The Latin Library Imperatoris Iustiniani Opera
Alexander Koptev’s Grenoble site Imperatoris Iustiniani CIC
Corpus juris civilis

Translations & related links

J. B. Moyle’s The Institutes of Justinian(1913) P. Scott’s The Civil Law (1932), 17 vols
Inst. Digest. Code Novels(Grenoble)
Justinian’s Digest Corrections to the English translation (Ed. by Ernest Metzger): Roman Law Resources (Metzger)
Roman Law Resources (Metzger) Medieval Sourcebook
Prof. Hirano's Home Page Corpus Iuris Civilis?
Ius Romanum (Rüfner)

Tituli Omnium Digestorum

Tituli Codicis (incomplete) Cited Books in Justinian's Digest
Traduction française d'Henri Hulot (1803) Charles Henry Monro's The Digest of Justinian (1904) vol.1 vol.2
List of Japanese Translations by Prof.Tanaka Fred H. Blume's Annotated Justinian Code
 About Fred H. Blume and the Annoted Justinian Code  Fred H. Blume's Annotated Justinian's Novels


The Latin Library

bibliotheca Augustana Gai Institutiones
Volterra Project Codex Theodosianus
The Latin Library Codex Theodosianus
Alexander Koptev’s Grenoble site   Codex Theodosianus
Tony Honoré’s Palingenesia of Latin private rescripts, AD 193-305:  Tony Honoré’s Palingenesia of Laws of the Theodosian Dynasty 
Laws of Eastern Emperors 379-450 AD and of Western Emperors 383-455 AD. 

From the Accession of Pertinax to the Abdication of Diocletian that accompanied the publication of the second edition of Emperors and Lawyers (OUP,  1994)

The Theodosian Dynasty and its Quaestors (Oxford University Press, 1998)

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