Journal papers:
* "The coal price and spot electricity market nexus in India: evidence from
the quantile-on-quantile approach". Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 1–23, 2024.
* "Assessment of a Community-Based Nutrition Program for Women and
Children in Nepal Using Demographic and Health Survey", (joint), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 21, no. 6: 754, 2024.
*"Supply Shocks in Global Value Chains and Export Performance: Evidence
from Bangladesh Using Triple Difference-in-Differences", (joint), The Journal of Development Studies, 1-17, 2024.
*"Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Green Tea Products: A Randomized
Conjoint Analysis in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam ", (joint), Sustainability 16, no. 11: 4521, 2024.
*"The Impact of Access to Intermediate Inputs on Export Margins: Firm-Level
Evidence from the Regression Decomposition Approach", (joint), Sustainability 16, no. 10: 4196, 2024.
*"Decomposition analysis of entrepreneurial activities in Japan: An
international comparison", (joint), J Glob Entrepr Res 13, 10, 2023,
*"Prospective Accelerating Sectors to Attain Sustainable Development
in Bangladesh Economy: Findings from a Sectoral Approach Using Input-Output
Analysis", (joint), Sustainability 2023, 15(3), 2651;
*"How strong is demand for public transport service in Nepal? A case study of Kathmandu using a choice-based conjoint experiment", (joint), Journal of Economic Structures volume 11, 29, 2022,
*“Changes in the carbon mitigation responsibility of Japan's capital city,
Tokyo ? analysis of power supply shocks due to nuclear power plant accidents”, (joint), Urban Climate, Volume 44, 101221, pp.1 - 14, 2022.
*"Financial Sector Development and the Preference for Informal Remittance
Channels: Evidence from Bangladesh", (joint), Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 0, No. 0, 1-27, 2022.
*"Household Preferences for Improved Solid Waste Management (SWM)
Services: A Randomized Conjoint Analysis in Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward
No. 10," (joint), Sustainability 14, no. 4: 2251, 2022.
*"The Relationship Between Indonesia’s Foreign Direct Investment and Bilateral
Intra-Industry Trade with Japan, China, and ASEAN-9", (joint), Jurnal Ekonomi Kebijakan Publik, Vol. 12, No.1, 2021.
*"Assessment of the Intended Outcomes of the Newly Built Expressway
in Sri Lanka", (joint), Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol 22 No 11, DOI:, pp.76- 91, 2021.
*"Producing a village input-output table (VIOT) from household survey
data: a case study of a VIOT for a rural village in northern Lao PDR",(joint), Journal of Economic Structures, volume 10, No.1, pp.1-24, 2021.
*"Equivalence Gain of the Global Financial Crisis: A Note, "(joint), Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice, 20(1), 111-121, 2020.
* "Welfare gains of China's WTO access: A note," (joint), Review of Economics and Institutions, Vol.10, No.2, pp1-15, 2019.
* "Effectiveness of Irrigation Access on Sticky Rice Productivity: Evidence from Lao PDR," (joint), Sustainability, 11(20), 5839; (registering DOI), 2019.
* "The link between financial leverage and investment decisions in Vietnam’s
small and medium-sized enterprises," (joint), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics,, 2019.
*"Potential demand for voluntary community-based health insurance improvement
in rural Lao People’s Democratic Republic: A randomized conjoint experiment,"
(joint), Plos One,, 2019.
*"Measurement of reciprocity in a village through social networks,"
(joint), Economic Systems Research, DOI:10.1080/09535314.2018.1467882, pp.1-20, 2018.
*"The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Manufacturing Exports:
Evidence from Indonesia," (joint), Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies(BIES),Volume 49, Issue 3, pp. 329-354, 2013.
*"Assessing Determinants of Macroeconomic Policy on Real Convergence
and Growth: A Comparative Study of the Eurozone and ASEAN",(joint)
Asian Economic and Financial Review, Volume: 2 , Issue: 2, pp. 301-324, 2012.
*"Productivity and Unemployment Convergence in the Eurozone and ASEAN: A
Comparative Study Based on Demographic and Maastricht Criteria Roles,"(joint), International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance (IJTEF) , Vol.3(6), pp. 450-457,2012.
*"How do Export Structure and Competitiveness Evolve Since Trade Liberalization?
An Overview and Assessment of Indonesian Manufacturing Export Performance,"
(joint), International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance (IJTEF) , Vol.3(4), pp. 272-280, 2012.
*"How Do Foreign and Domestic Demand Affect Exports Performance? An
Econometric Investigation of Indonesia’s Exports"(joint)
Modern Economy, Vol. 3 No.1, Jan, pp.32 - 42, 2012
*"The impact of trade openness on the incomes of four South East Asian
countries before and after the Asian financial crisis" (joint),
Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31 No.4, Oct 12, pp.2891 - 2902, 2011.
*"Exports and Economic Growth in Indonesia: A Causality Approach based on Multi-Variate Error Correction Model,"(joint)
Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2011.
*"Foreign direct investment, real exchange rate misalignment, and export
performance of Lao PDR," (joint)
Journal of International Development and Cooperation, vol.17, No. 2,.2011.
*"Governance Structures and Management Efficiency in Japanese Companies," (joint)
The Japanese
Economy, Vol. 37 No. 02, Summer 2010.
*"A comparative analysis of Japanese firm productivity: Solow residual
and Malmquist productivity index" (joint)
Chinese Business
Review, vol.8, No.6, pp.26--36, Jun, 2009
『日本経済研究』,No.61, pp.74--93, Jul, 2009.
*"TFP and
production factors over the post-war period in Japan's macro
Journal of International Development and
Cooperation, vol.13, No.1, pp. 11-27, 2007
『環境科学研究』, 第1巻, pp.39--53,Dec.,
*国際地域連関分析による2時点間の環境誘発効果の計測 -東京-北京の事例-(共著)
『環境システム研究論文集』, Vol.34,
pp.293-303, 2006
第4巻第1号, pp.67-84, 2006.
『社会文化研究』, 第31巻, p.97-132, Dec.,
*国際地域間取引の経済誘発効果と環境負荷 東京-北京の事例(共著)
『環境システム研究論文集』, Vol.33, p305-315,
Oct., 2005
『環境システム研究論文集』, Vol.33,
p.389-397, Oct., 2005
『社会文化研究』, 第27巻 pp.29 - 54,
『地域経済研究』第12号, pp.29-53, 2001
『社会文化研究』 第26巻 pp.25 - 52, 2000
『第三回 日中社会経済統計学国際研究会論文集』,首都経済貿易大学出版社,
pp.195 -- 203, 2000
of interregional trade relations over the border - an
example of Hiroshima and Heilongjiang -"
Studies on Regional Economics, Vol.11,
pp. 31 - 43, 2000
*"Basic relations between Social Accounts and Warlas' Law with some
economic identities, "(joint)
Studies in Social Sciences, Vol.25,
Dec., pp.81 - 107., 1999
growth type industries of Japanese Economy,"
Studies on Regional Economics, Vol.9,
March, pp.35 - 49. 1998
『社会文化研究』第23巻 pp.1-26. 1997
『社会文化研究』 第22巻 pp.39--91. 1996
『社会文化研究』第21巻 pp.47--66. 1995
『経済学教育』第14号 pp.58-70. 1995
『統計学』 第57号 PP.41 - 63. 1989.