Peer-reviewed journal(SCI)

  1. Wenhao Li, Miho Seike*, Akimasa Fujiwara, Makoto Chikaraishi. Negative emotion degree in smoke filled tunnel evacuation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 153, 106010, November 2024 (IF: 6.9, Elsevier).
  2. Wenhao Li, Miho Seike*, Akimasa Fujiwara, Makoto Chikaraishi, Structural Equation Modeling of Negative Emotion and Walking Behavior by Smoke-Filled Model-Scale Tunnel Experiments, Safety Science, Vol. 171,106394, March 2024 (IF: 6.1, Elsevier).
  3. Huei-Ru, Hshieh, Hung-Chieh Chung, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Miho Seike, Masato Hasegawa, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, Assessment Method Integrating Visibility and Toxic Gas for Road Tunnel Fires Using 2D Maps for Identifying Risks in the Smoke Environment, Fire, Vol. 6, No. 4, 173, April 2023 (IF: 3.2, MDPI).
  4. Po-Wei Tung, Hung-Chieh Chung, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Miho Seike, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, Numerical Study for Smoke Distribution in Inclined Tunnel Fire Ventilation Modes Considering Traffic Conditions, buildings, 13(7), 714, March 2023 (IF: 3.8, MDPI).
  5. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Walking speed under emergency situation in smoke-filled tunnel with obstacles, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, Vol. 133, 104939,  March 2023 (IF: 6.9, Elsevier)
  6. Cheng-Chung Cheng, Hung-Chieh Chung, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Miho Seike, Masato Hasegawa, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, Walking Speed in a Motorbike Lane Considering the Density of Evacuees and Motorbikes, Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 24, 12580, December 2022 (IF: 2.7, MDPI)
  7. Li-Yu Chen, Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, Walking speed probability distribution in smoke-filled tunnel experiments, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 45, Issue 8, pp. 661-668, November 2022 (IF: 1.1, Taylor and Francis).
  8. Yu-Tsung Ho, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Miho Seike, Masato Hasegawa, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, Scale Model Experiments and Simulation on Backlayering Length of Tunnel Fire with Vehicular Blockage, buildings, 12(7), 1006, July 2022 (IF: 3.8, MDPI).
  9. Hung-Chieh Chung, Miho Seike, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, Investigation of bus evacuation flow rates for tunnel fire quantitative risk assessment, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 806-824, May 2022(IF: 1.3, Taylor & Francis).
  10. Miho Seike*, Yung-Chi Lu, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Emergency evacuation speed distributions in smoke-filled tunnels, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, Vol. 112, 103934,  June 2021(IF: 6.9 Elsevier)
  11. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Chiharu Tsuji, Haruhiro Higashida, Teruko Yuhi, Experimental attempt on the walking behavior and stress assessment in a completely darkened-tunnel, Infrastructures, Vol. 6, No. 5 Special Issue (Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology), 75 , May 2021(IF: 2.6, MDPI).
  12. Hung-Chieh Chung, Miho Seike, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, Time gap distribution of bus alighting in tunnel fires, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 120, 103152, March 2021(IF: 3.1, Elsevier).
  13. Hao-Yu Dai, Masato Hasegawa, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Miho Seike, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, Applying large-scale PIV to water monitor discharge experiment, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 120, 10311, March 2021(IF: 3.1, Elsevier).
  14. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Walking Speed in Completely Darkened Full-Scale Tunnel Experiments, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, Vol. 106, 103621, December 2020(IF: 6.9, Elsevier).
  15. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Hirato Tanaka, Heat release rate and thermal fume behavior estimation of fuel cell vehicles in tunnel fires, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(48), pp. 26597 – 26608, October 2019(IF: 7.2, Elsevier).
  16. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Taisuke Kobayashi, The retarding effect of fixed barriers on smoke propagation in tunnel fires, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology , Vol. 85, pp. 100 – 113, March 2019(IF: 6.407, Elsevier). 
  17. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Evacuation speed in full-scale darkened tunnel filled with smoke, Fire Safety Journal , Vol. 91, pp. 901 – 907, July 2017(IF: 3.1, Elsevier).
  18. Shinji Emoto, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Miho Seike, Proposed evacuation tunnels for wide-area disaster, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 65, pp. 12 – 21, May 2017(IF: 6.9, Elsevier).
  19. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Quantitative assessment method for road tunnel fire safety: Development of an evacuation simulation method using CFD-derived smoke behavior, Safety Science, Vol. 94, pp.  116 – 127, April 2017(IF: 6.1, Elsevier).
  20. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Experiments of evacuation speed in smoke-filled tunnel, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol.  53, pp.  61 – 67, March 2016(IF: 6.9, Elsevier).

Note: Showing impact factors are in 2021(latest version on 2023/02/07).

Peer-reviewed journal(Non-SCIs and Japanese)

  1. Ti-Sheng Huang, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Miho Seike, Masato Hasegawa, Futoshi Tanaka, Shen-Wen Chien, Tzu-Sheng Shen, COMPARISON BETWEEN LONGITUDINAL VENTILATION SYSTEM AND POINT EXTRACTION SYSTEM IN ROAD TUNNEL FIRE SAFETY, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser., F2 (Underground Space Research), Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 41 – 59, April 2021(in Japanese).
    黄弟勝,川端信義,清家美帆,長谷川雅人,田中太,簡賢文,沈子勝,道路トンネル縦流換気方式と集中排煙方式の火災安全性評価の比較,土木学会論文集F2(地下空間研究), Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 41 – 59, 2021年4月.
  2. Shinji Emoto, Miho Seike, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Effectiveness of Low Speed Ventilation Control in Tunnel Fires -Influence of Longitudinal Inclination to Thermal Fume Behaviour-, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F2 (Underground Space Research), 73(1) 29 – 41, June 2017 (in Japanese).
    江本信司, 清家美帆, 川端信義, 長谷川雅人, トンネル火災時の低風速換気制御の効果(縦断勾配による影響) , 土木学会論文集F2(地下空間研究), 73(1), pp. 29 – 41, 2017年6月.
  3. Shuzo Shimada, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Miho Seike, Regular and Reverse Rotation – Type Gas-Lubricated Spool Grooved Bearings – The case of thrust/journal bearings interacting –, Japanese Society of Tribologists,  62(2),  pp. 111 – 121, February 2017 (in Japanese).
    嶋田修三, 川端信義, 清家美帆, スプール形正逆回転動圧グルーブ気体軸受 -スラスト・ジャーナルが相互干渉する場合-, 日本トライボロジー学会, 62(2) pp. 111 – 121, 2017年2月.
  4. Yasuhiro Mikame, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Miho Seike, Effectiveness of Smoke Extraction during A Tunnel Fire in Short Road Tunnels, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F2 (Underground Space Research),  71(1), pp.  11 – 19, June 2015 (in Japanese).
    三瓶靖弘, 川端信義, 清家美帆, 延長の短い都市内道路トンネルにおける火災発生時の排煙の有効性について, 土木学会論文集F2(地下空間研究), 71(1), pp. 11 – 19, 2015年6月.
  5. Miho Seike*, Yasuhito Ejiri, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Suggestion of estimation method of smoke generation rate by CFD simulation and fire experiments in full-scale tunnels, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology 9(2), pp. 1 – 11, August 2014.
  6. Miho Seike*, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato Hasegawa, Assessment Method for Road Tunnel Fire Safety by Evacuation Simulation in Smoke’s Behavior from CFD Analysis, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F2 (Underground Space Research), 70(1),  pp. 1 – 12, March 2014 (in Japanese).
    清家美帆*, 川端信義, 長谷川雅人, 煙流動CFDを用いた避難行動シミュレーションによる道路トンネル火災安全性の評価方法 , 土木学会論文集F2(地下空間研究),  70(1), pp.  1 – 12, 2014年3月.

Next : International Conference Proceedings(Peer reviewed)