Dwarf Novae in the Shortest Orbital Period Regime. I A New Short Superhump Period Dwarf Nova, OT J055717+683226

M. Uemura, A. Arai, T. Kato, H. Maehara, D. Nogami, et al., “Dwarf Novae in the Shortest Orbital Period Regime. I A New Short Superhump Period Dwarf Nova, OT J055717+683226,” PASJ, vol. 62, p. 187-, 2010.
We report on the observation of a new dwarf nova (DN), OT J055717+683226 (OT: optical transient), during the period of its first-recorded superoutburst in 2006 December. Our observation shows that this object is an SU UMa-type dwarf nova having a very short superhump period of 76.67±0.03 min (0.05324±0.00002 d). The next superoutburst was observed in 2008 March. The recurrence time of superoutbursts (supercycle) is, hence, estimated to be ˜480 d. The supercycle (˜480 d) is much shorter than those (≳ 10 yr) of WZ Sge-type dwarf novae which are in the major of dwarf novae in the shortest orbital period regime (≲ 85 min). Using a hierarchical cluster analysis, we divided the dwarf nova in the shortest orbital period regime in seven groups. We found that objects, which have short supercycles, small outburst amplitudes, and large superhump period excesses compared with those of WZ Sge stars, form a small group. OT J055717+683226 probably belongs to this group.