Our paper on the “STREAMING-Tag” system for real-time detection of gene activation was published in Nature Communications.

  • 2022年12月21日
  • 2022年12月21日
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A paper on the “STREAMING-Tag” system, a joint research project led by researcher Ohishi-san and the groups of Prof. Hiroshi Kimura at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and Prof. Yasuyuki Ohkawa at the Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University, has been published in Nature Communications.

In this paper, we established the Spliced TetO REpeAt, MS2 repeat, and INtein sandwiched reporter Gene tag (STREAMING-tag) system that enables highly precise quantification of transcriptional activity and nuclear localization of specific endogenous genes. Using this system and fluorescent protein knock-in to transcription-related factors, we have revealed that specific transcription-related factors form clusters around genes in a transcriptional activity state-dependent manner. This system is expected to contribute to the elucidation of detailed transcriptional regulation mechanisms.