Jun Oba's pageDeputy
director and associate professor |
Jun Oba joined RIHE in 2001, after working in the Japanese Ministry of Education, a local educational authority and OECD. In 2007, he was a visiting professor in the University of Paris 10 (currently Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense). In addition, he was invited to numerous international meetings, forums, conferences, and so on. His current research centres around issues relating to higher education policy, internationalisation of higher education and university governance. He works in four languages – English, French, Spanish and Japanese.
New | 26-28/9/2017 |
RIHE organised the 14th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (HER2017) at Hiroshima University |
05/10/2016 |
13/03/2016 |
RIHE published an international seminar report (RIHE International Seminar Reports Issue 23) The Changing Academic Profession in Asia: The Challenges and the Transformation of Academic Profession in Asia. It is available in the repository (link). |
13/03/2016 |
Links have been revised. |
02/08/2015 |
I've added my bio. Links have been revised. |
05/06/2014 |
Publication of « Reforming national universities in Japan: implications for governance » in Shattock, M. (Ed.) International Trends in University Governance: Autonomy, self-government and the distribution of authority. London: Routledge. |
04/08/2013 |
Publication of the report of an international seminar "Comparison of University Governance: USA, UK, France and Japan", organised on 24 November 2012 by RIHE, Hiroshima University. |
March/April 2013 |
Three visits to Europe: 1) 2-11/3 The Netherlands and Germany: research on QA issues, 2) 19-31/3 France and Belgium: conferences, lectures, research on university reforms, etc., 3) 9-15/4 France: expert meeting in CIEP, Sèvres. |
24/11/2012 |
Presentation on "University Governance Reforms in Japan", at RIHE international workshop, with colleagues from US, UK and France. |
15/12/2012 |
Organisation of a symposium "Regional Reform for Global Mobility: Response to Bologna Process in EU, Japan, and US" at 2012 ASHE Annual Conference, Las Vegas, with Yukari Matsuzuka, Satoko Fukahori and Clifford Adelman. |
05/04/2012 |
Presentation at RIHE-CSHE Joint seminar on "Governance of universities: changing organisational and decision-making structures in Japan". |
18/10/2010 |
"The incorporation of national universities in Japan: the impact of the 2004 reform" (L’autonomisation des universités nationales au Japon: l’impact de la réforme de 2004) has been published in Ebisu 43, pp. 83-120. (article in French, English abstract available) |
10/08/2010 |
"Governance of the Incorporated Japanese National Universities" has been published in Ka Ho Mok (ed.) The Search for New Governance of Higher Education in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 85-102. |
07/02/2010 |
"Managing Academic and Professional Careers in Japan" has been published in Celia Whitchurch & George Gordon (ed.) Academic and Professional Identities in Higher Education: The Challenges of a Diversifying Workforce, 2010, Routeledge, pp. 99-112. |
07/02/2010 |
"New developments in the enhancement of student learning in Japanese universities" has been published in Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, Volume 15, Number 2, Autumn 2009, pp. 235-248. |
07/08/2009 |
"Managing differentiation of higher education system in Japan: connecting excellence and diversity" (co-authored with Fumi Kitagawa) has been published in Higher Education (Springer) (online at SpringerLink). |
20/01/2008 |
"Creating World-class Universities in Japan: policy and initiatives" has been published in Policy Futures in Education, Volume 6, Number 5, December 2008, pp. 629-640. |
04/07/2008 |
"Developing Professional Staff in Universities under Quality Assurance Systems" has been published in Higher Education Research in Japan. Vol.5, March 2008, pp. 71-87. |
04/07/2008 |
Full text of the article "Incorporation of National Universities" (vide infra 06/11/2007) is available on this site. |
22/01/2008 |
Full text of the article "Governance Reform of National Universities in Japan : Transition to Corporate Status and Challenges" (vide infra 04/07/2007) is available on this site. |
06/11/2007 |
"Incorporation of National Universities" has been published in Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Volume 27, Issue 3, pp. 291-303. |
05/11/2007 |
""Enhancement of the employability of graduates – institutional efforts and governmental policies in Japan –" has been published in University Studies No. 35, August 2007, pp. 51-65. |
22/10/2007 |
Presentation at the East-West Center New Generation Seminar in Hiroshima "Education in Japan – Schools and their offerings – ", at Hiroshima University on 22 October 2007 |
04/07/2007 |
Presentation at the International Symposiums on The Search for New University Governance in Asia : Incorporation, Corporatization and New Restructuring Strategies, at City University of Hong Kong, on 1 June, under the title of "Governance of the National University Corporations in Japan – Innovations and Challenges –". |
04/07/2007 |
"Governance Reform of National Universities in Japan : Transition to Corporate Status and Challenges" has been published in The Journal of Comparative Asian Development Vol. 6, Num. 1, Spring 2007, pp. 45-86. |
07/02/2007 |
"Enhancement of the employability of graduates – institutional efforts and governmental policies in Japan", paper presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Reforms of Higher Education*, held on 27-29 September 2006 at RCUS, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, is on Web. |
04/04/2006 |
"Incorporation of National Universities in Japan and its Impact upon Institutional Governance", paper presented at an international seminar on University reforms in Eastern Asia : Incorporation, privatisation, and other structural innovations organised by RIHE on 16 January 2006, is on Web. |
07/01/2006 |
"The Incorporation of National Universities in Japan : Initial Reactions of the New National University Corporations" has been published in Higher Education Management and Policy Vol. 17, No. 2,OECD/IMHE. |
01/05/2005 |
24/02/2005 |
Presentations and papers at seminars during my visit to Saudi Arabia and Turkey are on Web. |
to Jun Oba's Website. I put in this page some of my papers and
presentations. If you are interested in my other publications, please
visit my French site or Japanese
This site also contains some useful links to find information on Japanese higher education (statistics, white papers, how to study in Japan, etc.).
I would appreciate any input regarding this site. Thank you.
"Incorporation of National Universities in Japan and its Impact upon Institutional Governance", paper presented at the COE international seminar on University reforms in Eastern Asia : Incorporation, privatisation, and other structural innovations organised by RIHE at Hiroshima University on 16 January 2006.
"Development of Autonomy in French and Japanese Universities : A comparative Study on the French Contractual Policy and the Incorporation of Japanese National Universities" Higher Education Research in Japan, Volume 2, March 2005, 21-38.
Seminars "Higher Education in Japan – Incorporation of national universities and the development of private universities -", 3-4 February 2005 in Turkey (Istanbul and Ankara) [Paper]
Bogazici University, on 3 February 2005 in Istanbul [Presentation – Large format / Small format]
Ministry of National Education, on 4 February 2005 in Ankara [Presentation – Large format / Small format]
Official Residence of the Japanese Ambassador, on 4 February 2005 in Ankara [Presentation – Large format / Small format]
Seminar at the Centre for Teaching and Learning Development, King Abdul Aziz University, 2 February 2005, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
University Reform in Japan – Towards the Knowledge Society [Paper] [Presentation – Large format / Small format]
Workshop Means to implement the Document of Views of Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz on Higher Education, held on 30 January to 1st February 2005, at King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Reform of Higher Education in Japan - Fostering responsiveness to society – [Paper] [Presentation – Large format / Small format]
Seminars on higher education on 29 January 2005 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia [Paper]
Current State and Problems of Japanese Higher Education (Ministry of Higher Education) [Presentation –Large format / Small format]
Higher Education in Japan - The past, the present and the future - (King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies) [Presentation – Large format / Small format ]
The second international seminar on "Reform of Higher Education in Six Countries" 8-9 July 2004 in Vienna, Austria, organised by IFF Wien of Klagenfurt University.
Towards privatisation? Restructuring of the national universities in Japan [Paper / Presentation]
International Seminar on "Organisational Reforms and University Governance : Autonomy and Accountability" 17-18 December 2003 organised by Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan.
Incorporation of National Universities in Japan - A Reform toward the enhancement of autonomy in search of excellence – [Paper]
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sciences and Technology (MEXT)
Student Exchange System (PDF file)
White Papers – Japanese education policies
Japan Student Services Organisation (JASSO)
Study in Japan useful for knowing how to study in Japan
Associations of universities
Evaluation organisations
Academic societies