上川 泰直



Ito T, Saito A, Kamikawa Y, Nakazawa N, Imaizumi K.: AIbZIP/CREB3L4 Promotes Cell Proliferation via the SKP2-p27 Axis in Luminal Androgen Receptor Subtype Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Molecular Cancer Research, 22: 373-385, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-23-0629


Kamikawa Y, Wu Z, Nakazawa N, Ito T, Saito A, Imaizumi K.: Impact of cell cycle on repair of ruptured nuclear envelope and sensitivity to nuclear envelope stress in glioblastoma. Cell Death Discovery, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41420-023-01534-7, 2023.

Saito A, Kamikawa Y, Ito T, Matsuhisa K, Kaneko M, Okamoto T, Yoshimaru T, Matsushita Y, Katagiri T, Imaizumi K.: p53-independent tumor suppression by cell cycle arrest via CREB/ATF transcription factor OASIS. Cell Reports, 42: 112479, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112479


Kamikawa Y, Saito A, Imaizumi K: Impact of Nuclear Envelope Stress on Physiological and Pathological Processes in Central Nervous System. Neurochemical Research, 47: 2478-2487, 2022.

Kamikawa Y, Imaizumi K.: Advances in understanding the mechanisms of repairing damaged nuclear envelope. The Journal of Biochemistry, 171:609–617, 2022.


Kamikawa Y, Saito A, Matsuhisa K, Kaneko M, Asada R, Horikoshi Y, Tashiro S & Imaizumi K.: OASIS/CREB3L1 is a factor that responds to nuclear envelope stress. Cell Death Discovery, 7: 152, 2021.


Matsuhisa K, Cai L, Saito A, Sakaue F, Kamikawa Y, Fujiwara S, Asada R, Kudo Y, Imaizumi K.: Toxic effects of endoplasmic reticulum stress transducer BBF2H7-derived small peptide fragments on neuronal cells. Brain Research, 1749: 147139, 2020.


Wu T, Kamikawa YF, Donohoe ME.: Brd4's Bromodomains Mediate Histone H3 Acetylation and Chromatin Remodeling in Pluripotent Cells Through P300 and Brg1. Cell Reports, 25: 1756-1771, 2018.


Kamikawa YF, Donohoe ME.: Histone Demethylation Maintains Prdm14 and Tsix Expression and Represses Xist in Embryonic Stem Cells. PLoS One, 10: e0125626, 2015.

Wu T, Pinto HB, Kamikawa YF, Donohoe ME.: The BET Family Member BRD4 Interacts With OCT4 and Regulates Pluripotency Gene Expression. Stem Cell Reports, 4: 390-403, 2015.


Kamikawa YF, Donohoe ME.: The Localization of Histone H3K27me3 Demethylase Jmjd3 Is Dynamically Regulated. Epigenetics, 9: 834-841, 2014.

Kamikawa Y, Mary E Donohoe.: The Dynamics of X-chromosome Inactivation in Mouse Development. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 81: 141-147, 2014.


Yasuhara N, Yamagishi R, Arai Y, Mehmood R, Kimoto C, Fujita T, Touma K, Kaneko A, Kamikawa Y, Moriyama T, Yanagida T, Kaneko H, Yoneda Y.: Importin Alpha Subtypes Determine Differential Transcription Factor Localization in Embryonic Stem Cells Maintenance. Developmental Cell, 26: 123-135, 2013.


Kamikawa Y, Yasuhara N, Yoneda Y.: Cell Type-Specific Transcriptional Regulation of the Gene Encoding importin-α1. Experimental Cell Research, 317: 1970-1978, 2011.

Miki T, Kamikawa Y, Kurono S, Kaneko Y, Katahira J, Yoneda Y.: Cell Type-Dependent Gene Regulation by Staufen2 in Conjunction With Upf1. BMC Molecular Biology, 12: 48, 2011.


Yasuhara N, Shibazaki N, Tanaka S, Nagai M, Kamikawa Y, Oe S, Asally M, Kamachi Y, Kondoh H, Yoneda Y.: Triggering Neural Differentiation of ES Cells by Subtype Switching of Importin-Alpha. Nature Cell Biology, 9: 72-79, 2007.


上川泰直, 安原徳子, 米田悦啓: 核―細胞質間分子輸送による細胞の高次機能制御. 実験医学 28(13): 2065-2069, 2010.

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