Ichihashi's Laboratory

==> 大学院進学を考えている方はこちら

A guidance for students in Graduate course

 My works:(see Curriculum Vitae)
 市橋 勝
初版 正誤表はこちら





古島幹雄・市橋 勝・坂西文俊


Journal papers:

* "The coal price and spot electricity market nexus in India: evidence from the quantile-on-quantile approach". Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 1–23, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/13547860.2024.2415255

* "Assessment of a Community-Based Nutrition Program for Women and Children in Nepal Using Demographic and Health Survey", (joint), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 21, no. 6: 754, 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21060754

*"Supply Shocks in Global Value Chains and Export Performance: Evidence from Bangladesh Using Triple Difference-in-Differences", (joint), The Journal of Development Studies, 1-17, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220388.2024.2354237

*"Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Green Tea Products: A Randomized Conjoint Analysis in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam ", (joint), Sustainability 16, no. 11: 4521, 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16114521

*"The Impact of Access to Intermediate Inputs on Export Margins: Firm-Level Evidence from the Regression Decomposition Approach"
, (joint), Sustainability 16, no. 10: 4196, 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16104196

*"Decomposition analysis of entrepreneurial activities in Japan: An international comparison", (joint), J Glob Entrepr Res 13, 10, 2023,

*"Prospective Accelerating Sectors to Attain Sustainable Development in Bangladesh Economy: Findings from a Sectoral Approach Using Input-Output Analysis", (joint), Sustainability 2023, 15(3), 2651; https://doi.org/10.3390/su15032651

*"How strong is demand for public transport service in Nepal? A case study of Kathmandu using a choice-based conjoint experiment", (joint), Journal of Economic Structures volume 11, 29, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40008-022-00287-3

*“Changes in the carbon mitigation responsibility of Japan's capital city, Tokyo ? analysis of power supply shocks due to nuclear power plant accidents”, (joint), Urban Climate, Volume 44, 101221, pp.1 - 14, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2022.101221

*"Financial Sector Development and the Preference for Informal Remittance Channels: Evidence from Bangladesh", (joint), Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 0, No. 0, 1-27, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220388.2022.2029420

*"Household Preferences for Improved Solid Waste Management (SWM) Services: A Randomized Conjoint Analysis in Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward No. 10,"
(joint), Sustainability 14, no. 4: 2251, 2022.

*"The Relationship Between Indonesia’s Foreign Direct Investment and Bilateral Intra-Industry Trade with Japan, China, and ASEAN-9", (joint), Jurnal Ekonomi Kebijakan Publik, Vol. 12, No.1, 2021.

*"Assessment of the Intended Outcomes of the Newly Built Expressway in Sri Lanka", (joint), Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol 22 No 11, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33423/jabe.v22i11.3735, pp.76- 91, 2021.

*"Producing a village input-output table (VIOT) from household survey data: a case study of a VIOT for a rural village in northern Lao PDR",(joint), Journal of Economic Structures, volume 10, No.1
, pp.1-24, 2021.

*"Equivalence Gain of the Global Financial Crisis: A Note, "(joint), Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice, 20(1), 111-121, 2020.

* "Welfare gains of China's WTO access: A note," (joint), Review of Economics and Institutions, Vol.10, No.2, pp1-15, 2019.

* "Effectiveness of Irrigation Access on Sticky Rice Productivity: Evidence from Lao PDR," (joint), Sustainability, 11(20), 5839;
https://doi.org/10.3390/su11205839 (registering DOI), 2019.

* "The link between financial leverage and investment decisions in Vietnam’s small and medium-sized enterprises," (joint), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics,
https://doi.org/10.1080/16081625.2019.1673196, 2019.

*"Potential demand for voluntary community-based health insurance improvement in rural Lao People’s Democratic Republic: A randomized conjoint experiment," (joint)
, Plos One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210355, 2019.

*"Measurement of reciprocity in a village through social networks," (joint), Economic Systems Research, DOI:10.1080/09535314.2018.1467882, pp.1-20, 2018.

*"The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Manufacturing Exports: Evidence from Indonesia," (joint), Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies(BIES),Volume 49, Issue 3, pp. 329-354, 2013.
*"Assessing Determinants of Macroeconomic Policy on Real Convergence and Growth: A Comparative Study of the Eurozone and ASEAN",(joint)
Asian Economic and Financial Review, Volume: 2 , Issue: 2,
pp. 301-324, 2012.

*"Productivity and Unemployment Convergence in the Eurozone and ASEAN: A Comparative Study Based on Demographic and Maastricht Criteria Roles,"(joint), International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance (IJTEF) , Vol.3(6),
pp. 450-457,2012.

*"How do Export Structure and Competitiveness Evolve Since Trade Liberalization? An Overview and Assessment of Indonesian Manufacturing Export Performance," (joint), International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance (IJTEF) , Vol.3(4),
pp. 272-280, 2012.

"How Do Foreign and Domestic Demand Affect Exports Performance? An Econometric Investigation of Indonesia’s Exports"(joint)
Modern Economy
, Vol. 3 No.1, Jan, pp.32 - 42, 2012

*"The impact of trade openness on the incomes of four South East Asian countries before and after the Asian financial crisis" (joint),
Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31 No.4, Oct 12, pp.2891 - 2902, 2011.

*"Exports and Economic Growth in Indonesia: A Causality Approach based on Multi-Variate Error Correction Model,"(joint)
Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2011.

*"Foreign direct investment, real exchange rate misalignment, and export performance of Lao PDR," (joint)
Journal of International Development and Cooperation, vol.17, No. 2,.2011.

*"Governance Structures and Management Efficiency in Japanese Companies," (joint)

The Japanese Economy, Vol. 37 No. 02, Summer 2010.

*"A comparative analysis of Japanese firm productivity: Solow residual and Malmquist productivity index" (joint)

Chinese Business Review, vol.8, No.6, pp.26--36, Jun, 2009

*日本企業おけるガバナンス構造と経営効率 (共著)

『日本経済研究』,No.61, pp.74--93, Jul, 2009.

*"TFP and production factors over the post-war period in Japan's macro economy," 

Journal of International Development and Cooperation, vol.13, No.1, pp. 11-27, 2007


『環境科学研究』, 第1巻, pp.39--53,Dec., 2006

*国際地域連関分析による2時点間の環境誘発効果の計測 -東京-北京の事例-(共著)

『環境システム研究論文集』, Vol.34, pp.293-303, 2006


日本経済政策学会『経済政策ジャーナル』, 第4巻第1号, pp.67-84, 2006.


『社会文化研究』, 第31巻, p.97-132, Dec., 2005

*国際地域間取引の経済誘発効果と環境負荷 東京-北京の事例(共著)

『環境システム研究論文集』, Vol.33, p305-315, Oct., 2005


『環境システム研究論文集』, Vol.33, p.389-397, Oct., 2005


『社会文化研究』, 第27巻 pp.29 - 54, 2001


『地域経済研究』第12号, pp.29-53, 2001

*一般均衡理論と選択公理 -経済学と数学の境界問題-

『社会文化研究』 第26巻 pp.25 - 52, 2000

*「地域間多部門経済依存構造の再計測 ~日中産業連関表を用いて~」(中国語)

『第三回 日中社会経済統計学国際研究会論文集』,首都経済貿易大学出版社, pp.195 -- 203, 2000

*"Measuring of interregional trade relations over the border - an example of Hiroshima and Heilongjiang -"

Studies on Regional Economics, Vol.11, pp. 31 - 43, 2000

*"Basic relations between Social Accounts and Warlas' Law with some economic identities, "(joint)

Studies in Social Sciences, Vol.25, Dec., pp.81 - 107., 1999

*"New growth type industries of Japanese Economy,"

Studies on Regional Economics, Vol.9, March, pp.35 - 49. 1998


『社会文化研究』第23巻 pp.1-26. 1997


『社会文化研究』 第22巻 pp.39--91. 1996


『社会文化研究』第21巻 pp.47--66. 1995


『経済学教育』第14号 pp.58-70. 1995


『統計学』 第57号 PP.41 - 63. 1989.

Discussion Papers:

* "Consumer Adoption of Mobile Financial Services (MFS) in Bangladesh: A Randomized Conjoint Experiment”,(joint), IDEC Discussion Paper Series Vol. 10, No. 5, pp.1-22, 2020.

*"A Choice-Based Conjoint Experiment on Commuters’ Preferences for Public Transport Services: A Case Study of Kathmandu",(joint), IDEC Discussion Paper Series, Vol.10,No.4, pp.1-22, 2020.

*" The Relationship between Manufacture Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia and Indonesia's Bilateral Intra Industry Trade with Japan, China, and ASEAN-9",(joint),IDEC Discussion Paper Series, Vol.10,No.3, pp.1-14, 2020.

*"A Note of Philosophical Thought on Poverty Reduction through Industrialization", IDEC Discussion Paper Series, Vol.10, No.1, pp.1-12, 2020.

*"Notes on the Historical Approach as a Methodology of Macroeconomics: A Critique to Contemporary Macroeconomics", IDEC Discussion Paper Series, Vol.9, No.3, pp.1-23, 2020.

*"Relation between Foreign Currency Borrowings and Foreign Exchange Rate Volatility: Evidence from Bangladesh Economy",(joint), IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, Vol.8, No.8, pp.1-23, 2018.

*"The Influence of Government Expenditures on Economy in Sri Lanka",(joint), IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, Vol.8, No.6, pp.1-27, 2018.

*"The Impact of the Yogyakarta Idiosyncrasy Fund on the Tourism Sector in Yogyakarta",(joint), IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, Vol.8, No.5, pp.1-18, 2018.

*"To Help or Ostracize? the Victims of Unexploded Ordnance from the Vietnam War in Northern Lao",(joint), IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, Vol.8, No.2, pp.1-19, 2018.

*"日本の集落投入産出表の作成についてー比例配分アプローチ",pp.1-15, 2017.

*"Relationship between Financial Development and Foreign Direct Investment", (joint),
IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Vol.7, No.2, pp.1-24, 2017

*"Notes on Comparative Economic Development", IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No.6-3, pp.1-67, 2016

*"Financial Development and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka", (joint), IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No.6-6, pp.1-23, 2016

*"The Impact of Visa-Free Entry on the Determinants of Inbound Tourism Demand in Indonesia", (joint), IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No.6-5, pp.1-25, 2016

*"Emissions trading schemes in Japan: their potential and possible impact", (joint),IDEC DP2(Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No.6-4, pp.1-19, 2016

*"How Does Aid For Trade Contribute To ASEAN`s Trading?," (joint),IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No.5-2 pp.1-32, 2015.

*"Impact of Government Spending on Education and Health in Sri Lanka: A Provincial Level Analysis," (joint), IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No. 4-8 pp.1-25, 2014.

*"The Composition of Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: The Case of Sri Lanka ," (joint), IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No. 4-7 pp.1-20, 2014.

*"The Impact of Minimum Wages on Investment and Employment in Indonesia ," (joint), IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No. 4-6, pp.1-20, 2014.

*"Social Factors Determining the Physical Design Performances of the Solar Water Pumping Systems in Rural Nepal," (joint),
IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No. 4-2, pp.1-10, 2014.

*"Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth in Presence of Foreign Aid [The Sri Lankan Experience],"(joint),
IDEC Discussion paper, No 11, pp.1--32, Sep., 2013.

*"Indonesian Trade: Understanding the Duration and the Determinants of Its Hazard Rate,"(joint),
IDEC Discussion paper, No 10, pp.1--32, Sep., 2013.

*"Structural change, labor productivity growth, and convergence of BRIC countries,"(joint)
IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No. 3-5, pp.1-66, 2013..

*"Widening and Deepening Economic Integration Impact on Bilateral Trade in the Eurozone and ASEAN,",(joint)
IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No 3-3, pp.1--28, 2013.

*"Induced Effect Of Government Infrastructure Projects In Indonesia",(joint), IDEC Discussion paper2012, pp.1-30, 2012

*"The Effects of Tax Structure on Economic Growth and Income Inequality",(joint), IDEC Discussion paper2012, pp.1-26, 2012.

*"How does the budget deficit affect inflation in Sri Lanka",(joint), IDEC Discussion paper2012, pp.1-38, 2012.

*"The Impact of Public and Private Investment on Economic Growth: Evidence from Developing Asian Countries",(joint),
IDEC Discussion paper2012, pp.1-21, 2012.

*"Sectoral Impact of Indirect Tax Reduction on the Kyrgyz Economy based on Input-Output Analysis",(joint), IDEC Discussion paper2012, pp.1-21, 2012.

*"The impact of foreign direct investment on host country exports: Sector based evidence from Indonesian manufacturing", (joint),
IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No 2-10, pp.1--29, 2012.

*"The Role of Maastricht Criteria and Membership in Determining Convergence in the Eurozone and ASEAN: A Panel Data Analysis",(joint)
IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No 2-7, pp.1--13, 2012.

* "Economy-wide impacts of consumer responses to environmental information disclosure in Tokyo and the other parts of Japan,"(joint)

IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No.2-1, Jan .2012.

* "Impact Analysis of Changes in The Price of Water Resources in China and Beijing,"(joint)
IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No.1-5, Oct,.2011.

*"Foreign aid, foreign direct investment and economic growth of Lao PDR," (joint)
IDEC DP2 (Development Policy Discussion Paper) Series, No.1-2, Sep, 2011.

How does FDI affect the regional economic growth in China? Evidence from sub-regions and industries of the Jiangxi Province, P.R.China (2011) (joint)


*The Impact of Poverty and Educational Policy on Child Labor in Indonesia (2010) (joint)


*中国及び北京市における水資源価格の変動の影響分析(2010) (共著)

*解題 前田邦男氏オーラル・ヒストリー

前田邦男著・広島大学文書館編、『前田邦男回顧録』、広島大学文書館、p.163-172, 2010

*長期データ系列における構造変化の検定法比較分析(2009) (共著)

*"Soaring Oil Prices Induce Other Energy Product Price Increases And Further Economic Impact in Japan and Korea"(2008) (joint)

*"Analysis of International Interdependence between China and Japan from the Perspective of Interregional Economic and Environmental Interactions, "(joint)
Proceedings of IAEE 30th Conference, pp.171-184,2007



*日本の産業構造と社会秩序の形成(1998) (社会思想に関するスケッチ)

古島幹雄・市橋 勝・小池聖一編
, pp.33 - 78,2000

Other papers:

*古代日本経済の生産と流通に関する基礎的研究、考古学ジャーナル, No.785, 2023.8.

*広島県信用組合60年史 (共著)、広島県信用組合編、広島県信用組合, 2014.2

*"Current status of the Brazilian ethanol program: Report on Hiroshima University-IDEC's mission to Brazil,,"(joint)
Journal of International Development and Cooperation, vol.18, No.1, pp.111 - 122, 2011.

*"A Means of Graphical Analysis for Input-Output Tables," (joint), Kochi University Review, No. 54, pp. 193-226, Nov. 1995.


『高知論叢』第49号 PP.35 - 61. 1994.3.


 『高知論叢』第48号 PP.35 - 86. 1993.11.


『高知論叢』第47号 PP.35 - 58. 1993.7.


 『高知論叢』第46号 PP.53 - 76. 1993.3.


 『高知論叢』第39号 PP.93 - 112. 1990.11.


『経済論叢』第144巻・5・6号 PP.162 -179. 1989.12.



『前田邦男回顧録』 (2010).


『大学新入生に薦める101冊の本 新版』







『情報活用基礎2008年版 情報化社会への招待』



『情報活用基礎2003年版 情報化社会への招待』
学術図書出版、p.166, 2003.

『統計ガイドブック 社会・経済 第2版』
大月書店、p.405, 1998.


市橋 勝・池田啓実・越智泰樹・飯国芳明

大月書店、p.493, 1992.










市橋 勝研究室

 Data link for economic research

A brief guidance for students in Undergraduate course


The IDEC Institute

International Economic Development Program

Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences(IAS)  

Hiroshima University
