低次元多様体論,特に3次 元多様体論,結び目理論,デーン手術,不変順序
No. |
Title |
Co-author |
Journal |
1. |
Fibered 2-knots and lens spaces |
Osaka J. Math. 26 (1989) 57-63 |
2. |
Twisting symmetry-spins of 2-bridge knots |
Kobe J. Math. 6 (1989) 117-125. |
3. |
Twisting symmetry-spins of pretzel knots |
Proc. Japan Acad. A66 (1990) 179-183. |
4. |
2-Knots from view of moving picture |
with Yasutaka Nakanishi |
Kobe J. Math. 8 (1991) 161-172. |
5. |
Symmetry-spun tori in the four-sphere |
in Knots 90, Walter de Gruyter 1992 |
6. |
A note on untwisted deform-spun 2-knots |
Proc. Japan Acad. A68 (1992) 75-78. |
7. |
Composite knots trivialized by twisting |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 1 (1992) 467-470. |
8. |
Roll-spun knots |
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 113 (1993) 91-96. |
9. |
Twist-roll spun knots |
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 122 (1994) 597-599. |
10. |
Homology handles with multiple knot-surgery descriptions |
Topology Appl. 56 (1994) 249-257. |
11. |
Twisting operations and composite knots - In search of Scharlemann cycles |
Proc. Apllied Math. Workshop 4, KAIST, 1994 |
12. |
Twisting operations and composite knots |
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995) 1623-1629. |
13. |
Dehn surgery and projective planes |
Kobe J. Math. 13 (1996) 203-207. |
14. |
Cyclic surgery on genus one knots |
Osaka J. Math. 34 (1997) 145-150. |
15. |
Dehn surgery on genus one knots and Seifert fibered manifolds |
Proc. of The 5th Korea-Japan School of Knots and Links (1998) 315-325, KAIST |
16. |
Tunnel number one genus one non-simple knots |
with Hiroshi Goda |
Tokyo J. Math. 22 (1999) 99-103. |
17. |
Dehn surgeries on composite knots creating Klein bottles |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 8 (1999) 391-395. |
18. |
On tangle decompositions of tunnel number one links |
with Hiroshi Goda and Makoto Ozawa |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 8 (1999) 299-320. |
19. |
Genus one, three-bridge knots are pretzel |
with Satoshi Fukuhama and Makoto Ozawa |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 8(1999) 879-885. |
20. |
Gluck surgery along a 2-knot in a 4-manifold is realized by surgery along a projective plane |
with Atsuko Katanaga, Osamu Saeki and Yuichi Yamada |
Michigan Math. J. 46 (1999), 555-571. |
21. |
Dehn surgeries on knots which yield lens spaces and genera of knots |
with Hiroshi Goda |
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 129 (2000), 501-515. |
22. |
Creating Klein bottles by surgery on knots |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 10 (2001), 781-794. |
23. |
Links with surgery yielding the 3-sphere |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 11 (2002), 105-108. |
24. |
Toroidal surgeries on hyperbolic knots |
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 2803-2808. |
25. |
Boundary slopes of non-orientable Seifert surfaces for knots |
with Kazuhiro Ichihara and Masahiro Ohtouge |
Topology Appl. 122 (2002), 467-478. |
26. |
Dehn surgery on crosscap number two knots and projective planes |
J. Knot Theory Ramificaions 11 (2002), 869-886. |
27. |
Dehn fillings creating essential spheres and tori |
with Sangyop Lee and Seungsang Oh |
J. Knot Theory Ramificaions 11 (2002), 887-890. |
28. |
P2-reducing and toroidal Dehn fillings |
with Gyotaek Jin, Sangyop Lee and Seungsang Oh |
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 134 (2003), 271-288. |
29. |
Klein bottle surgery and genera of knots |
with Kazuhiro Ichihara |
Pacific J. Math. 120 (2003), 317-333. |
30. |
Toroidal surgeries on hyperbolic knots, II |
Asian J. Math. 7 (2003), 139-146. |
31. |
The simplest hyperbolic knots with non-integral toroidal surgery |
with Haruko Ishigami |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 12 (2003), 1023-1039. |
32. |
Crosscap numbers of torus knots |
Topology Appl. 138 (2004), 219-238. |
33. |
Klein bottle surgery and genera of knots, II |
with Kazuhiro Ichihara |
Topology Appl. 146-147 (2005), 195-199. |
34. |
On hyperbolic 3-manifolds realizing the maximal distance between toroidal Dehn fillings |
with Hiroshi Goda |
Algebr. Geom. Topol. 5 (2005), 463-507. (available from Math ArXiv) |
35. |
Distance between toroidal surgeries on hyperbolic knots in the 3-sphere |
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), 1051-1075. (available from Math ArXiv) |
36. |
Reducing Dehn fillings and small surfaces |
with Sangyop Lee and Seungsang Oh |
Proc. London Math. Soc. 92 (2006), 203--223.(available from Math ArXiv) |
37. |
On hyperbolic knots realizing the maximal distance between toroidal surgeries |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 15 (2006), 101-119. (available from Math ArXiv) |
38. |
On non-integral Dehn surgeries creating non-orientable surfaces |
Canad. Math. Bull. 49, no.4 (2006), 624-627. |
39. |
Crosscap numbers of 2-bridge knots |
with Mikami Hirasawa |
Topology 45, no. 3 (2006), 513-530. (available from Math ArXiv) |
40. |
Toroidal Dehn fillings on large hyperbolic 3-manifolds |
Comm. Anal. Geom. 14 (2006) 565-601. (available from Math ArXiv) |
41. |
A Seifert fibered manifold with infinitely many knot-surgery descriptions |
International Mathematics Research Notices 2007, Article ID rnm028, 16 pages. |
42. |
Alexander polynomials of doubly primitive knots |
with Kazuhiro Ichihara and Toshio Saito |
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), 605-615. (available from Math ArXiv) |
43. |
Boundary structure of hyperbolic 3-manifolds admitting annuluar and toroidal fillings at large distance |
with Sangyop Lee |
Canadian J. Math. 60 (2008) 164-188. (available from Math ArXiv) |
44. |
Hyperbolic knots with three toroidal Dehn surgeries |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 17 (2008) 1051-1061. (available from Math ArXiv) |
45. |
Non-invertible knots having toroidal Dehn surgery of hitting number four |
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 38 (2008), 447-454. |
46. |
Isolated exceptional Dehn surgeries on hyperbolic knots |
Topology Appl. 156 (2009), 1148-1152. |
47. |
Boundary structure of hyperbolic 3-manifolds admitting toroidal fillings at large distance |
with Sangyop Lee |
Math. Ann. 344 (2009), 119-159. |
48. |
Toroidal Dehn surgery on hyperbolic knots and hitting number |
Topology Appl. 157 (2010), 269-273. |
49. |
Knots yielding homeomorphic lens spaces by Dehn surgery |
with Toshio Saito |
Pacific J. Math. 244, no.1 (2010), 169-192. (available from Math ArXiv) |
50. |
Cyclic surgery between toroidal surgeries |
Canad. Math. Bull. 54 (2011), no. 3, 556-560. |
51. |
Left-orderability and exceptiona Dehn surgery on twist knots |
Canad. Math. Bull. 56 (2013), no. 4, 850-859. (available from Math ArXiv) |
52. |
Left-orderability and exceptiona Dehn surgery on two-bridge knots |
with Adam Clay |
Contemp. Math. 597 (2013), 225-233. (available from Math ArXiv) |
53. |
Left-orderable fundamental group and Dehn surgery on the knot 5_2 |
with Ryoto Hakamata |
Canad. Math. Bull. 57 (2014), no.2, 310-317. (available from Math ArXiv) |
54. |
Left-orderable fundamental group and Dehn surgery on genus one two-bridge knots |
with Ryoto Hakamata |
Algebraic and Geometric Topology 14 (2014), issue 4, 2125-2148. (available from Math ArXiv) |
55. |
Left-orderable, non-L-space surgeries on knots |
with Kimihiko Motegi |
Comm. Anal. Geom. 22 (2014), no. 3, 421-449. (available from Math ArXiv) |
56. |
Four-fold cyclic branched covers of genus one two-bridge knots are L-spaces |
Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana 20 (2014), issue 2, 391-403. |
57. |
Quasi-alternating links and Q-polynomials |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 23 (2014), no.12, 1450068 (6 pages). (available from Math ArXiv) |
58. |
An alternative proof of a theorem of Morimoto on composite tunnel number one links |
59. |
Cyclic branched covers of alternating knot and L-spaces |
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), no.4, 1139--1148. (available from Math ArXiv) |
60. |
Quasi-alternating links and Kauffman polynomials |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 24 (2015), no.7, 1550038(17 pages) |
61. |
Triple crossing numbers of graphs |
with Hiroyuki Tanaka |
Communications in Mathematical Research 32 (2016), no.1, 1-38.(pdf file) |
62. |
Generalized torsion elements in the knot groups of twist knots |
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), no.6, 2677-2682. (available from Math ArXiv) |
63. |
Generalized torsion elements and bi-orderability of 3-manifold groups |
with Kimihiko Motegi |
Canad. Math. Bull. 60 (2017), no.4, 830-844. (available from Math ArXiv) |
64. |
Weight elements of the knot groups of some 3-strand pretzel knots |
Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 98 (2018), no. 2, 305-318. |
65. |
Vanishing nontrivial elements in a knot group by Dehn fillings |
with Kazuhiro Ichihara, Kimihiko Motegi |
Topology and its Applications 264 (2019), 223-232. |
66. |
Generalized torsion and decomposition of 3-manifolds |
with Tetsuya Ito, Kimihiko Motegi |
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), 4999-5008 (available from Math ArXiv) |
67. |
Generalized torsion elements and hyperbolic links |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 29 (2020), no.11, 2050079 (9 pages) (available from Math ArXiv) |
68. |
Nontrivial elements in a knot group which are trivialized by Dehn fillings |
with Tetsuya Ito, Kimihiko Motegi |
International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (2021), no.11, 8297-8321 (available from Math ArXiv) |
69. |
Left orderable surgeries on double twist knots II |
with V. T. Khoi, Anh T. Tran |
Canad. Math. Bull. 64 (2021), no.3, 624-637 |
70. |
Generalized torsion and Dehn filling |
with Tetsuya Ito, Kimihiko Motegi |
Topology and its Applications 301 (2021), Paper No. 107515, 14pp. |
71. |
Identifying non-pseudo-alternating knots by using the free factor property of minimal genus Seifert surfaces |
with Keisuke Himeno |
J. Knot Theory Ramifications 30 (2021), no.9, Paper No.2150072, 20pp. |
72. |
Generalized torsion for knots with arbitrarily high genus |
with Kimihiko Motegi |
Canad. Math. Bull. 65 (2022), no.4, 867-881. (available from Math ArXiv) |
73. |
Hyperbolic L-space knots and their formal semigroups |
Internat. J. Math. 33 (2022), no.12, Paper No.2250080, 30pp. |
74. |
New families of hyperbolic twisted torus knots with generalized torsion |
with Keisuke Himeno |
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 60, no.1 (2023), 867-881. |
75. |
Generalized torsion, unique root property and Baumslag-Solitar relation for knot groups |
with Keisuke Himeno and Kimihiko Motegi |
Hiroshima Math. J. 53 (2023), 1-14. |
76. |
The secondary Upsilon invariant of L-space knots is a concave conjugate |
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 61, no.2 (2024), 469-477. |
77. |
Hyperbolic L-space knots and their Upsilon invariants |
preprint |
78. |
Dehn filling and the knot group I: realization property |
with Tetsuya Ito and Kimihiko Motegi |
preprint |
79. |
Classification of generalized torsion elements of order two in 3-manifold groups |
with Keisuke Himeno and Kimihiko Motegi |
to appear in Topology Appl. |
80. |
Dehn filling and the knot group III: cyclic persistent subgroups |
with Tetsuya Ito and Kimihiko Motegi |
to apear in Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana. |
81. |
An infinite family of chiral, non-slice, non-alternating hyperbolic knots with vanishing Upsilon invariants |
to appear in Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana. |
82. |
Hyperbolic knots with a large toroidal surgery |
with Mario Eudave-Munoz |
to appear in Topology Appl. |
83. |
Homotopy classification of knotted defects in ordered media |
with Yuta Nozaki, Tamas Kalman, Yuya Koda |
to appear in Proc. Royal Soc. A. |
84. |
Hyperbolic L-space knots not concordant to algebraic knots |
with Maciej Borodzik |
preprint |
85. |
Twisted right-angled Artin groups embedded in knot groups |
with Keisuke Himeno |
preprint |
86. |
Hyperbolic knots with arbitrarily high torsion order in knot Floer homology |
with Keisuke Himeno |
preprint |
1. |
in the Proceedings of the 1st East Asian School of Knots, Links and Related Topics |
2. |
広島大学附属東雲中学校数学科・広島大学共同研究プロジェクト |
3. |
2006年 度日本数学会秋 季総合分科会特別講演アブストラクト(加筆修正版) |
4. |
広島大学大学院教育学研究科リサーチオフィス経費プロジェクト |
5. |
広島大学大学院教育学研究科リサーチオフィス経費プロジェクト |
6. |
東京女子大学での講演スライド(2010年3月20日) |
7. |
広島大学学術情報リポジトリ |
8. |
2014年 度教員免許状更 新講習テキスト(2014年8月12日) |
9. |
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要,第66 号,2017,17-24 |
10. |
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要,第67 号,2018,29-37 |
1. |
これだけは知っておきたい教員 のための数学I, 代数・幾何 |
今岡光範,坂本隆則,寺垣内政一,丸尾修共著,培風館,2007年 |
2. |
平面幾何の公理的構築 |
単著,広島大学出版会,2019年 |
Date |
Title |
Place |
1997.2 |
Dehn surgery on genus one knots and Seifert fibered manifolds |
The 5th Korea-Japan School of Knots and Links,KAIST, Korea |
1997.10 |
種数1の結び目のデーン手術によるクライン・ボトルの生成 |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会 |
1997.10 |
Creating Klein bottles by surgery on genus one knots |
研究集会「結び目と低次元多様体」, 大阪商工会議所賢島研修センター |
1998.1 |
結び目のデーン手術による曲面 の構成 |
日本数学会中国・四国支部例会, 山口市共済苑 |
1998.2 |
On tangle decompositions of tunnel number one links |
The 6th Japan-Korea School of Knots and Links, 東 京大学 |
1998.8 |
Creating Klein bottles by surgery on genus one knots |
Knots in Hellas '98,ECCD,Delphi,Greece |
1998.10 |
トンネル数1の絡み目のタングル分解について |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,大阪大学 |
1998.10 |
Crosscap number two knotのDehn surgeryによる射影平面の生成 |
研究集会「結び目の数理」, 関西セミナーハウス |
1999.2 |
Dehn surgery on knots yielding lens spaces |
The 7th Japan-Korea School of Knots and Links, オ クスフォード大学セント・キャサリンズカレッジ神戸インスティチュート |
1999.3 |
Genus one, three-bridge knots are pretzel |
日本数学会年会,学習院大学 |
1999.9 |
Dehn surgeries on knots which yield lens spaces and genera of knots |
The University of Texas at Austin,Texas,U.S.A. |
2000.2 |
Toroidal Dehn fillings and lens spaces |
University of South Alabama,Alabama,U.S.A. |
2000.2 |
Toroidal Dehn fillings and lens spaces |
The University of Texas at Austin,Texas,U.S.A. |
2000.5 |
Toroidal Dehn fillings and lens spaces |
研究集会「Dehn surgery による3次 元多様体の研究」, 数理解析研 究所 |
2000.5 |
Osoinach の論文 の紹介 |
研究集会「Dehn surgery による3次 元多様体の研究」, 数理解析研 究所 |
2000.8 |
Dehn surgery on crosscap number two knots and projective planes |
Knots 2000,Yongpyong Resort,Korea |
2000.9 |
Toroidal Dehn fillings and lens spaces |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,京都大学 |
2000.10 |
Toroidal Dehn fillings and lens spaces |
研究集会「結び目の不変量と幾何構造」, 大阪市立大学文化交流センター |
2000.12 |
Toroidal surgery on hyperbolic knots |
東京女子大学トポロジーセミナー,東京女子大学 |
2001.5 |
Links with surgery yielding the 3-sphere |
広島大学トポロジーセミナー,広島大学 |
2001.10 |
Toroidal Dehn surgeries on hyperbolic knots |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,九州大学 |
2001.12 |
Klein bottlal surgery and genera of knots |
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーIV」, 大阪市立大学 |
2002.6 |
Crosscap numbers of torus knots |
広島大学トポロジーセミナー,広島大学 |
2002.6 |
Crosscap numbers of torus knots |
松江位相数学国際会議,島根大学 |
2002.8 |
Dehn surgeries creating Klein bottles and genera of knots |
Conference in Geometric Topology,Shaanxi Normal University,China |
2002.9 |
Non-orientable genera of torus knots |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,島根大学 |
2002.10 |
Non-orientable genera of torus knots |
研究集会「結び目と多様体の幾何と代数」,大阪市立大学文化交流センター |
2002.11 |
Toroidal surgeries on hyperbolic knots |
Korea University |
2002.11 |
Toroidal surgeries on hyperbolic knots |
研究集会「Japan-Korea School of 3-manifolds」,奈良女子大学 |
2003.6 |
Crosscap numbers of 2-bridge knots |
広島大学トポロジーセミナー,広島大学 |
2003.9 |
Integral toroidal surgeries on hyperbolic knots |
研究集会「結び目と多様体の幾何と代数II」, 甲南大学 |
2003.9 |
Crosscap numbers of 2-bridge knots |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,千葉大学 |
2004.2 |
Toroidal surgery on hyperbolic knots |
The First East Asian School of Knots,Links and Related Topics,Seoul,Korea |
2004.5 |
Distance between toroidal surgeries on hyperbolic knots in the 3-sphere |
広島大学トポロジーセミナー,広島大学 |
2004.7 |
Distance between toroidal surgeries on hyperbolic knots in the 3-sphere |
First KOOK Seminar International Conference for Knot Theory and Related Topics, 淡路夢舞台国際会議場 |
2004.12 |
On hyperbolic knots realizing the maximal distance between toroidal surgeries |
3rd Japan-Mexico Joint Meeting on Topology and Its Applications,Oaxaca,Mexico |
2004.12 |
On hyperbolic knots realizing the maximal distance between toroidal surgeries |
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーⅦ」, 東京女子大学 |
2005.2 |
On hyperbolic 3-manifolds realizing the maximal distance between toroidal fillings |
研究集会「東北結び目セミナー in 秋田」,秋田市民交流プラザ |
2005.3 |
On hyperbolic knots realizing the maximal distance between toroidal surgeries |
Korea University |
2005.5 |
Lens space surgeries on doubly primitive knots |
広島大学トポロジーセミナー,広島大学 |
2005.8 |
Alexander polynomials of doubly primitive knots |
研究集会「結び目と多様体の幾何と代数Ⅲ」, 甲南大学 |
2005.12 |
Exceptional Dehn fillings at large distance |
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーⅧ」, 早稲田大学 |
2006.5 |
Hyperbolic knots with multiple exceptional Dehn surgeries |
国際研究集会「Knots, Groups and 3-Manifolds in Marseille 2006」,Universite de Provence, Marseille, France |
2006.6 |
Hyperbolic knots with multiple exceptional Dehn surgeries |
広島大学トポロジーセミナー,広島大学 |
2006.8 |
Crosscap numbers of torus knots |
Workshop on Crosscap Number, 支笏湖休暇村 |
2006.9 |
結び目のレンズ空間手術,ザイフェルト手術及びトロイダル手術 |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,大阪市立大学 |
2006.12 |
A Seifert fibered manifold with infinitely many knot-surgery descriptions |
研究集会「結び目のトポロジーIX」, 日本大学 |
2006.12 |
On fiberedness of knots with lens space surgeries |
上智トポロジー研究集会2006, 上智大学 |
2007.2 |
A Seifert fibered manifold with infinitely many knot-surgery descriptions |
国際研究集会「結び目・絡み目に関する第3回 東アジアスクール」,大阪市立大学 |
2007.7 |
Hyperbolic knots with three toroidal Dehn surgeries |
広島大学トポロジーセミナー,広島大学 |
2007.12 |
Hyperbolic knots with three toroidal Dehn surgeries |
International Conference on Topology and its Applications 2007,京都大学 |
2008.9 |
Knots yielding homeomorphic lens spaces by Dehn surgery |
Topology seminar,UNAM(メ キシコ国立自治大学),Mexico |
2008.9 |
Arrangement of exceptional Dehn surgery |
Topology seminar,UNAM(メ キシコ国立自治大学),Mexico |
2008.10 |
Knots yielding homeomorphic lens spaces by Dehn surgery |
研究集会「Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology」,大阪市立大学 |
2009.1 |
Knots yielding homeomorphic lens spaces by Dehn surgery |
国際研究集会「Knots in Washington XXVII」,George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA |
2009.7 |
Knots obtained from the minimally twisted five chain link and lens space surgery |
Workshop「Simplicial Complexes Arising in Low-Dimensional Topology」, 東京工業大学 |
2010.2 |
Triple crossing numbers of graphs |
結び目の数理セミナー「Knotting Nagoya」,名古屋工業大学 |
2010.3 |
Triple crossing numbers of graphs |
研究集会「結び目理論」,東京女子大学 |
2011.1 |
Boundary reducing knots in handlebodies |
国際研究集会「第7回結び目理論に関する東アジアスクール」,広島大学 |
2012.3 |
2橋結び目の例外的デーン手術と左不変順序 |
日本数学会年会,東京理科大学 |
2012.6 |
ツイスト結び目の例外的デーン手術と左不変順序 |
広島大学トポロジーセミナー,広島大学 |
2013.1 |
Left-orderable fundamental group and Dehn surgery on twist knots |
The 9th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 東京大学 |
2013.3 |
ツイスト結び目の例外的デーン手術と左不変順序 |
日本数学会年会,京都大学 |
2013.5 |
Left-orderable fundamental groups and Dehn surgery on two-bridge knots |
Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology, 京都大学 |
2013.9 |
Cyclic branched covers of genus one two-bridge knots and L-spaces |
International Conference on Topology and Geometry 2013, 島根大学 |
2013.9 |
2橋結び目の巡回分岐被覆空間とL空 間 |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,愛媛大学 |
2014.6 |
Quasi-alternating links and Q-polynomials |
東京女子大学トポロジーセミナー,東京女子大学 |
2015.2 |
Cyclic branched covers of knots and L-spaces |
Branched Coverngs, Degenarations, and Related Topics 2015,東北学院大学 |
2015.3 |
擬交代絡み目とQ多 項式 |
日本数学会年会,明治大学 |
2015.6 |
Generalized torsion elements in the knot groups of twist knots |
広島大学トポロジー幾何セミナー,広島大学 |
2015.8 |
Quasi-alternating links and Kauffman polynomials |
拡大KOOKセ ミナー,神戸大学 |
2015.9 |
擬交代絡み目とKauffman多 項式 |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,京都産業大学 |
2015.10 |
Generalized torsion elements in the knot groups of twist knots |
Geometry and Topology of Low-dimensional Manifolds,奈良女子大学 |
2015.11 |
Generalized torsion elements in the knot groups of twist knots |
The 1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications,Min Nan Normal University, China |
2016.3 |
ツイスト結び目の結び目群に含まれる共役ねじれ元 |
日本数学会年会,筑波大学 |
2016.6 |
Quasi-alternating links and polynomial invariants |
離散群と双曲空間のトポロジーと解析,京都大学数理解析研究所 |
2017.1 |
Generalized torsion elements and bi-orderability of 3-manifold groups |
3-manifold workshop, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, United Kingdom |
2017.3 |
3次元多様体の基本群に含まれる共役ねじれ元と両側不変順序 |
日本数学会年会,首都大学東京 |
2017.6 |
Normal closures of slope elements in knot groups and the peripheral Magnus property |
広島大学トポロジー幾何セミナー,広島大学 |
2017.8 |
3次元多様体の基本群に含まれる共役ねじれ元と両側不変順序 |
拡大KOOKセミナー2017,大阪工業大学 |
2017.11 |
Generalized torsion elements and bi-orderability of 3-manifold groups |
The 2nd Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications, Novotel, Busan, Korea |
2018.2 |
Generalized torsion and Dehn surgery |
Topology Seminar, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
2018.9 |
長さ3のプレッツェル結び目の結び目群の正規生成元 |
日本数学会秋季総合分科会,岡山大学 |
2019.3 |
fractional Fibonacci groupに含まれるgeneralized torsion |
研究集会「Geometric topology of low dimensions」,日本大学 |
2019.6 |
Generalized torsion in 3-manifold groups and normal closures of slope elements |
研究集会「Ordered groups and rigidity in dynamics and topology」,BIRS-CMO,Mexico |
2020.2 |
Formal semigroups and Alexander polynomials of doubly primitive knots |
Mini-Symposium「Knot Theory on Okinawa」,OIST,Japan |
2020.9 |
Generalized torsion elements and hyperbolic links |
研究集会「拡大KOOKセミナー2020」(オンライン) |
2021.3 |
双曲絡み目と共役ねじれ元 |
日本数学会年会,慶應義塾大学(オンライン) |
2021.6 |
Generalized torsion elements and hyperbolic links |
Workshop「Knots, surfaces and 3-manifolds」,BIRS-CMO(オンライン) |
2021.8 |
Identifying non-pseudo-alternating knots by using the free factor property of minimal genus Seifert surfaces |
結び目の数理セミナーKnotting Nagoya(オンライン) |
2021.10 |
Generalized torsion elements in 3-manifold groups |
Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar(オンライン) |
2021.10 |
Identifying non-pseudo-alternating knots by using the free factor property of minimal genus Seifert surfaces |
N-KOOKセミナー(オンライン) |
2022.3 |
L-space knotの形式的半群について |
微分トポロジー`22(オンライン) |
2022.9 |
双曲的L空間結び目の形式的半群について |
北陸結び目セミナー,金沢大学サテライト・プラザ |
2023.3 |
双曲的L空間結び目のUpsilon不変量について |
日本数学会年会,中央大学 |
2023.3 |
Hyperbolic L-space knots and their Upsilon invariants |
Breadth in low-dimensional topology,日本大学 |
2023.5 |
Upsilon and secondary Upsilon invariants of L-space knots |
Intelligence of Low-dimesional Topology,京都大学数理解析研究所(オンライン) |
2023.9 |
Generralized torsion elements of order two in 3-manifold groups |
Iberoamerican and Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and its Applications,Puebla, Mexico (オンライン) |
2023.11 |
Chiral hyperbolic knots with vanishing Upsilon invariants |
Topology and Geometry of Low-dimensional Manifolds,島根大学 |
2023.12 |
Generalized torsion elements and their orders |
Knots with special properties: a conference to celebrate Mario Eudave-Munoz's 60th birthday, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan in Merida, Mexico |
2023.12 |
Band surgery on knots and links |
WPI-SKCM2, 2023 Winter school, 広島大学 |
2024.1 |
4次元から3次元へ |
東京農工大学セミナー, 東京農工大学 |
2024.3 |
Detection of chirality |
WPI-SKCM2, 2024 Spring symposium, 奈良春日野国際フォーラム |