Introduction to Physics (Oscillations and waves) (freshmen) (2019 - )
1. review of Classical Mechanics A
2. coupled oscillators (N = 2)
3. double pendulum, coupled oscillators (N = 3)
4. coupled oscillators (N degrees of freedom), dispersion relation
5. coupled oscillators as a continuous media (wave equation)
6. wave equation (1D), d'Alambert solution
7. Stokes wave formula, dispersion, group velocity
8. reflection, standing wave, energy (equation of continuity)
9. wave equation (3D), plane wave, spherical wave, longitudinal wave, transverse wave
10. Fourier series
11. Fourier transformation
12. Gaussian integrals, Gaussian wave packet
13. A dumping term and a source term
Classical Mechanics B (freshmen) (2018 - )
1. achievement test on Classical Mechanics A
2. conservation of momentum and angular momentum for a system of particles, center of mass
3. scattering of two particles (Lab frame, CM frame), reduced mass
4. impact parameter, solid angle, Rutherford scattering, cross section
5. rotating frame, Coriolis force, Foucault pendulum
6. rigid body I : rotations around a fixed axis
7. rigid body II : moment of inertia, principal moment of inertia
8. rigid body III : some examples, impulse
9. rigid body IV : Euler's equations of motion for a rigid body, torque-free precession
10. rigid body V : Euler angle, torque-free motion of a symmetric body
11. conservative force in 3D
12. exponential of a square matrix, rotation matrix
13. hyperbolic functions, Lorentz transformation
Beam Physics (Master students) (2006 - )
1. a plasma as a many-body Coulomb system
2. charged particle confinement in a Penning trap
3. Non-neutral plasma confinement in a Malmberg trap
4. plasma confinement in a magnetic mirror trap
5. charged particle confinement in a Paul trap
6. Correspondence of non-neutral plasma traps to particle accelerators
7. On Hamiltonian dynamical systems
Exercises on Classical Mechanics A (freshmen) (2007 - 2017)
1. vectors (cross product)
2. vectors (differentiation), velocity, acceleration, equation of motion
3. vectors (integration), line integrals, work
4. Cartesian coordinate, polar coordinate
5. Taylor expansion, approximation, complex numbers
6. small oscillations, harmonic oscillations, potential, work and energy
7. ordinary differential equations
8. equation of motion in 1D
9. damped oscillations, forced oscillations
10. central force, angular momentum
11. Kepler problem
Exercises on electrodynamics and basic quantum mechanics (sophomore) (2006 - 2017)
1. achievement test on vector analysis
2. Planck's radiation formula, de Broglie's matter wave, Compton effect, Bohr's atomic model
3. Coulomb's law, electric dipole, electrostatic problems
4. Laplace eq., Poisson eq., electrostatic energy
5. boundary conditions at interfaces between different media, displacement, dielectric media
6. magnetostatics, magnetic dipole, magnetic energy
7. boundary conditions on B and H, magnetic circuit, inductance, ac circuit
8. displacement current, electromagnetic induction, motion of a charged particle in electromagnetic fields , Maxwell equations
9. plane waves, Poynting vector, applications of Maxwell equations
10. Gaussian integral, delta function, Fourier transformation, eigen values and eigen vectors of matrices
11. commutation relations, uncertainty principle, Gaussian wave packet
12. wave equations, wave functions, expectation value, operators
13. harmonic oscillators, potentials in 1D and 3D