Research Area, Current Research Theme
I have been conducting research in the following areas.
"Holistic Research on the Influence of Adjustment in Japan through Study Abroad Experience and Re-Adjustment in Home Countries among Multinational Students]"
- 「日本留学での適応と帰国後の再適応が多国籍留学生に与える影響のホリスティックな研究」, 文部科学省科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)(2017-2020)
- [Research funding granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology- Japan, 2017-2020]
“Paradigm Shift in the Global Society: Transformation of Consciousness through Higher Education and Career in Japan”
- 「グローバル社会におけるパラダイムシフト:日本の高等教育とキャリアにおける意識変容」_[文部科学省科学研究費補助金 基盤研究C]_
- [Research funding granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology- Japan, 2009-2011]
Spirituality and Education
- 「スピリチュアリティと教育」(広島大学学長裁量経費)
- [Research funding granted by the President of Hiroshima University, 2007-2008]
Research Issues 研究テーマ
- Internationalization of university, International Education, International Students' Education, Intercultural Understanding, Multicultural Coexistence, International Experiential Learning, Situated Cognition, Leadership
- 大学国際化、国際教育、留学生教育、異文化間理解、多文化共生、国際的体験型学習、状況的認知、リーダーシップ
- “Globalization Support Internship” for International Exchange Students, International Experiential Learning of International Students through Cooperation with Local Society
- 短期交換留学生向け「グローバル化支援インターンシップ」、地域との連携による留学生の国際的体験学習
- Interdisciplinary study on consciousness and spirituality, knowledge construction, feminism, international education and students' consciousness, career education
- 意識の学際的研究、留学生を含む大学生及び社会人の意識変容の研究、ホリスティックな大学教育とキャリアの連携
Current Research Theme 現在の研究課題
- 課題名:
- 多国籍留学生の日本留学における適応、帰国後の再適応、逆カルチャーショック、ホリスティックな研究、留学生支援体制構築
- Culture Shock in Study Abroad, Re-adjustment and Reverse Culture Shock after Re-entry, Holistic Approach, Support System for Study Abroad
- キーワード:
- consciousness, higher education, gender, career, internship, international experiential learning, situated cognition