Intercultural Competence and Japanese Society

Course Syllabus


授業概要 (Course Outline)

Course Objective

This course is designed to acquire basic knowledge on intercultural communication, such as essence of culture, value system, self concept, verbal and non-verbal message, interpersonal relationships, organization and culture, including intercultural experiences of culture shock, cultural adjustment, reverse culture shock, and readjustment. Students also learn Japanese cultural values and behavioral codes to enhance intercultural competence and intercultural literacy to maximize their ability to be associated with Japanese society.

This course will help students to prepare themselves for study abroad, culture shock, and working in culturally diverse environment, and also for reverse culture shock and readjustment after returning from abroad. Through the examination of intercultural theories and undertaking case studies in various settings including university environment, work places, and clinical environment in Japan, students learn how to connect theories and practice to enhance their intercultural competence.

Learning Outcomes

By taking this course, students will acquire the followings.

  1. Gain basic understanding of intercultural theories, such as intercultural communication, culture shock, reverse culture shock, cultural adjustment and readjustment.

  2. Students enhance intercultural competence to be associated with Japanese society.

  3. Students could connect theories and practices to be able to interact in culturally diverse environment.