
Head of the laboratory – Prof. Tetsuro Hosaka

I have basically been working on insect ecology in tropical rainforests and the conservation of the forests. Recently, I expand my interests into urban and agricultural ecosystems and interactions between people and biodiversity including nature-based tourism, human-wildlife conflict, and children’s nature play.

Research topic: Ecology, Biodiversity, Insect ecology, Seed-feeding insects, Tropical rainforests, General flowering, Dung beetles, Sustainable forest management, Urban Ecology, Insect-related recreation and tourism, Cultural entomology, Human-nature interaction

Hobbies: Playing soccer & futsal, Drinking beer & Sake, Insect catching with kids, Natural Farming

Assistant Professor – Dr. Natsuki Komada

Study topics: Canopy biology, Tropical ecology, plant taxonomy

I have been conducting research related to plant taxonomy and ecology, based on field surveys in Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam, and Madagascar.

Currently, I am interested in plants that grow on trees including epiphytes and parasites, and I am working on their diversity and spatial distribution.

Assistant Professor – Dr. Truong Mai Van

I have been studying the relationship between humans and nature, with a particular emphasis on reconnecting children with nature in our increasingly urbanized and modern society. My research aims to promote this connection due to the significant benefits of nature play, which profoundly impacts children’s development, well-being, and their behavior and attitudes towards nature conservation.

Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, Reading, Natural Farming.

My website:

Ph.D. student – Tomohiro Watazu

I have been conducting research on the pollination ecology of wetlands. In particular, I am studying the relationship between flower traits and pollinators, and the differences in the pollinator communities, depending on the surrounding environment. Recently, I have been using digital cameras to take interval photographs to study the communities, including at night.

Research topic: Pollination ecology

Hobbies: Playing soccer, Fishing, Catching insects

Ph.D. student – Mohamad Ashraf Bin Abdul Mutalib

I have been working on sustainable oil palm research since my undergraduate studies focusing on arthropods ecology in oil palm plantations. For my Ph.D. research, I am currently studying soil macrofauna in smallholder oil palm plantation and their ecosystem services. My ambition is to shift oil palm plantation landscapes especially in Southeast Asia towards more sustainable and biodiversity-friendly practices.

Research topic: Ecology, Biodiversity, Arthropod ecology, Moth, Butterfly, Oil palm plantation, Alley-cropping system, Microclimate

Hobbies: Playing badminton, reading books, playing e-sports, insect catching

Ph.D. student – Ku Noor Khalidah Binti Ku Halim


I hold a bachelor’s degree in agriculture science from Bamiyan University, Afghanistan. Subsequently, I pursued and completed a master’s program in Lab of Tropical Ecology and Ecosystem Management at Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering at Hiroshima University in Japan. I have previously worked in government roles focusing on natural resources management and environmental protection sectors. My academic interests center around ecosystem management and animal behavioral ecology. During my master’s studies at Hiroshima University, I conducted in-depth research in animal behavioral ecology for my thesis. Specifically, I investigated the intricate dynamics of human-wildlife conflict, with a particular emphasis on agricultural damage caused by deer and wild boar in rural Japan.

Research interest: Behaviorial ecology, Human-wildlife conflict, Biodiversity conservation.

Hobbies: Hiking, Photography, Traveling, and reading.


Born on July 13th and originally from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Started my university life back in 2012 at Universiti Teknologi MARA. In 2013, I enrolled into the University Malaysia Sabah to pursue my Bachelor’s degree in International Tropical Forestry before pursuing my Master’s degree in Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2017 focussing on sustainable ecotourism as well as urban forestry. Throughout my life, I have worked as well as participated in various organizations that focussed on engaging community with nature conservation activities. Apart from educating local communities through talks and upcycling activities, my biggest nature-community engagement would be managing the revival and rehabilitation along the Kuyoh River and Klang River under our government’s River of Life project.

Research topic: Livestock grazing, arthropods diversity, and sustainable plantation management.

Research interests: Ecology, entomology, biodiversity, urban forest and urban forestry, soil science, silviculture, forest engineering, forest fire management, forest management, community forestry and forest extension, forest policy, green space management, social studies, socio-ecological perspectives, and ecotourism.

Hobbies: Outdoor activities (hiking, running, trekking, rock climbing, camping, swimming), community volunteerism, collecting stamps, and experimental cooking.

Master student Meftahul Karim

Conserving biodiversity is very important. Enhancing agricultural systems to be rich in ecosystem services requires management that conserves and promotes biodiversity of flora and fauna within and around crop fields.  I am interested to work how we can preserve this biodiversity in our landscape because biodiversity, especially pollinators and predators, are decreasing day by day due to the use of chemicals.

Research topic: Determine the effect of agricultural practices on pollinators and predators’ abundance, diversity and their movement.

B4 student – Yurika Yamashita

B4 student – Koki Ebine

B4 student – Hitomi Takeda