Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences
Musculoskeletal Functional Research and Regeneration
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Welcome to Our Laboratory

The research interest of our laboratory is musculoskeletal dysfunction induced by metabolic disorders, degenerative diseases, and ageing. We are currently focusing on:
・ Biomechanical analysis of exercise in pediatric obesity
・ Functional recovery from degenerated muscloskeletal organs
・ Influences of exercise on adipose tissue in metabolic disorders

Although a lot of interventions are used to prevent and improve the musculoskletal dysfunction, the intervensions don't always result in sufficient function. The goal of our research is to deepen understanding of musculoskeletal function and produce effective therapeutic approach. Our laboratory also performs basic research about metabolic disorders in obesity and type 2 diabetes. We hope that the basic and clinical researches will lead to new knowledge and it is used to improve the musculoskeletal dysfunction.