

Saito A, Omura I, Imaizumi K.: CREB3L1/OASIS: cell cycle regulator and tumor suppressor. The FEBS Journal,, 2024.

Ito T, Saito A, Kamikawa Y, Nakazawa N, Imaizumi K.: AIbZIP/CREB3L4 Promotes Cell Proliferation via the SKP2-p27 Axis in Luminal Androgen Receptor Subtype Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Molecular Cancer Research, 22: 373-385, 2024.

Kanemoto S.: G protein-coupled receptor 84 gene expression is regulated by the ER stress response in the liver. The Journal of Biochemistry,, 2024.

Sue N, Thai LM, Saito A, Boyer CK, Fordham AM, Yan C, Davenport A, Tao J, Bensellam M, Cantley J, Shi Y-C, Stephens SB, Imaizumi K, Biden TJ.: Independent activation of CREB3L2 by glucose fills a regulatory gap in mouse β-cells by co-ordinating insulin biosynthesis with secretory granule formation. Molecular Metabolism, 79:101845, 2024.


Kamikawa Y, Wu Z, Nakazawa N, Ito T, Saito A, Imaizumi K.: Impact of cell cycle on repair of ruptured nuclear envelope and sensitivity to nuclear envelope stress in glioblastoma. Cell Death Discovery,, 2023.

Saito A, Kamikawa Y, Ito T, Matsuhisa K, Kaneko M, Okamoto T, Yoshimaru T, Matsushita Y, Katagiri T, Imaizumi K.: p53-independent tumor suppression by cell cycle arrest via CREB/ATF transcription factor OASIS. Cell Reports, 42: 112479, 2023.

Tsuchikawa Y, Kamei N, Sanada Y, Nakamae T, Harada T, Imaizumi K, Akimoto T, Miyaki S, Adachi N.: Deficiency of MicroRNA-23-27-24 Clusters Exhibits the Impairment of Myelination in the Central Nervous System. Neural Plasticity, vol. 2023, Article ID 8938674, 2023.

Fujiwara Y, Ding C, Sanada Y, Yimiti D, Ishikawa M, Nakasa T, Kamei N, Imaizumi K, Lotz M K, Akimoto T, Miyaki S and Adachi N.: miR-23a/b clusters are not essential for the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis in mouse aging and post-traumatic models. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10: 1043259, 2023.


Kamikawa Y, Saito A, Imaizumi K.: Impact of Nuclear Envelope Stress on Physiological and Pathological Processes in Central Nervous System. Neurochemical Research, 47: 2478-2487, 2022.

Kamikawa Y, Imaizumi K.: Advances in understanding the mechanisms of repairing damaged nuclear envelope. The Journal of Biochemistry, 171:609–617, 2022.

Miyake Y, Obana M, Yamamoto A, Noda S, Tanaka K, Sakai H, Tatsumoto N, Makino C, Kanemoto S, Shioi G, Tanaka S, Maeda M, Okada Y, Imaizumi K, Asanuma K & Fujio Y.: Upregulation of OASIS/CREB3L1 in podocytes contributes to the disturbance of kidney homeostasis. Communications Biology, 5: 734, 2022.


Matsuhisa K, Imaizumi K.: Loss of Function of Mutant IDS Due to Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation: New Therapeutic Opportunities for Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22: 12227, 2021.

Kamikawa Y, Saito A, Matsuhisa K, Kaneko M, Asada R, Horikoshi Y, Tashiro S & Imaizumi K.: OASIS/CREB3L1 is a factor that responds to nuclear envelope stress. Cell Death Discovery, 7: 152, 2021.

Yamamoto A, Morioki H, Nakae T, Miyake Y, Harada T, Noda S, Mitsuoka S, Matsumoto K, Tomimatsu M, Kanemoto S, Tanaka S, Maeda M, Conway SJ, Imaizumi K, Fujio Y, Obana M.: Transcription factor old astrocyte specifically induced substance is a novel regulator of kidney fibrosis. The FASEB Journal, 35: e21158, 2021.


Matsuhisa K, Cai L, Saito A, Sakaue F, Kamikawa Y, Fujiwara S, Asada R, Kudo Y, Imaizumi K.: Toxic effects of endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer BBF2H7-derived small peptide fragments on neuronal cells. Brain Research, 1749: 147139, 2020.

Okamoto T, Imaizumi K, and Kaneko M.: The Role of Tissue-Specific Ubiquitin Ligases, RNF183, RNF186, RNF182 and RNF152, in Disease and Biological Function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 3921, 2020.

Okamoto T, Wu Y, Matsuhisa K, Saito A, Sakaue F, Imaizumi K, and Kaneko M.: Hypertonicity-responsive ubiquitin ligase RNF183 promotes Na, K-ATPase lysosomal degradation through ubiquitination of its beta1 subunit. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 521: 1030-1035, 2020.

Matsuhisa K, Saito A, Cai L, Kaneko M, Okamoto T, Sakaue F, Asada R, Urano F, Yanagida K, Okochi M, Kudo Y, Matsumoto M, Nakayama K, Imaizumi K.: Production of BBF2H7-derived small peptide fragments via endoplasmic reticulum stress-dependent regulated intramembrane proteolysis. The FASEB Journal, 34: 865-880, 2020.


Wu Y, Kimura Y, Okamoto T, Matsuhisa K, Asada R, Saito A, Sakaue F, Imaizumi K, and Kaneko M.: Inflammatory bowel disease-associated ubiquitin ligase RNF183 promotes lysosomal degradation of DR5 and TRAIL-induced caspase activation. Scientific Reports, 9: 20301, 2019.

Maeoka Y, Okamoto T, Wu Y, Saito A, Asada R, Matsuhisa K, Terao M, Takada S, Masaki T, Imaizumi K, Kaneko M.: Renal medullary tonicity regulates RNF183 expression in the collecting ducts via NFAT5. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 514: 436-442, 2019.

Osaki Y, Matsuhisa K, Che W, Kaneko M, Asada R, Masaki T, Imaizumi K, Saito A.: Calnexin promotes the folding of mutant iduronate 2-sulfatase related to mucopolysaccharidosis type II. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 514: 217-223, 2019.

Maeoka Y, Wu Y, Okamoto T, Kanemoto S, Guo XP, Saito A, Asada R, Matsuhisa K, Masaki T, Imaizumi K, Kaneko M.: NFAT5 up-regulates expression of the kidney-specific ubiquitin ligase gene Rnf183 under hypertonic conditions in inner-medullary collecting duct cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294: 101-115, 2019.

Ariyasu D, Kubo E, Higa D, Shibata S, Takaoka Y, Sugimoto M, Imaizumi K, Hasegawa T, Araki K.: Decreased Activity of the Ghrhr and Gh Promoters Causes Dominantly Inherited GH Deficiency in Humanized GH1 Mouse Models. Endocrinology, 160: 2673–2691, 2019.


Saito A, Imaizumi K.: Unfolded Protein Response-Dependent Communication and Contact among Endoplasmic Reticulum, Mitochondria and Plasma Membrane. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19: 3215, 2018.

Osaki Y, Saito A, Kanemoto S, Kaneko M, Matsuhisa K, Asada R, Masaki T, Orii K, Fukao T, Tomatsu S, Imaizumi K.: Shutdown of ER-associated degradation pathway rescues functions of mutant iduronate 2-sulfatase linked to mucopolysaccharidosis type II. Cell Death & Disease, 9: 808, 2018.

Saito A, Cai L, Matsuhisa K, Ohtake Y, Kaneko M, Kanemoto S, Asada R, Imaizumi K.: Neuronal activity-dependent local activation of dendritic unfolded protein response promotes expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in cell soma. Journal of Neurochemistry, 144: 35-49, 2018.

Ohtake Y, Matsuhisa K, Kaneko M, Kanemoto S, Asada R, Imaizumi K, and Saito A.: Axonal Activation of the Unfolded Protein Response Promotes Axonal Regeneration Following Peripheral Nerve Injury. Neuroscience, 375: 34-48, 2018.

Wu Y, Guo XP, Kanemoto S, Maeoka Y, Saito A, Asada R, Matsuhisa K, Ohtake Y, Imaizumi K, and Kaneko M.: Sec16A, a key protein in COPII vesicle formation, regulates the stability and localization of the novel ubiquitin ligase RNF183. Plos One, 13: e0190407, 2018.

Ohtake Y, Saito A, Li S.: Diverse functions of protein tyrosine phosphatase σ in the nervous and immune systems. Experimental Neurology, 302: 196-204, 2018.


Saito A, Imaizumi K.: The broad spectrum of signaling pathways regulated by unfolded protein response in neuronal homeostasis. Neurochemistry International, DOI:10.1016/j.neuint.2017.06.012, 2017.

Imaizumi K.: 60th Anniversary of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry. Journal of Neurochemistry, 141: 788-789, 2017.

Kaneko M, Imaizumi K, Saito A, Kanemoto S, Asada R, Matsuhisa K, Ohtake Y.: ER Stress and Disease: Toward Prevention and Treatment. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 40: 1337-1343, 2017.


Cui X, Cui M, Asada R, Kanemoto S, Saito A, Matsuhisa K, Kaneko M, Imaizumi K.: The androgen-induced protein AIbZIP facilitates proliferation of prostate cancer cells through downregulation of p21 expression. Scientific Reports, 6: 37310, 2016.

Kaneko M, Iwase I, Yamasaki Y, Takai T, Wu Y, Kanemoto S, Matsuhisa K, Asada R, Okuma Y, Watanabe T, Imaizumi K, Nomura Y.: Genome-wide identification and gene expression profiling of ubiquitin ligases for endoplasmic reticulum protein degradation. Scientific Reports, 6: 30955, 2016.

Kanemoto S, Nitani R, Murakami T, Kaneko M, Asada R, Matsuhisa K, Saito A, Imaizumi K.: Multivesicular body formation enhancement and exosome release during endoplasmic reticulum stress. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 480: 166-172, 2016.

Matsuhisa K, Saito A, Asada R, Kanemoto S, Kaneko M, Imaizumi K.: The physiological roles of ER stress transducer BBF2H7/CREB3L2 and its potential as a target of disease therapy. Medical Research Archives, 4, 2016.

Sugiura T, Matsuda S, Kurosaka S, Nakai N, Fukumoto K, Takahashi T, Maruyama H, Imaizumi K, Matsumoto M, Takumi T.: Translocated in liposarcoma regulates the distribution and function of mammalian enabled, a modulator of actin dynamics. FEBS Journal, 283: 1475-1487, 2016.

Arima Y, Shiraishi H, Saito A, Yoshimoto K, Namera A, Makita R, Murata K, Imaizumi K, Nagao M.: The sarin-like organophosphorus agent bis(isopropyl methyl)phosphonate induces ER stress in human astrocytoma cells. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 41: 617-625, 2016.

Kaneko M.: Physiological Roles of Ubiquitin Ligases Related to the Endoplasmic Reticulum. Yakugaku Zasshi 136: 805-809, 2016.


Kanemoto S, Kobayashi Y, Yamashita T, Miyamoto T, Cui M, Asada R, Cui X, Hino K, Kaneko M, Takai T, Matsuhisa K, Takahashi N, Imaizumi K.: Luman is involved in osteoclastogenesis through the regulation of DC-STAMP expression, stability and localization. Journal of Cell Science, 128: 4353-4365, 2015.

Asada R, Kanemoto S, Matsuhisa K, Hino K, Cui M, Cui X, Kaneko M, Imaizumi K.: IRE1a-XBP1 is a novel branch in the transcriptional regulation of Ucp1 in brown adipocytes. Scientific Reports, 5: 16580, 2015.

Cui M, Kanemoto S, Cui X, Kaneko M, Asada R, Matsuhisa K, Tanimoto K, Yoshimoto Y, Shukunami C, Imaizumi K.: OASIS modulates hypoxia pathway activity to regulate bone angiogenesis. Scientific Reports, 5: 16455, 2015.

Iwamoto H, Matsuhisa K, Saito A, Kanemoto S, Asada R, Hino K, Takai T, Cui M, Cui X, Kaneko M, Arihiro K, Sugiyama K, Kurisu K, Matsubara A, Imaizumi K.: Promotion of cancer cell proliferation by cleaved and secreted luminal domains of ER stress transducer BBF2H7. PLoS One, 10: e0125982, 2015.

Okada M, Ikegawa S, Morioka M, Yamashita A, Saito A, Sawai H, Murotsuki J, Ohashi H, Okamoto T, Nishimura G, Imaizumi K, Tsumaki N.: Modeling type II collagenopathy skeletal dysplasia by directed conversion and induced pluripotent stem cells. Human Molecular Genetics, 24: 299-313, 2015.

Kaneko M, Noguchi T, Ikegami S, Sakurai T, Kakita A, Toyoshima Y, Kambe T, Yamada M, Inden M, Hara H, Oyanagi K, Inuzuka T, Takahashi H, Hozumi I.: Zinc transporters ZnT3 and ZnT6 are downregulated in the spinal cords of patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurosci Res , 93: 370-379, 2015.

Kanemoto S.: Targeting the endoplasmic reticulum in prion disease treatment: breakthroughs and challenges. Research and Reports in Biochemistry, 5: 31-38, 2015.


Saito A, Kanemoto S, Zhang Y, Asada R, Hino K, Imaizumi K.: Chondrocyte Proliferation Regulated by Secreted Luminal Domain of ER Stress Transducer BBF2H7/CREB3L2. Molecular Cell, 53: 127-139, 2014.

Hino K, Saito A, Kido M, Kanemoto S, Asada R, Takai T, Cui M, Cui X, Imaizumi K.: Master Regulator for Chondrogenesis, Sox9, Regulates Transcriptional Activation of the ER Stress Transducer BBF2H7/CREB3L2 in Chondrocytes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289: 13810-13820, 2014.

Hino K, Saito A, Asada R, Kanemoto S, Imaizumi K.: Increased Susceptibility to Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis in the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Transducer OASIS Deficient Mice. PLoS One, 9: e88048, 2014.

Omi T, Tanimukai H, Kanayama D, Sakagami Y, Tagami S, Okochi M, Morihara T, Sato M, Yanagida K, Kitasyoji A, Hara H, Imaizumi K, Maurice T, Chevallier N, Marchal S, Takeda M, Kudo T.: Fluvoxamine alleviates ER stress via induction of Sigma-1 receptor. Cell Death & Disease, 5: e1332, 2014.

Okuda H, Tatsumi K, Horii-Hayashi N, Morita S, Okuda-Yamamoto A, Imaizumi K, Wanaka A.: OASIS regulates chondroitin 6-O-sulfotransferase 1 gene transcription in the injured adult mouse cerebral cortex. Journal of Neurochemistry, 130: 612-625, 2014.

Saito A.: Physiological functions of endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer OASIS in central nervous system. Anatomical Science International, 89: 11-20, 2014.

Kanemoto S, Griffin J, Markham-Coultes K, Aubert I, Tandon A, George-Hyslop PS, Fraser PE.: Proliferation, differentiation and amyloid-β production in neural progenitor cells isolated from TgCRND8 mice. Neuroscience, 261: 52-59, 2014.


Miyagi H, Kanemoto S, Saito A, Asada R, Iwamoto H, Izumi S, Kido M, Gomi F, Nishida K , Kiuchi Y, Imaizumi K.: Transcriptional Regulation of VEGFA by the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Transducer OASIS in ARPE-19 Cells. PLoS One, 8: e55155, 2013.

Yumimoto K, Matsumoto M, Onoyama I, Imaizumi K, Nakayama KI.: F-box and WD repeat domain containing-7 (Fbxw7) Protein Targets Endoplasmic Reticulum-Anchored Osteogenic and Chondrogenic Transcriptional Factors for Degradation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288: 28488-28502, 2013.

Sakagami Y, Kudo T, Tanimukai H, Kanayama D, Omi T, Horiguchi K, Ochochi M, Imaizumi K, Takeda M.: Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress in tauopathy. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 430: 500-504, 2013.


Saito A, Kanemoto S, Kawasaki N, Asada R, Iwamoto H, Oki M, Miyagi H, Izumi S, Sanosaka T, Nakashima K, Imaizumi K.: Unfolded protein response, activated by OASIS family transcription factors, promotes astrocyte differentiation. Nature Communications, 3: 967, 2012.

Kondo S, Hino S, Saito A, Kanemoto S, Kawasaki N, Asada R, Izumi S, Iwamoto H, Oki M, Miyagi H, Kaneko M, Nomura Y, Urano F, Imaizumi K.: Activation of OASIS family, ER stress transducers, is dependent on its stabilization. Cell Death and Differentiation, 19: 1939-1949, 2012.

Izumi S, Saito A, Kanemoto S, Kawasaki N, Asada R, Iwamoto H, Oki M, Miyagi H, Ochi M, Imaizumi K.: The Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Transducer BBF2H7 Suppresses Apoptosis by Activating the ATF5-MCL1 Pathway in Growth Plate Cartilage. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287: 36190-36200, 2012.

Kawasaki N, Asada R, Saito A, Kanemoto S, Imaizumi K.: Obesity-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress causes chronic inflammation in adipose tissue. Scientific Reports, 2: 799, 2012.

Asada R, Saito A, Kawasaki N, Kanemoto S, Iwamoto H, Oki M, Miyagi H, Izumi S, Imaizumi K.: The endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer OASIS is involved in the terminal differentiation of goblet cells in the large intestine. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287: 8144-8153, 2012.

Kanemoto S, Wang H.: Roles of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Translational Medicine, 2: e108, 2012.


Asada R, Kanemoto S, Kondo S, Saito A, Imaizumi K.: The signaling from endoplasmic reticulum-resident bZIP transcription factors involved in diverse cellullar physiology. Journal of Biochemistry, 149: 507-518, 2011.

Kondo S, Saito A, Asada R, Kanemoto S, Imaizumi K.: Physiological unfolded protein response regulated by OASIS family members, transmembrane bZIP transcription factors. IUBMB Life, 63: 233-239, 2011.

Saito A, Ochiai K, Kondo S, Tsumagari K, Murakami T, Cavener DR, Imaizumi K.: ER stress response mediated by the PERK-eIF2α-ATF4 pathway is involved in osteoblast differentiation induced by BMP2. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286: 4809-4818, 2011.

Murakami T, Hino S, Nishimura R, Yoneda T, Wanaka A, Imaizumi K.: Distinct mechanisms are responsible for osteopenia and growth retardation in OASIS-deficient mice. Bone, 48: 514-523, 2011.

Funamoto T, Sekimoto T, Murakami T, Kurogi S, Imaizumi K, Chosa E.: Roles of endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer OASIS in fracture healing. Bone, 49: 724-732, 2011.

Furuichi T, Masuya H, Murakami T, Nishida K, Nishimura G, Suzuki T, Imaizumi K, Kudo Y, Ohkawa K, Wakana S, Ikegawa S.: ENU-induced missense mutation in the C-propeptide coding region of Col2a1 creates a mouse model of platyspondylic lethal skeletal dysplasia, Torrance type. Mammalian genome, 22: 318-328, 2011.


Hino S-I, Kondo S, Yoshinaga K, Saito A, Murakami T, Kanemoto S, Sekiya H, Chihara K, Aikawa Y, Hara H, Kudo T, Sekimoto T, Funamoto T, Chosa E, Imaizumi K.: Regulation of ER molecular chaperone prevents bone loss in a murine model for osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 28: 131-138, 2010.

Sekiya H, Murakami T, Saito A, Hino S-I, Tsumagari K, Ochiai K, Imaizumi K.: Effects of the bisphosphonate risedronate on osteopenia in OASIS-deficient mice. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 28: 384-394, 2010.

Oida Y, Hamanaka J, Hyakkoku K, Shimazawa M, Kudo T, Imaizumi K, Yasuda T, Hara H.: Post-treatment of a BiP inducer prevents cell death after middle cerebral artery occlusion in mice. Neurosci Lett, 484: 43-46, 2010.


Murakami T, Saito A, Hino S-I, Kondo S, Kanemoto S, Chihara K, Sekiya H, Tsumagari K, Ochiai K, Yoshinaga K, Saitoh M, Nishimura R, Yoneda T, Kou I, Furuichi T, Ikegawa S, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Wanaka A, Imaizumi K.: Signalling mediated by the endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer OASIS is involved in bone formation. Nature Cell Biology, 11: 1205-1211, 2009.

Saito A, Hino S-I, Murakami T, Kanemoto S, Kondo S, Saitoh M, Nishimura R, Yoneda T, Furuichi T, Ikegawa S, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Imaizumi K.: Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress response by a BBF2H7-mediated Sec23a pathway is essential for chondrogenesis. Nature Cell Biology, 11: 1197-1204, 2009.

Chihara K, Saito A, Murakami T, Hino S-I, Aoki Y, Sekiya H, Aikawa Y, Wanaka A, Imaizumi K.: Increased vulnerability of hippocampal pyramidal neurons to the toxicity of kainic acid in OASIS-deficient mice. Journal of Neurochemistry, 110: 956-965, 2009.(The first two authors contributed equally to this study)

Inokuchi Y, Nakajima Y, Shimazawa M, Kurita T, Kubo M, Saito A, Sajiki H, Kudo T, Aihara M, Imaizumi K, Araie M, Hara H.: Effect of an inducer of BiP, a molecular chaperone, on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced retinal cell death. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50: 334-344, 2009.

Prachasilchai W, Sonoda H, Yokota-Ikeda N, Ito K, Kudo T, Imaizumi K, Ikeda M.: The protective effect of a newly developed molecular chaperone-inducer against mouse ischemic acute kidney injury. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 109: 311-314, 2009.

Pardossi-Piquard R, Böhm C, Chen F, Kanemoto S, Checler F, Schmitt-Ulms G, St George-Hyslop P, Fraser PE.: TMP21 transmembrane domain regulates gamma-secretase cleavage. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284: 28634-28641, 2009.

Pardossi-Piquard R, Yang SP, Kanemoto S, Gu Y, Chen F, Böhm C, Sevalle J, Li T, Wong PC, Checler F, Schmitt-Ulms G, St George-Hyslop P, Fraser PE.: APH1 polar transmembrane residues regulate the assembly and activity of presenilin complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284: 16298-16307, 2009.


Kudo T, Kanemoto S, Hara H, Morimoto N, Morihara T, Kimura R, Tabira T, Imaizumi K, Takeda M.: A molecular chaperone inducer protects neurons from ER stress. Cell Death and Differentiation, 15: 364-375, 2008.

Prachasilchai W, Sonoda H, Yokota-Ikeda N, Oshikawa S, Aikawa C, Uchida K, Ito K, Kudo T, Imaizumi K, Ikeda M.: A protective role of unfolded protein response in mouse ischemic acute kidney injury. European Journal of Pharmacology, 592: 138-145, 2008.

Oida Y, Shimazawa M, Imaizumi K, Hara H.: Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress in the neuronal death induced by transient forebrain ischemia in gerbil. Neuroscience, 151: 111-119, 2008.

Oida Y, Izuta H, Oyagi A, Shimazawa M, Kudo T, Imaizumi K, Hara H.: Induction of BiP, an ER-resident protein, prevents the neuronal death induced by transient forebrain ischemia in gerbil. Brain Research, 1208: 217-224, 2008.

Yoshinaga K, Kawai K, Tanii I, Imaizumi K, Kodama K.: Nerve fiber analysis on the so-called accessory subscapularis muscle and its morphological significance. Anatomical Science International, 83: 55-59, 2008.

Hosoi T, Saito A, Kume A, Okuma Y, Nomura Y, Ozawa K.: Vanadate inhibits endoplasmic reticulum stress responses. European Journal of Pharmacology, 594: 44-48, 2008.(The first two authors contributed equally to this study)


Kondo S, Saito A, Hino S-I, Murakami T, Ogata M, Kanemoto S, Nara S, Yamashita A, Yoshinaga K, Hara H, Imaizumi K.: BBF2H7, a novel transmembrane bZIP transcription factor, is a new type of endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 27: 1716-1729, 2007.

Hino S-I, Kondo S, Sekiya H, Saito A, Kanemoto S, Murakami T, Chihara K, Aoki Y, Nakamori M, Takahashi MP, Imaizumi K.: Molecular mechanisms responsible for aberrant splicing of SERCA1 in myotonic dystrophy type 1. Human Molecular Genetics, 16: 2834-2843, 2007.

Murakami T, Hino S-I, Saito A, Imaizumi K.: Endoplasmic reticulum stress response in dendrites of cultured primary neurons. Neuroscience, 146: 1-8, 2007.

Saito A, Hino S-I, Murakami T, Kondo S, Imaizumi K.: A novel ER stress transducer, OASIS, expressed in astrocytes. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 9: 563-571, 2007.

Manabe T, Ohe K, Katayama T, Matsuzaki S, Yanagita T, Okuda H, Bando Y, Imaizumi K, Reeves R, Tohyama M, Mayeda A.: HMGA1a:Sequence-specific RNA-binding factor causing sporadic Alzheimer's disease-linked exon skipping of Presenilin-2 pre-mRNA. Genes to Cells, 12: 1179-1191, 2007.

Morimoto N, Oida Y, Shimazawa M, Miura M, Kudo T, Imaizumi K, Hara H.: Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress after middle cerebral artery occlusion in mice. Neuroscience, 147: 957-967, 2007.

Ikezoe K, Nakamori M, Furuya H, Arahata H, Kanemoto S, Kimura T, Imaizumi K, Takahashi MP, Sakoda S, Fujii N, Kira J-I.: Endoplasmic reticulum stress in myotonic dystrophy type 1 muscle. Acta Neuropathologica, 114: 527-535, 2007.

Antony JM, Ellestad KK, Hammond R, Imaizumi K, Mallet F, Warren KG, Power C.: The human endogenous retrovirus envelope glycoprotein, syncytin-1, regulates neuroinflammation and its receptor expression in multiple sclerosis: a role for endoplasmic reticulum chaperones in astrocytes. Journal of Immunology, 179: 1210-1224, 2007.

Tanii I, Yagura T, Inagaki N, Nakayama T, Imaizumi K, Yoshinaga K.: Preferential localization of rat GAPDS on the ribs of fibrous sheath of sperm flagellum and its expression during flagellar formation. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica, 40: 19-26, 2007.


Ogata M, Hino S-I, Saito A, Morikawa K, Kondo S, Kanemoto S, Murakami T, Taniguchi M, Tanii I, Yoshinaga K, Shiosaka S, Hammarback JA, Urano F, Imaizumi K.: Autophagy is activated for cell survival after endoplasmic reticulum stress. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 26: 9220-9231, 2006.

Murakami T, Kondo S, Ogata M, Kanemoto S, Saito A, Wanaka A, Imaizumi K.: Cleavage of the membrane-bound transcription factor OASIS in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress. Journal of Neurochemistry, 96: 1090-1100, 2006.

Kudo T, Okumura M, Imaizumi K, Araki W, Morihara T, Tanimukai H, Kamagata E, Tabuchi N, Kimura R, Kanayama D, Fukumori A, Tagami S, Okochi M, Kubo M, Tanii H, Tohyama M, Tabira T, Takeda M.: Altered localization of amyloid precursor protein under endoplasmic reticulum stress. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 344: 525-530, 2006.

Shinoe T, Wanaka A, Nikaido T, Kakuta Y, Masunaga A, Shimizu J, Duyckaerts C, Imaizumi K, Iwamoto A, Kanazawa I.: The pro-apoptotic human BH3-only peptide harakiri is expressed in cryptococcus-infected perivascular macrophages in HIV-1 encephalitis patients. Neuroscience Letters, 393: 102-107, 2006.


Kondo S, Murakami T, Tatsumi K, Ogata M, Kanemoto S, Otori K, Iseki K, Wanaka A, Imaizumi K.: OASIS, a CREB/ATF-family member, modulates UPR signalling in astrocytes. Nature Cell Biology, 7: 186-194, 2005.

Kanemoto S, Kondo S, Ogata M, Murakami T, Urano F, Imaizumi K.: XBP1 activates the transcription of its target genes via an ACGT core sequence under ER stress. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 331: 1146-1153, 2005.

Okumura M, Kondo S, Ogata M, Kanemoto S, Murakami T, Yanagida K, Saito A, Imaizumi K.: Candidates for tumor-specific alternative splicing. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 334: 23-29, 2005.

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