Research Notes

T. Matsumura


Mathematica routines


LaRu2Al10 –– Cmcm (No. 63) ––


(* Wyckoff Positions of Atoms *)
yLa = 0.1256;
xAl1 = 0.23; yAl1 = 0.35;
xAl2 = 0.349; yAl2 = 0.137;
yAl3 = 0.149; zAl3 = 0.601;
yAl4 = 0.38; zAl4 = 0.043;
xAl5 = 0.227;
wcpLa = {{0, yLa, 1/4}, {0, -yLa, 3/4}, {1/2, 1/2 + yLa, 1/4}, {1/2, 1/2 - yLa, 3/4}};
wcpRu = {{1/4, 1/4, 0}, {3/4, 3/4, 1/2}, {3/4, 1/4, 1/2}, {1/4, 3/4, 0}, {1/2 + 1/4, 1/2 + 1/4, 0}, {1/2 + 3/4, 1/2 + 3/4, 1/2}, {1/2 + 3/4, 1/2 + 1/4, 1/2}, {1/2 + 1/4, 1/2 + 3/4, 0}};
wcpAl1 = {{xAl1, yAl1, 1/4}, {-xAl1, -yAl1, 3/4}, {-xAl1, yAl1, 1/4}, {xAl1, -yAl1, 3/4}, {1/2 + xAl1, 1/2 + yAl1, 1/4}, {1/2 - xAl1, 1/2 - yAl1, 3/4}, {1/2 - xAl1, 1/2 + yAl1, 1/4}, {1/2 + xAl1, 1/2 - yAl1, 3/4}};
wcpAl2 = {{xAl2, yAl2, 1/4}, {-xAl2, -yAl2, 3/4}, {-xAl2, yAl2, 1/4}, {xAl2, -yAl2, 3/4}, {1/2 + xAl2, 1/2 + yAl2, 1/4}, {1/2 - xAl2, 1/2 - yAl2, 3/4}, {1/2 - xAl2, 1/2 + yAl2, 1/4}, {1/2 + xAl2, 1/2 - yAl2, 3/4}};
wcpAl3 = {{0, yAl3, zAl3}, {0, -yAl3, zAl3 + 1/2}, {0, yAl3, -zAl3 + 1/2}, {0, -yAl3, -zAl3}, {1/2, 1/2 + yAl3, zAl3}, {1/2, 1/2 - yAl3, zAl3 + 1/2}, {1/2, 1/2 + yAl3, -zAl3 + 1/2}, {1/2, 1/2 - yAl3, -zAl3}};
wcpAl4 = {{0, yAl4, zAl4}, {0, -yAl4, zAl4 + 1/2}, {0, yAl4, -zAl4 + 1/2}, {0, -yAl4, -zAl4}, {1/2, 1/2 + yAl4, zAl4}, {1/2, 1/2 - yAl4, zAl4 + 1/2}, {1/2, 1/2 + yAl4, -zAl4 + 1/2}, {1/2, 1/2 - yAl4, -zAl4}};
wcpAl5 = {{xAl5, 0, 0}, {-xAl5, 0, 1/2}, {-xAl5, 0, 0}, {xAl5, 0, 1/2}, {1/2 + xAl5, 1/2, 0}, {1/2 - xAl5, 1/2, 1/2}, {1/2 - xAl5, 1/2, 0}, {1/2 + xAl5, 1/2, 1/2}};


(* lattice parameters *)
aorth = 9.1442;
borth = 10.1873;
corth = 9.11611;

(* unit vectors of the lattice in the xyz-coordinate *)
a1 = {1, 0, 0}*aorth;
a2 = {0, 1, 0}*borth;
a3 = {0, 0, 1}*corth;


(* reciprocal lattice vectors *)
b1 = Cross[a2, a3]/(a1.Cross[a2, a3])*2*Pi;
b2 = Cross[a3, a1]/(a1.Cross[a2, a3])*2*Pi;
b3 = Cross[a1, a2]/(a1.Cross[a2, a3])*2*Pi;


(* atomic positions in the xyz-coordinate *)
Lasite = Table[wcpLa[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpLa[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpLa[[i, 3]]*a3, {i, 1, Length[wcpLa]}];
Rusite = Table[wcpRu[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpRu[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpRu[[i, 3]]*a3, {i, 1, Length[wcpRu]}];
Al1site = Table[wcpAl1[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpAl1[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpAl1[[i, 3]]*a3, {i,1, Length[wcpAl1]}];
Al2site = Table[wcpAl2[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpAl2[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpAl2[[i, 3]]*a3, {i,1, Length[wcpAl2]}];
Al3site = Table[wcpAl3[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpAl3[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpAl3[[i, 3]]*a3, {i,1, Length[wcpAl3]}];
Al4site = Table[wcpAl4[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpAl4[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpAl4[[i, 3]]*a3, {i,1, Length[wcpAl4]}];
Al5site = Table[wcpAl5[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpAl5[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpAl5[[i, 3]]*a3, {i,1, Length[wcpAl5]}];
Alsite = Join[Al1site, Al2site, Al3site, Al4site, Al5site];


(* atomic scattering factors *)
dataLa = ReadList["Calculation/RT2Al10/atfacLa", Number, RecordLists -> True];
dataRu = ReadList["Calculation/RT2Al10/atfacRu", Number, RecordLists -> True];
dataAl = ReadList["Calculation/RT2Al10/atfacAl", Number, RecordLists -> True];
f0La = Interpolation[dataLa]
f0Ru = Interpolation[dataRu]
f0Al = Interpolation[dataAl]
Plot[{f0La[x], f0Ru[x], f0Al[x]}, {x, 0, 1.4}]

(* An example to draw a good looking figure *)
fig = Plot[{f0La[x], f0Ru[x], f0Al[x]}, {x, 0, 1.4}, PlotRange -> {{0, 1.5}, {0, All}}, PlotStyle -> Thick, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Thickness[0.002], BaseStyle -> Large, FrameLabel -> {"sin\[Theta]/\[Lambda]", Subscript[Style["f", Italic, 22], 0]}, AspectRatio -> 0.75, ImageSize -> 400];figf0 = Show[{Graphics[fig], Graphics[Text[Style[La, 20], {0.2, 52}]],Graphics[Text[Style[Ru, 20], {0.2, 30}]], Graphics[Text[Style[Al, 20], {0.2, 13}]]}]
Export["figf0.png", figf0]


(* X-ray energy, wavelength, wavenumber *)
engy = 7.246;
lambda = 12.398/engy;
kxray = 2*Pi/lambda;


{h, k, l} = {6, 2, 0};
kappa = b1*h + b2*k + b3*l;
tau = Sqrt[Sum[kappa[[i]]^2, {i, 1, 3}]];
dd = 2*Pi/tau;
tth = ArcSin[tau/2/kxray]*180/Pi*2;
stfac = Expand[Chop[N[
Sum[fLa*Exp[I*(kappa.Lasite[[i]])], {i, 1,Length[Lasite]}]
+Sum[fRu*Exp[I*(kappa.Rusite[[i]])], {i, 1,Length[Rusite]}]
+Sum[fAl*Exp[I*(kappa.Alsite[[i]])], {i, 1,Length[Alsite]}]
]]] ;
stfacLa = Expand[Chop[N[
stfacval = stfac /. {fLa->f0La[tau/4/Pi],fRu->f0Ru[tau/4/Pi],fAl->f0Al[tau/4/Pi]};
Print["kappa=", kappa]
Print["tau=", tau, Tab, "tau/4Pi=", tau/4/Pi, " d=", dd]
Print["two-theta=", tth]
Print["F=", stfac, Tab, Abs[stfacval]^2]
Print["F_La=", stfacLa]


YbAl3C3 –– P63/mmc (No. 194) ––


(* Wyckoff Positions of Atoms *)
zAl4f = 0.13;
zC4f = 0.59;
wcpYb2a = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1/2}};
wcpAl2d = {{2/3, 1/3, 1/4}, {1/3, 2/3, 3/4}};
wcpAl4f = {{1/3, 2/3, zAl4f}, {2/3, 1/3, -zAl4f}, {2/3, 1/3, 1/2 + zAl4f}, {1/3, 2/3, 1/2 - zAl4f}};
wcpC2c = {{1/3, 2/3, 1/4}, {2/3, 1/3, 3/4}};
wcpC4f = {{1/3, 2/3, zC4f}, {2/3, 1/3, -zC4f}, {2/3, 1/3, 1/2 + zC4f}, {1/3, 2/3, 1/2 - zC4f}};


(* lattice parameters *)
ahex = 3.39804;
bhex = 3.39804;
chex = 17.1243;
(* unit vectors of the lattice in the xyz-coordinate *)
a1 = {1, 0, 0}*ahex;
a2 = {-1/2, Sqrt[3]/2, 0}*ahex;
a3 = {0, 0, 1}*chex;


(* reciprocal lattice vectors *)
b1 = Cross[a2, a3]/(a1.Cross[a2, a3])*2*Pi;
b2 = Cross[a3, a1]/(a1.Cross[a2, a3])*2*Pi;
b3 = Cross[a1, a2]/(a1.Cross[a2, a3])*2*Pi;


(* atomic positions in the xyz-coordinate *)
Yb2asite = Table[wcpYb2a[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpYb2a[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpYb2a[[i, 3]]*a3, {i, 1, Length[wcpYb2a]}];
Al2dsite = Table[wcpAl2d[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpAl2d[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpAl2d[[i, 3]]*a3, {i, 1, Length[wcpAl2d]}];
Al4fsite = Table[wcpAl4f[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpAl4f[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpAl4f[[i, 3]]*a3, {i, 1, Length[wcpAl4f]}];
C2csite = Table[wcpC2c[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpC2c[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpC2c[[i, 3]]*a3, {i,1, Length[wcpC2c]}];
C4fsite = Table[wcpC4f[[i, 1]]*a1 + wcpC4f[[i, 2]]*a2 + wcpC4f[[i, 3]]*a3, {i,1, Length[wcpC4f]}];
