Indonesia. I claimed it as a very great starting point for my career. As one of top company in Japan, UNIQLO taught me as a fresh graduate to be a professional employee, I can say, in Japanese way. Not only to mention about coming on time in working hours or meetings, follow up fast to every cases, make a good communication and do reporting (hou-ren-sou) to team, supervisor, and leader, but also how the discipline being build inside every employee and seek every cases from the fact, emergency action, root cause, and the fundamental solution. I am very glad that my daily habits while living in Japan continue in my working live and even improved a lot. Not every company in Indonesia could teach or build those.
After almost three years I decided to move to Decathlon Indonesia (the biggest sport retail from France) as Digital Payment Analyst. This is a big step I take in my career by crossing to company with very different culture. While Japanese company have a specific guideline of most every action and standard of procedures, Decathlon as European company don’t make that specific guideline or SOP for the employee (we call it teammates). Decathlon demands teammates to take initiative on every action with freedom and responsibility value. Our leader and manager will not give detail of job or decide for us since it should found out by us and decided by us. I found it as a very good place where I can develop and grow bigger and faster with taking action and decide by my own.
Last but not least, adaptation to new environment is needed and how we could combine both cultures to make us become a stronger person. Having an exchange experience helps me a lot to face and enjoy my working live. A behavior formed, an open minded character, cross cultural understanding, braveness, and eagerness to take many challenges became so real since I have practice it in my exchange period. It will be a great time and opportunities for all of you who have similar chance or willing to experience the same chance with mine. HUSA program provide many lesson in the class and outside the class. In class we could choose language class, economic and politic studies, and also culture class. We spent time discussed many issues with friends from various countries which have different culture and thinking way. Outside the class, we will have Japanese buddy and other international friends, build the relation, spent time together to share each other stories and culture esp. Japan, and we could enjoy living as Japanese. How their culture and their nature build them and how those give positive impact to my life and my personal development.
Program Director's Voice
Dr. Naomi Tsunematsu, HUSA Program Academic Adviser
"Currently universities in Japan are going through significant changes and in the process of internationalization in today's global world. It has been my greatest pleasure to work for the HUSA Program at Hiroshima University and dedicate my international experiences. My academic and work experiences overseas have not only broadened my insights into different cultures and the rapidly changing global world, but have also made me develop a sense of mission to dedicate myself to enhancing mutual understanding among people from different cultural backgrounds. I hope you will join the HUSA and become part of this global community to promote the intercultural understanding on campus and eventually in the world. Your academic and cultural experiences through the HUSA Program will be your treasure and assets in your lifetime."