Penning-Malmberg trap Trap
Penning trap
A simple Penning trap confines a charged particle with a uniform magnetic field and an electrostatic harmonic potential, which is proportional to (r^2-2z^2).
When a single charged particle is confined in a Penning trap, there are three harmonic oscillations named, " magnetoron oscillation ", " axial oscillation ", and " modified cyclotron oscillation ".
When a large number of charged particles are confined in a Penning trap, it shows a collective behavior different from the harmonic oscillations mentioned above.
The trapped charged particles are called " non-neutral plama (NNP) " as a whole.
Theoretically, a uniform density spheroid is in the rigid roter equilibrium.
A Penning trap for the study of beam halo formation
A single particle Hamiltonian for a coasting beam in a uniform focusing channel is equivalent to the one for a NNP in a uniform magnetic field.
We confine Ne+ plasmas in a Penning trap for the systematic study of the beam halo formation in space charge dominated beams.
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