Tag: Impact factor

New Journal

Our lab. student Mr. Wenhao Li got the acceptance from Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology! Congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wenhao Li, Miho Seike, Akimasa Fujiwara, Makoto Chikaraishi Li, W., Seike, M., Fujiwara, A., &…

New Journal

Miho Seike, Nobuyoshi Kawabata, Masato HasegawaWalking speed under emergency situation in smoke-filled tunnel with obstaclesTunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 133, 104939, March 2023

New Journal

My joint researcher Mr. Cheng-Chung Cheng (Daan Fire Protection Company(Taiwan)) got the acceptance from Journal of Applied Sciences. Mr. Cheng-Chung Cheng paper : Walking Speed in a Motorbike Lane…

New Journal

My joint researcher Mr. Li-Yu Chen (Yilan county fire bureau (Taiwan)) got the acceptance from the Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. Mr. Li-Yu Chen paper : Walking…

New Journal

My joint researcher Mr. Yu-Tsung Ho(Ding-Hui Project Management Consultants(Taiwan)) got the acceptance from Journal of buldings. Mr. Yu-Tsung Ho paper : Scale Model Experiments and Simulation on Backlayering…

New Journal

My joint researcher (Mr. Hung-Chieh Chung(Kaohsiung city Fire Bureau(Taiwan)) got the acceptance from Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. Mr. Hung-Chieh Chung paper :Investigation of bus evacuation…

New Journal

My joint researchers (Mr. Hao-Yu Dai(Taoyuan city Fire Bureau(Taiwan)) & Mr. Hung-Chieh Chung(Kaohsiung city Fire Bureau)) got the acceptance from Fire Safety Journal. Mr. Hao-Yu Dai paper :Applying…