
A paper on molecular mechanisms of habitat adaptation and avoidance behavior in amphibians with Dr. Saito et al. from NIPS has been published in MBE

A paper on molecular mechanisms of habitat adaptation and avoidance behavior in amphibians with Dr. Shigeru Saito et al. of the Institute for Physiological Sciences has been published in MBE. For more information, please see the news release from Hiroshima University.

The impetus for this research came from a casual conversation with Dr. Saito on the Gold Coast of Australia in 2016. It was just after I also discovered that Ryukyu bell-ring and bell-ring frogs live in hot springs, and at the same time I was interested in the seasonality of amphibians and temperature adaptation of their larvae, and was repeating my experiments. it was a great pleasure to summarize my work over the past 5 years.

Saito, S., Saito, C.T., Igawa, T., Takeda, N., Komaki, S., Ohta, T., Tominaga, M., 2022. Evolutionary tuning of TRPA1 underlies the variation in heat avoidance behaviors among frog species inhabiting diverse thermal niches. Mol Biol Evol 39, 1–18.

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