Welcome to Actinomycete Research Group !


The filamentous soil bacteria Streptomyces produce various secondary metabolites such as antibiotics, immunosuppressants, antitumor compounds and herbicides. Actually, two thirds of antibiotics are produced by Streptomyces species. Therefore, this genus is one of the most important microorganisms in pharmaceutical and industrial fields.
We have been studying on Streptomyces by using various methods of biochemistry, molecular biology, and organic chemistry. The present main projects in our laboratory are as follows. We believe that these studies will contribute to produce new hybrid antibiotics with biological activity that are useful for human life.

(1) Analysis of biosynthetic machinery of secondary metabolites, and their structural redesign

(2) Analysis of signaling-molecules dependent regulatory cascade for secondary metabolite production

(3) Activation of silent secondary metabolite production through metabolic engineering (ggenome miningh)

(4) Integrative analysis of genomic structure, secondary metabolite production, regulation, and morphological differentiation

(5) Isolation, structural elucidation, and biological activity of microbial metabolites

(6) Others (Creation and functional analysis of highly functional molecules through interdisciplinary fusion)

Address for Correspondence:

Kenji ARAKAWA, Ph.D (Associate Professor) (CV)

Laboratory of Cell Biochemistry Room# 610N
Program of Biotechnology
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life
Hiroshima University
1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima-shi
Hiroshima 739-8530, JAPAN

E-mail: karakawa(at)hiroshima-u.ac.jp
TEL&FAX: +81-82-424-7767



2024/5/18 Updated (Publication).

2024/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2024/3/7 International Symposium

2023/11/2 Invited lecture.

2023/10/26 International Symposium

2023/10/1 New member joined in our lab.

2023/9/7-8 Organized the 37th SAJ Annual Meeting.

2023/8/28 Invited lecture.

2023/8/25 Invited lecture.

2023/8/25 Updated (Publication).

2023/8/24 Updated (Publication).

2023/8/16 Invited lecture.

2023/8/11 Invited lecture.

2023/8/10 Invited lecture.

2023/8/9 Invited lecture.

2023/6/22 Invited lecture.

2023/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2023/1/4 Updated (Publication).

2023/1/2 Updated (Publication).

2022/12/17 Invited lecture.

2022/12/17 Updated (Publication).

2022/12/9 Student Award.

2022/8/10 Updated (Publication).

2022/6/11 Updated (Publication).

2022/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2022/1/31 [News & Topics] "Simplified antibiotic may set the stage for antitumor treatments"

2022/1/12 Updated (Publication).

2022/1/1 Updated (Publication).

2021/12/20 Student Award.

2021/12/2 Updated (Publication).

2021/11/29 Updated (Publication).

2021/11/29 Updated (Publication).

2021/10/1 New member joined in our lab.

2021/9/29 Updated (Publication).

2021/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2021/2/17 Student Award.

2021/1/7 Updated (Publication).

2020/10/1 New member joined in our lab.

2020/8/24 Updated (Publication).

2020/6/9 Updated (Publication).

2020/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2020/3/19 Updated (Publication).

2019/7/31 Updated (Publication).

2019/7/29 Updated (Publication).

2019/7/7 Student Award.

2019/6/29 Keynote lecture on The 6th Biology Seminar (Makassar State Univ., Indonesia)

2019/5/20 New member joined in our lab.

2019/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2019/2/28 Updated (Publication).

2019/1/25 Updated (Publication).

2019/1/17 Student Award.

2019/1/9 Student Award.

2018/12/5 Invited lectures on 1st Egyptian-Japanese Joint Symposium (Ain Shams Univ., Cairo) and JSPS Cairo Center Special Seminar

2018/9/26 Updated (Publication).

2018/10/5 Organizer for the 33th HiHA Seminar

2018/9/26 Updated (Publication).

2018/7/10 Student Award.

2018/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2018/3/9 Updated (Publication).

2018/2/23 Updated (Publication).

2018/1/10 Student Award.

2017/12/19 Student Award.

2017/12/1 New member joined in our lab.

2017/7/23 Student Award.

2017/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2017/1/9 Updated (Publication).

2016/12/16 Organizer for the 8th HiHA Workshop

2016/12/12 Updated (Publication).

2016/11/5 Dr. Arakawa received the 15th Hiroshima University President Award

2016/10/8 Updated (Publication).

2016/10/1 New member joined in our lab.

2016/4/22 Dr. Arakawa received the Nagase Award.

2016/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2016/1/13 Student Award.

2016/1/1 Updated (Publication).

2015/10/14 Dr. Arakawa received the JBA Award for young scientists

2015/9/8 Student Award.

2015/8/24 Updated (Publication).

2015/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2015/3/25 Student Award.

2014/12/9 Updated (Publication).

2014/11/6 Updated (Publication).

2014/4/1 New member joined in our lab.

2013/12/24 Updated (Publication).

2013/11/13 New member joined in our lab.

2013/10/2 New member joined in our lab.

2013/7/30 Updated (Publication).

2013/4/8 New member joined in our lab.

2013/3/24 Dr. Arakawa received the JSBBA Award for young scientists

2012/7/7 Updated (Publication).

2012/6/18 Updated (Publication).

2012/6/14 Updated (Publication).

2012/2/23 Updated (Publication).

2012/2/6 Homepage was renewed (temporary)

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