Resource Management (Outline of Contents and Schedule) Prof. Masahiro Yamao Title Commons and People’s Challenge
[Objectives of this class] This class has three objectives. Firstly, students learn the issues and topics of sustainable use of common pool resources in agriculture, fisheries and forest. Secondly, decentralized and participatory approach toward local resource management will be analyzed and discussed. Thirdly, students study in depth the theoretical framework and development of policy and implementing program for sustainable use of food resources.
[Backgrounds] In Asia as well as other part of world, much effort has been made to develop workable frameworks for sustainable use of agriculture, fisheries and forestry resources at local, national and global levels. Decentralization and people's participation are regarded as one of the most effective tools to sustainable use of food resources. Taking the place of top-down approach in resource management and community development, not only local people but also government have so far explored cost-effective and resource-friendly ones. A series of scientific analysis on commons and common pool resources (CPRs) provide profound insights into resource management and community development, with lessons learnt through case studies. While raising people's awareness about sustainable use of local food resource, they may be able to construct workable institutions fitting in with local reality. Recent socio-economic studies on resource management pay much attention to commons, community-based resource management and co-management.
[Schedule] Class (30 hours) 1 What is commons? (1 class=2 hours) Topics: definition, and characteristics Text book: The Tragedy of the Commons: Twenty-Two Years Later, David Feeny, ikret Berkes, Bonnie J. McCay, and James, M. Acheson p.3-p.14 2 Tragedy of Commons (1 class) Topics: Examples in Asia 3 How people solve Tragedy of Commons? (1 class) Topics: Human being is not stupid. Text book: Drama of Commons (Chapter 1, The Drama of Commons), p.6-p.14 4 Ostrom’s Challenge: Her theory (1 class) Topics: Ostrom’s theoretical framework and challenge Text book: Social-Ecological Systems. A General Framework for Analyzing Sustainability, Science 325, 419 (2009); Elinor Ostrom, et al. Additional text book: The social-ecological system framework as a knowledge classificatory system for benthic small-scale fisheries 5 Community vs. the Market and the State (1 class) Topics: How commons survive? Text book: Agrawal The Community vs. the Market and the State: Forest Use in Uttarakhand in the Indian Himalayas, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 1996, 9(1), p.1-15 6 Institutional Sustainability No.1 (1 class) Topics: Institutional arrangement, effective management, its sustainability Text book: Agrawal Common Property Institutions and Sustainable Governance of Resource 7 Institutional Sustainability No.2 (1 class) Topics: Institutional arrangement, effective management, its sustainability Text book: Agrawal Common Property Institutions and Sustainable Governance of Resource 8 Common Pool Resource Management in Agriculture (1 class) Topics: water resource management, community-based irrigation system Text book: Farmers managed irrigation districts in Japan: Assessing how fairness may contribute to sustainability, Yukio Tanaka, Yohei Sato 9 Common Pool Resource Management in Fisheries (1 class) Topics: Overexploitation of coastal resources, market-oriented production Text book: Japanese coastal fisheries management and institutional designs: a descriptive analysis 10 Common Pool Resource Management in Fisheries No.2 (1 class) Topics: community-based resource management, sharing responsibility Text book: Cross-scale linkages and adaptive management: Fisheries co-management in Asia Douglas Clyde Wilson, Mahfuzuddin Ahmed, Susanna V. Siarb, Usha Kanagaratnam 11 Common Pool Resource Management in Forest (1 class) Topics: Rehabilitation, community forest Text book: Decentralization of Forest Management, Local Institutional Capacity and its Effect on Access of Local People to Forest Resources the Case of West Sumatra, Indonesia Mahdi, Ganesh P. Shivakoti and Makoto Inoue 12 Commons and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (1 class) Topics: Indigenous knowledge, indigenous institution, TEK Text book: Context of traditional ecological knowledge 13 Social Capital and Commons for Community Development (1 class) Topics: Social capital, institutions, network Text Book:Social Capital and the Environment, JULES PRETTY and HUGH WARD * 14 Presentation on Observation and Survey in Japanese Resource Management No.1 (1 class) Students prepare a presentation and give it in the class. 15 Presentation on Observation and Survey in Japanese Resource Management No.2 (1 class) Students prepare a presentation and give it in the class.
Field surveys (15 hours) 1 Community-based irrigation management system (5 hours) Location: Higashi Hiroshima City, and Aki Ohta Town 2 Role of People’s Organization for Revitalizing Agricultural Community (5 hours) Location: Aki Ohta Town, Higashi Hiroshima City 3 Coastal Resource Management and Sharing Responsibility (5 hours) Location: Ono Town, Osaki Kamijima Town |
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