Profile/ Curriculum Vitae
▪ Personal Information
Takaaki KAWAZOE, Ph.D.
・ Born in Uwajima, Ehime, Japan in 1978
▪ Research Interests
○ Rheological properties of deep mantle & planetary minerals
・ Viscosity
(steady-state deformation (creep strength), transient deformation)
・ Crystallographic preferred orientation
・ Dislocation (slip system, activity, mobility)
○ Synthesis of deep mantle minerals
・ High-quality large single crystal, polycrystalline aggregate
・ Wadsleyite, ringwoodite, majorite, bridgmanite, etc.
○ Technical development for high-pressure (deformation) experiments
・ Expansion of experimental conditions
・ Miniature multianvil apparatus for optical measurements
□ Special field
・ High-pressure Earth science
・ Experimental mineral physics
▪ Address
Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science,
Hiroshima University
Kagamiyama 1-3-1, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan
・ TEL: +81-82-424-5271
・ FAX: +81-82-424-0735
・ E-mail: kawazoe (at)

▪ Professional Experience
2017/10 - Present Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science,
Hiroshima University, Japan
2013/ 2 - 2017/ 9 Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit)
Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth, Germany
2011/ 5 - 2013/ 1 Global COE Research Fellow
Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University, Japan
2008/11 - 2011/ 4 Global COE Postdoctoral Fellow
Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University, Japan
2008/ 8 - 2008/10 Postdoctoral Researcher
Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University, Japan
2006/ 3 - 2008/ 7 Postdoctoral Associate, Prof. Karato Laboratory,
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, USA

▪ Education
2006/3 Doctor of Science (Earth Science), Tohoku University, Japan
(Supervisor: Professor Eiji Ohtani)
(Earth and planetary material physics research group)
2003/3 Master of Science (Earth Science), Tohoku University, Japan
2001/3 Bachelor of Science (Earth Science), Tohoku University, Japan
▪ Teaching
○ Supervision of an undergraduate student
・ Kei Shiraishi (from April 2018)
○ Supervision of master students
・ Alok Chaudhari (April - September 2015)
・ Haihao Guo (April - September 2014)
○ Second examiner of master students
・ Lin Wang (August 2014)
□ Qualification
・ High school specialized teacher's certificate (science)

▪ Professional Membership
・ American Geophysical Union (AGU)
・ Mineralogical Society of America (MSA)
・ Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)
・ Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
・ Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology |
▪ Motto
The best way to predict the future is to invent it (by Alan Kay).