Japanese Society and Gender Issues


room:EDU K203
offered:Term 3

Course Outline

By taking this course, students will

  • Gain understanding of gender equality issues in Japanese society: education and work place, gender issues in international context, womens empowerment, women and local society from historical perspectives, and gender related social issues.
  • Learn to critically examine the way Japanese women/men have been represented socially, culturally, and historically, and its reality, through fieldwork in a local ndustry, local high school, and joint study.
  • Gain basic understanding of feminist theories in the context of Japanese society

Course Structure

The course consists of:

  • Lectures, Field Trips, Joint Study with High School Students, Group Work & Group Presentation, Work Sheet, and Final Paper.
  • Lectures: Lectures are designed to provide basic information to examine social, cultural, and educational issues from gender perspectives. Lectures will give you a hint to examine your fieldwork and joint study sessions from theoretical perspectives.
  • Selected readings: Readings are listed in the ‘Course Schedule. Students are 1 expected to read the reading materials to enhance the understanding of the content.

Field Trips

  • We will have two field trips: 1) Visit to Local Industry and 2) High school affiliated with Hiroshima University (広島大学付属高等学校). Bus will be chartered.
  • Each student is required to submit the Work Sheet in the following week after the Fieldwork. Work Sheet will be distributed prior to each fieldwork.

Joint Study with High School Students

  • Students of high school affiliated with Hiroshima University (広島大学付属高等 学校) will join the class in Week 11 & 12, prior to your field trips to the high school.
  • They will present their research on science, culture, and society. Students taking this course are expected to analyze their presentation from gender perspectives.

Group Work and Group Presentation

  • Lecturer will make up some groups for Group Presentation by the end of 2nd week.
  • In ‘Group Presentation sessions students are expected to conduct a presentation on the designated topic. Depending on the number of students, two or three groups will be formed.
  • Please incorporate your observation, experiences, and analysis in the fieldwork.
  • The presentation is approximately 10-15 minutes (This can be changed depending on the number of students taking this course).
  • When making presentation, you can distribute to each member of the class (i) an outline (ii) a list of references, and (iii) if you wish, other materials (e.g. diagrams, etc).
  • You can use Power Point.
  • You are required to submit the ‘Group Presentation File (Power Point or any other type of material) to the lecturer by the next lecture time. (Please be reminded that if you do not submit the file by the deadline, you will NOT get the points for the ‘Group Presentation File.

Final Paper

  • Students are expected to write final paper and submit it in Week 15.
  • You can choose the topic of the final paper from any issue covered in this course, including fieldwork and joint study. Please consult the lecturer if you are unsure of the topic.
  • The essay should analytically summarize the critical issues on the topic.

Course Materials

❬2018 Fall❭

❬2020 Fall❭ ONLINE

❬2021 Fall❭ ONLINE